3.25 Wrecker's SWAPPABLE MINIONS: Stress-Free Builds & Filters | 1-Button, HC SSF, Pure Item Freedom
" Right on, and thanks for the cheers! So without any further ado, here is my current build at level 95. It was a pain to get cluster jewels set up properly in PoEplanner, so I went with this as a solution. I hope some readers will be able to draw some inspiration out of it, I burned through some 90 orbs of regret worth of changes over the last two levels :) Some observations and notes to go along with it: 1. HP-wise I've become somewhat of a life/ES hybrid. This is mainly me capitalizing on that massive ES roll I got on my chest armour. It is enough to take the brunt of most bigger hits while making the smaller ones tickle somewhat :) 2. Mana is a bit in short supply, as is mana regeneration. There's little room to level Clarity further as is, since I need to cast skeletons quite frequently in content such as Delve or Heist. I could solve that with item mods I guess? 3. My max resists are a little lower than on Wrecker's tree clocking in at 79 elemental, 76 chaos. Since I'm no longer running Vitality and Arrogance Support I gave up on the +1 to max resists when you have reserved life and mana, and I don't have enough points to go for Soul of Steel. Instead I have +1 from the Searing Exarch implicit on my chest armour, and +3 from the Prismatic Skin cluster I made a beeline for (some nice life and strength nodes on the way!). There's another rather easy +1 to reach along the route (Anointed Flesh), but I opted to go for extra chaos resistance by taking the Asylum wheel. A Blight anointment for max resists could be a good replacement, but these usually require the rare silver and golden oils. 4. I'm using two cluster jewels, one for minion life and one for extra armour and block chance. This gave me a little breathing space points-wise in order to invest a little in maximum mana and mana regeneration. 5. That Squire shield is a rare drop or clocks in at several divines if you're playing in trade. Without it, I would have focused solely on the Reaper as an offensive option and probably would have stayed closer to Wrecker's gem setup. 6. I'm still using the normal Reaper gem and a physical/bleed damage setup, mainly in order to deal with pesky rares with the Soul Eater or Life Regen mods (or even worse, both of them at the same time). Still not sure if I should switch to the Unnatural Strength ascendancy and chaos damage, and Reaper of Revenants. 7. The Carrion Golem is purely there for support in the form of a little extra damage. He does get eaten every one in a while, but it's an easy resummon. Button-wise you can't really consider it one-button anymore, but it's still not too intense since you're pretty much summoning skeletons, using the Reaper's ultimate when necessary, and doing the occasional Signal Prey and golem resummon. Really exciting to see where this will end up once the pluses to skill gem levels (hopefully!) start rolling in :) |
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" Agreed. I understand that the OP likes PoE Planner, and it's fine, but there are a lot of us that don't care for it. PoB is much easier for me to use and find the information that I'm looking for. |
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" Thank you for taking the time to share your builds with us! I enjoyed your Stress-Free zombies build years ago and I look you up every time I come back to PoE. I've copied the builds (tree, skills, basic gear, and notes) from poeplanner to PoB and here are the links. Hopefully they work out, I'm no PoB expert: 3.24 Bone Zombies: https://pobb.in/8D809VaPm1wg 3.24 Righteous Bond: https://pobb.in/QQjs3AtQfmo5 3.24 Bone Reaper: https://pobb.in/4I79OhIRZPgx Zuletzt bearbeitet von nbrpg#0101 um 19.06.2024, 14:49:26
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ty for bone zombie build.
im doing it as a scion , relaying on regen. so far its a ton of fun. |
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How its possible to be tanky and have nice dmg without items. I rly dont get it where it come from :D
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" the tankyness is good, my damage is pretty bad atm at level 84 but im still using a 4 link setup on my zombies lol. SSF is very fun, found shaper's seed amulet (4% life regen)and Ahn's heritage shield (+2 max all ress) and desiced to run a scion and pick necromancer and guardian on scion tree. on a 6 link i think the damage should feel ok. IGN: SSF_go_with_the_flow if annyone1 want to discuss Scion build variant :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von ryaka00#4593 um 03.07.2024, 11:24:12
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if you have a 6 socketed body with 4 links socketed and 2 links socked on it , you can use the 2 sockets for cast when damage taken and skeletons. cwdt lvl 1 and summon skeletons level 8. its an easy way for more defence. |
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@Wrecker_of_Days do you think not having unnatural strenght is a big deal?
i am asking cuz im doing bonezombiebuild with scion. |
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"Hey, nbrpg! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply to your kind words. I've been out of town a while! I really appreciate your note. A lot. Thanks for taking the time to pass it on. I hope I didn't offend by taking so long to respond. I really appreciate it! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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"I'm glad you're enjoying it, ryaka00! Thanks for passing it on. I like the Scion. Good luck! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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