[3.23] [SC+HC] Summon Homing Missiles (SRS) Necromancer: Starting, Leveling & Endgame Mapping

I found that at very start (T1, T2, T3) regular SRS does a bit better than slow casting new SRS. Simply because I can cast them more frequently and pauses are lower.

And very major question for me - can I play this build with HH ?
I can try to roll +15% all res HH, but is it possible ?

My main goal is to do feared myself (which is super hard for me all the time)

Zuletzt bearbeitet von pkirill#6393 um 11.12.2023, 13:19:27
Any advice for the new season trees (Warden, Warlock, Primalist)?
pkirill schrieb:
I found that at very start (T1, T2, T3) regular SRS does a bit better than slow casting new SRS. Simply because I can cast them more frequently and pauses are lower.

I'll admit that I had no idea how easy it'd be to get ahold of a transfigured gem; I spent launch weekend still on Standard, getting a feel for the new lab. I'm still not 100% positive, but I didn't really expect someone to be able to get a transfigured SRS until they could grind some eternal lab, unless they got really lucky. (your main bet is to use the craft for "transmute a skill gem into a random transfigured variant" which always gets this for SRS since it has exactly 1 transfigured variant)

But yes, earlier on, this extra damage is likely overkill.

pkirill schrieb:
And very major question for me - can I play this build with HH ?
I can try to roll +15% all res HH, but is it possible ?

My main goal is to do feared myself (which is super hard for me all the time)

HH only really helps when your own DPS benefits heavily from monster mods. It's definitely not an "all builds" buff. This build sees very minimal benefits from it, so I would not use it.

If you're specifically doing boss fights, then the DoT ground from (Replica) Siegebreaker matters little, and I'd recommend trying a Mageblood instead. Go with a fairly standard setup: granite, quicksilver & silver with suffixes (in no order) for increased armour, movespeed, and cast speed. Last flask slot should be a resistance flask of your choice; base the pick on which boss gives you the most trouble, (e.g, Sapphire for Shaper/Elder, Ruby for Atziri, Amethyst for Chayula) but I'd likely recommend a suffix for ignite immunity. (as you can potentially survive Uber Atziri's flameblast hit... Only to promptly die to the ignite it always gives)
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Freselmann schrieb:
Any advice for the new season trees (Warden, Warlock, Primalist)?

for this build i took warlock of the mists, pointing to foul pact
Zuletzt bearbeitet von xDemoniA#6196 um 12.12.2023, 00:55:50
Freselmann schrieb:
Any advice for the new season trees (Warden, Warlock, Primalist)?

The passive I've seen through PoB don't seem that great, but the charms have the potential to be pretty strong. Granted, there's not much potential to increase clear speed, but defenses and QoL could benefit. A few mods that stuck out to me:

  • Guardian's: While there are at least five nearby Allies, you and nearby Allies have Onslaught - Since we tend to have 7-8 zombies, a golem, and a variable number of SRS nearby, this is basically free onslaught for us & our minions. Most notable is the movespeed, but also cast speed for us. Note that the other sources of onslaught are only when you make a kill, and generally it's your minions making a kill, so those mods are worthless.

  • Of the Guardian: Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you - Overall strong defensive mod for anyone.

  • Occultist's: Cursed Enemies you or your Minions Kill have a (11–15)% chance to Explode, dealing a quarter of their maximum Life as Chaos Damage - Very strong pack-clear mod, particularly since it applies to our minions as well.

  • Juggernaut's 3% of Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits - Deceptively strong mod. Armour is far better than most give it credit for, and if you have even just 10k armour, that's 300 applying to elemental hits; hits that deal 540 damage after resistance (which is calculated before reduction) will result in 10% damage reduction. Since your biggest threat with this build is getting swarmed before your SRS can nuke packs, this softens a huge threat.

Ironically, none of the Necromancer-named mods are actually good for this build, since they're all centered around permanent minions.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Hey, just chiming in here to say I'm loving this build, I tweaked it a little to my liking (very small changes) and I'm enjoying it, I'm running Rituals, Expedition and Blight and they're super trivial, I'm doing red maps now with pretty scuffed gear just to cap my resists
Also if ur using Enormity SRS, just avoid Temporal Chains, it's superr annoying
I just got into maps with a 5l chest. I got luck and got the transfigured srs in my first trial. I'm struggling to get more than 3 srs up at once. Is this normal?
ACGIFT schrieb:
Phoenixbl schrieb:
I am just curious why are awe taking Indomitable Army passive when it just gives defences and not life or damage to our skull boys?

You need a Minion Defense mastery in order to take the mastery for 30% increased minion life. I've been trying to test it at low level of late, and in my next PoB revision I'll likely remove it at low levels, because the resists make the explosions take longer to occur. Once you have Tavukai, this is no longer the case.

Pretma schrieb:
I league started this build and I'm enjoying, I was just wondering would Legacy of Fire proc SRS explosion?

I'm assuming you mean Legacy of Fury... And its proc only triggers when we kill, not our minions. So it is not helpful to us. (though the scorch it applies is universal, so it technically increases our DPS, at the cost of requiring us stick near enough to the enemy)

Upss schrieb:
the best atlas for srs what to farm? how to build an atlas

For the most part, SRS is fairly "universal," but less "zoom zoom" than most popular farm builds. So I'd recommend content where extreme-clearspeed builds like Tornado Shot & Flicker Strike see less benefit.

This will include more boss-heavy stuff: so it fares better at Maven invite farming vs. Eldritch altars, for instance. (meanwhile Tornado Shot almost exclusively farms altars, not Maven invites)

As far as league-type content, here's ones that I've noted it does pretty well with:

  • Expedition - Almost certainly the one content where this build shines above all others more than anything. The only remnant to look out for is making them immune to fire damage. (Crit immunity can sting with a new build for crit, but otherwise is no big deal) Everything else? It ignores them. Annoying enemy directional shields? It ignores them. Wards? Overwhelms them.

  • Blight - One of my favorites. Can definitely do full blight-ravaged, (assuming your computer can handle it...) and is pretty chill. I recommend building primarily for stunning & other CC towers, as this build offers amazing clear for blight lanes. Only warning is that due to the delay in explosions, you need to make sure the mobs are cleared before they get close, otherwise it can be too late.

  • Harvest - Super trivial; just keep a few spirits placed on the crop as they spawn, and they always die instantly.

  • Sanctum - Not as experienced, but it seems to work great. Which figures, given it's a "stay away from the mobs" build, and generally totems, traps/mines, and minions are preferred here.

  • Essence - Easiest essence farm I've ever done. You can pre-summon a few before clicking the essence the third time, and even at T16 with rippy mods this usually insta-deletes them, and even if they don't, you can easily hang back safely. This works for memory essence farm as well.

  • Bestiary (Einhar) - Lotsa big, tough monsters that won't insta-die due to them only freezing once a net is thrown, which makes this pretty ideal.

  • Harbinger - While hanging back means that the mobs will often get warped to you, as long as you stay mobile your safe, and SRS here offers great area coverage to quickly delete them.

  • Strongboxes (Ambush) - I mean, everyone takes these anyway, but dropping a couple SRS before popping them makes them go almost instantly.

Now, for a list of builds I recommend against farming with this, mostly because the content tends to get the spirits stuck on adds that slow you down a lot. This can do these forms of content, but it'll definitely feel less-than-ideal:

  • Delve/Incursion/Syndicate (Niko/Alva/Jun) - I'm a little harsh on it for Syndicate (it handles the Syndicate members rather well) but it definitely doesn't do great in Research encounters. Similarly, Incursions & Delving aren't as fast, and the former's harder because they're still "minion kills" which award half the time of normal kills.

  • Legion - Sadly, while the DPS is phenomenal, the dense crowd of frozen mobs means you have to physically get next to the major targets to drop an SRS; this is really bad. If you're maining SRS, I recommend blocking Legion.

  • Breach - Similarly, as mobs trickle in from all directions at once, this generally is too much for SRS to cover. If you can spot a breachlord with more than a couple seconds left you can delete them easy, though. Still not great.

  • Ultimatum(?) - I skipped Ultimatum, and only got to try it a little, so I'm hardly 100% on it. It seems to be as chaotic as Breach, so getting coverage of all the enemies in time is a bit hard. Might be fine with actual skill, but I don't know.

Other stuff I've not mentioned are about middling; they're fine once you have skill with the mechanics, though not perfect.

We can still take that mastery since we are taking the Sacrifice notable anyway.
Any suggestions?

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