[3.23] Shockwave Cyclone Build (Chaos) | Berserker | Affliction | Path of Exile 3.23

Going to give it a go!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tqmidge um 05.12.2023, 14:04:12
I will give it a go, do you think it will work well in affliction? Also what about ascendancy that is in these tunnels? Which one to pick?
I will give it a go, do you think it will work well in affliction? Also what about ascendancy that is in these tunnels? Which one to pick?
Hello here,
Is it viable to play it with the crown of eyes instead of the battlemage spam and then put another shield with max flat STR on it (and other line we want)?
The link to the passive tree is not working. Is there a way to fix I have been following this guide for awile now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Khaster6 um 14.12.2023, 18:41:18
do u have a loot filter? i cant find it
well, as the thread look dead i'll give a resume of the xp I have with this build.

Nice life, Nice satisfaction de see strength up little by little each days (2K)

But playstyle is not that good.
Have to spam battlemage cry, because if not = you don't dps.
If you spam , 1st time is cool, Max rage, then other time you loos rage (untill you are under 25 rage).
So you loose DPS each time you cry, but you have to o you do no DPS.

Alternative with Crown of eyes + good shield with STR/RES/LIFE/Other is less "boring" and you don't loose your time spaming.
Also need glove with rage and/or change ascend so you'll stay max rage.

With 2K+ STR, and the invest it ask, the DPS is really below average .
Also, POB DPS isn't really your DPS, with my set up i'm about 10M DPS, and it look like 2M DPS.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ekkja um 15.12.2023, 20:52:11
Khaster6 schrieb:
The link to the passive tree is not working. Is there a way to fix I have been following this guide for awile now.

Use the POB
This build does not work with any 2handed weapon? would be cool
Hi, does this build have a budget version?
Especially with lvl 50-90 period which you cannot get all the uniques yet, any cheaper alternate option in each slot, especially shield and body armor? Thanks.

P/s: I cannot go to the end-game skill tree, it keeps loading for eternity, any one has the same problem?

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