[3.24] 💥💫 The (Arch)Blade Blast Unloader 🗡️🔪🔫 - Screenwide 30m-55m Pinnacle DPS? Say yes to FUN!

any SSF friendly pobs? I have all the unique(s) besides Ralakesh.
This is my 1-Link Low-Life Impale version of the build:
Non-Head Hunter Version:

Head Hunter Version:

Extra QOL's
- Immune/100% avoid to : Corrupted blood, Poison, Bleed, Freeze (pantheon)
- 70+%Chaos Res
- Bit More Tanky
- Longer duration for the Brand (impossible Escape to Mage Bane)
- High EHP even without Flasks up
- Spell Suppress
- PDR ignore for enemies (consistent deeps)

Budget would be around <20 divs

the only high cost here:
Crest of desire with power charge:approx 2-4 div (at +7 level)
Ralakesh Impatience - approx 3-4 divs
Utula's - < 100c (enough QOL with 4 link but you can push with 5 L to add efficacy support)
Cluster Jewels: approx 2 div total
Watcher's eye with pride impale - 1-3 divs depending on other mod
Light Of meaning - approx 4 divs

possible upgrades -
Diamond flask to Bottled faith?
other better flasks
Crest of Desire + 8 with power charges
Cluster jewels to have better extra slots

Thank you for the BBoU concept Primaeva! having a blast running and Blasting around This League
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zynthee#4542 um 02.09.2024, 00:16:22
Holla any1 playing saboteur so i can follow the pob?
I am playing physical atm
It is criminal theres no crafting guides on here
There is literally nothing unique in any piece of gear slot, you can find all the info on YT. It's base +2 spell damage wand if you want to go 2x rare wands (if not - badge/malachai's loop+void battery or 2x void batteries), basic spell suppression/res/life rare pieces, unless you want ralakesh and impale gloves, body armour of your choice.
Enjoying playing this build a ton so far (been using the 2-3 div version), but I'm looking to be a bit more safe/tanky and take fewer hits overall because I'm on an old video card so sometimes the FPS drops with lots of mobs onscreen + tons of particles tanks my FPS which makes me cast slower.

Would the cold convert build make sense for this? I thought it might help if I'm killing and freezing stuff far away/offscreen. If so, is the 3.24 cold convert build "v3.0 HIGH BUDGET COLD CONVERT SABOTEUR (75m + Freeze)" in the first post the best one to use?

Got about 20div to work with atm but I can probably farm up a few more. Thank y'all in advance for any advice you can offer!
Thinking about running it again in NecroSettlers.
Ghosted rare wands should make for good zoomzoom, but undecided which version to go for. Cold? Mana? Phys?

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