What do you mean by ‘slightly delayed’? Are we talking about minutes or possibly hours? It’s 2:30 in the morning here
MS Xbox queue.1552 in queue. Gonna be a huge spike tonight.
Mickdabrick schrieb:
I have same problem at blood altar. Circle keeps spinning and does not load
Yea me too, but i thought it was a Steam Deck bug like so many other bugs on Steam Deck.... And i live with it since i cant get my self to sit the de desk playing on my computer when its so more comfy on the couch with the Steam Deck...
1426 in queue woot!
Tonst3r schrieb:
I'm not sure if GGG is seeing why this mechanic is so toxic.
- I can half-channel 4 times in the duration it takes to complete one full-channel encounter. Assuming I don't get magically 1-shot through my 50k armor and 88 max res.
- Even as a very tanky jug that can eat pinnacle boss mechanics that shouldn't be possible...I still have to be terrified and kite a full-channel crucible in a map with "nothing scary" mods.
- The result of these is "I just half-channel every crucible and it's totally fine" except when being something like 2/3 channeled somehow results in 3 rares, multiple magic monsters and the difficulty of a full channel. Ties into next point.
- Channel doesn't stop immediately when you let-go, making it even harder to
find that "sweet spot" where you don't spawn a rare. For a while I was settling for half-channels to try being time-efficient...then randomly one slid slightly over half after letting-go and I got 3 GG rares that went ballistic and killed me. I finally hit my mental limit and stopped it altogether.
- Clearing the surrounding area, standing there channeling, then possibly kiting, all feel absolutely terrible when there's literally zero profit and you're losing more time to just get currency.
- These give no currency. The amount of reveals I did to only get one "20 chaos" vendor reward...I missed about 100c of natural drops in all the wasted time just for that. The remnants are cool...but require your well-known worst trade system in the industry which is unfortunate. All your most-loved league mechanics just spit-out currency to fuel more trading, crafting, etc.
Everytime you've released a terribly overtuned RIP-skip mechanic like this, it gets a damage nerf. Legion, Sentinel, Betrayal, a few others at least, all needed their damage reduced. Here you JUST reduced HP. That's concerning.
It's not that "FULL CHANNEL HARD BE READY" it's that "Fully channel will just kill any build regardless of how tanky you are unless you drastically overgear it."
So the design is to skip/ignore the mechanic until you're drastically overgearing the content you're doing and purposely not making the content harder (more map juicing etc) so you can just farm your cruicible trees and make near-no currency for hours on-end? Holy cow that doesn't sound fun.
EDIT: Idk how I forgot to mention this, but keeping an extra item in your inventory (off-hand isn't helpful because we're leveling gems there) feels absolutely god awful.
Worst league mechanic by far even Kalandra was better which was zero new content. It all went down after Scourge league. Archnemesis league mechanic where you had so much customization on a rewards and monsters was the last interesting and fun one.
They had extra month but i don't know where they spend it because this mechanic is a total joke in every way possible.
Not gonna bother with it any more, they don't even wanna fix obvious failures with splitting mechanic or implement buttons on charging Crucible. I never ever quit any league even close so soon as this. I love Poe but this league is just a waste of time :)
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience. Zuletzt bearbeitet von TizeNO#2673 um 12.04.2023, 21:37:05
Beitrag vonTizeNO#2673am 12.04.2023, 21:17:19
No loot changes?
Please give us a "What we're working on" post like you used to, people are desperately waiting for updates on the few obvious critical problems with crucible, would be reassuring knowing they are being worked on!
Beitrag vonggEASYY#7776am 12.04.2023, 22:17:52
Riverwind77 schrieb:
Bet latest patch didnt fix anything of the addresed above.
It really didnt do that much.. the drops are still non existant, the game feels back to 3.19 drop wise and AN is back. Farm crucible at t10-13 for a spin on a weapon maybe you get a currency node or maybe you get some currency shards on the NPC.
So dev's I see the new patch changing some things on the UI but no mention on:
crucible bosses still being stupidly tanky, ZERO DROPS, AN back into the entire game and ZERO DROPS in general.
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."
Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.
poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Beitrag vonXystre#4581am 12.04.2023, 23:01:58
ggEASYY schrieb:
Please give us a "What we're working on" post like you used to, people are desperately waiting for updates on the few obvious critical problems with crucible, would be reassuring knowing they are being worked on!
I agree!
3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
Beitrag vonvahu#5057am 12.04.2023, 23:30:06Gesperrt