[3.23] Eye of Winter Triggerbot Assassin: >5000 projectiles per second (update + league start guide)
" Thank you for the reply! I am trying to use Armageddon brand as long as possible to get currency to build the Eye of winter setup. Do you have any recommendations as to what I could do to make my character better? (Still pretty new) Maybe switch some stuff around and get clusters? I'm not really sure though. https://pobb.in/cXxRxllwzCKW This is my current setup. I'm doing yellow maps pretty well but the buffed essence and wildwood monsters are starting to take a while to kill. Going to attempt to craft that wand next, will be my first craft ever haha! |
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" You have a good amount of % damage, so your best damage upgrades would be increasing gem levels. Buy scepters with fractured +1 to fire spells and hit them with a % spell damage essence. They will be big improvements over what you currently have and should be cheap at this point in the league (both the bases and a few essences). Or just buy something suitable off trade. Defensively, finish capping chaos res and get the eternal damnation setup in. You can continue using it after you swap skills. FYI if you need currency and are petering out in red maps, you can farm essences, beasts, and Alva temples in low level maps and they’re just as good as at higher tiers |
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" Thank you much! |
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Hi there,
First off, thanks for this beautiful build. I fell in love with the symmetry of projectile paths and satisfying crunch of herald explosions, and I'm running this build now in affliction with lvl92 saboteur with no eldritch battery/stormshrowd. The next step is to switch to assassin ascendancy, and I was wondering if there's some recommended currency farm/league mechanic that this build works well with? For context, the current price in affliction league for forbidden flesh/flame trigger bot is at around 9+25 divs. I'm essence farming T1 maps with alva, which is generating stable income. I am thinking to scale up by farming more difficult league content. Some content though are CPU heavy(beyond, delirium) and doesn't play well with the 1700 projectiles(at least for my CPU/GPU). I was wondering what other activities would this build excel in. Again thank you for this build and guides, and any and all comments are welcome! |
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how is the dps calculated for this build?
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" Average hit value per shard (from PoB with appropriate config) x shards per Eye of Winter (31) x ratio of shards that hit enemy (~0.5) x [Brand activations per second from Brand Recall + Brand activations per second from attached brands] Video guide has step-by-step example of dps calculation For my gear in 3.23, average hit per shard was just over 160k (very min-maxed). Do not tick the "skill is targetting the branded enemy" box in PoB; it is not applicable for brand recall generated Eyes. With the Mageblood tree, you'll get about 1700 shards per second (not very gear dependent, it's very easy to get ~1500/s and very very hard to get it over 1750/s). Assuming about half of the shards hit given proper positioning, DPS estimate is about 140M. Zuletzt bearbeitet von _Atollo_#3775 um 26.02.2024, 01:39:35
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I killed all ubers and farming last challenge for the 38/40 MTX and was planning to take a break but got mirror drop and wanted to make some fun and strong build for the end of league.
I was planning to make Penance Brand Power Charge stack Trickster because it looks tanky and strong as hell but I discovered your build and this got me really interested. Is the mirror enough (probbaly will sell for like 1000-1400 divines, not sure how hard is to sell mirror) to make the more expensive version of this build? I already have mageblood. At first glance it looks doable, theres one Lorewave with + projectile skills for 40 divs. Forbidden jewels are pretty cheap. Did not looked yet at other stuff. Is this build vulnerable to some random one shoots and like "kill everything before it hits you" or tanky enough? I play SC but I don't like random deaths. |
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Automation support is a pretty big buff for this build. It'll cost another socket on an already socket-starved build, but it removes the requirement of crafting an unveiled trigger weapon which was a big sticking point in the early league. You can also use the double-trigger tech to increase DPS by 50% (and nuke your framerate). You used to need to dual wield wands to do this, but now you can use it with a wand/shield; this is a huge buff IMO because the build really wants the defensive stats from a shield. I'll update the guide to include some thoughts on automation support when I have a chance.
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Thinking about league starting this, curious on ur opinion of purchase order in league start. Mostly for Loreweave/Nimis/Eternal Damnation, what order to get those. Excited to see changes with the Automation support.
Maybe just a full finished PoB for endgame with all the uniques and everything properly setup would be helpful as well. Zuletzt bearbeitet von KylePlaysGames#1587 um 20.03.2024, 20:07:09
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" If skills / interactions survive patch notes, I can try to polish the PoBs. My pobb.in from Affliction and Ancestors are a good reference point for endgame though. Nimis is your biggest damage upgrade, Loreweave/ED is your biggest defensive upgrade. Prioritize as you see fit. I personally enedd up getting Loreweave/ED first just because of cost (although teased changes to boss drops and div cards might change pricing of boss uniques like Nimis in Necropolis). Cap your chaos res before getting Loreweave / ED online. FYI, not the most efficient league starter, but it’s fun. You’ve been warned Zuletzt bearbeitet von _Atollo_#3775 um 21.03.2024, 14:52:03
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