[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" I am at the point of looking for a crusader chest, tbh, because my 5 attempts to get the % increased intelligence have failed miserably. I always hit either the ES on kill or ES recovery rate. My current chest is nice and if I wasn't afraid of bricking it, I would try to yolo annul the cold resists, then attempt to crusader slam. But my luck is awful, so...yeah. I am looking still but Kalandra refuses to bless me. Not having luck in my attempt to replace my neck with something worthy of anointing Tranquility either. Awakened Elemental Focus is a bit too pricey too rn, so waiting for the prices to go down with live search going too, in case. CWDT Anomalous, I will try another round of whispers soon as my first today was a bust. No one would answer. But! I have reached 8k+ ES and 2k intel right now, with my current gear. So there is that. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bellaluna1722#6299 um 14.09.2022, 16:31:26
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" The trick is to anoint Tranquility to boots. You are probably not going to replace them, so having the cheaper anointment on amulet makes it cheaper to change. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Cjin#1011 um 14.09.2022, 16:49:32
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@Bella -- Cjin is right.
One of the things you learn is where affixes need to go so you can plan your items for the long run. With this build we need 87% to each resist and 1 suffix for spider aspect. We need all 3 suffixes for chest, so there must not be any resists on any interim chest. We need 1 suffix for % int on helm. If we care about stun immunity, we need 2 suffixes for that as well. For what it's worth, I'm running with 48% stun immunity and don't seem to have an issue (I haven't maxed my awakened CwC yet.) We need 1 suffix for int, of course. So, all that gives us the following free suffixes: 1 on Helm 2 on gloves 2 on belt ~1 on amulet (depends on how you get str/dex) 2 on each ring 8 total, of which we need to burn 1 for spider aspect. So 7 slots available. We can craft spider on helm, gloves, or belt because we will be using mirrored rings and amulets. We need an average of (87*3)/7 = 38 resists per slot to hit the desired resists. That basically means 2 x T2 resists per element and some luck, giving 1 free slot. (T2 is at least 42%.) That's how we did it in the old days. With mirrored items, we can improve on that. If we get at least 87 to one resist on each ring, that leaves us 4 slots to get the missing 87, so get a T2+ belt roll and a T2+ roll elsewhere and you're golden with 2 extra slots available e.g. for stun immunity, % increased damage, etc. Another approach is to get a ring with +35 to all resists or better and work from that. ------------------------------- All that said, you're missing % int on your helm and 4% int on your belt. I'd work on these first! Shouldn't cost too much... ------------------------------- One other tweak is to use your cluster jewels to help out on your resists. It's an optimization problem. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Graiaule#7461 um 14.09.2022, 20:06:08
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Just wanna say i am really enjoying this build! 2500+ int now and trying to get forbidden flesh and flame. And there;s still space for growth!
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I'm still trying to figure out where the 6% incr int synthesized rings drop from. Given how common they are early league, it has to be something fairly early in the progression. My google fu isn't good enough to find the info. Any help?
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The belt is one I crafted myself and it is a placeholder for now. I would rather focus on maybe getting better rings and amulet, another helmet (placeholder as well for now), as well as better staves. Still looking out for two gems as well (the anomalous CWDT and Awakened Ele Focus). All of my awakened gems, I am leveling myself. ACwC is lvl 3 for now. Working on Syndicate for Tora in Research to help. * - * With that said, someone in guild suggested that I attempt to salvage this failed attempt: ![]() by using Dense + Fundamental fossils together to try to get it back to a useful state, as it is already 6 linked, and the colors are not that hard to obtain. I have a bunch of those two types in my stash. And if I need more, they are pretty cheap as well. According to cratofexile emulator, I could hit the %increased intel this way, though the tiers def vary from one emulated attempt to another. What do you guys think? |
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@Bella -- rule of thumb: never craft stuff yourself unless you know you have a very good chance of hitting what you want, OR the cost to recraft is cheap, OR you have currency coming out of your ears.
One way to judge what you should do next is to ask what is the highest dps gain per chaos you can get with your next upgrade. PoB is helpful here. That said, if you have the funds, sure, go ahead, give it a shot. Seems to be about a 5% chance to hit % increased int. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Graiaule#7461 um 15.09.2022, 00:13:14
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should i get my second large cluster jewel asap with only cold to the core (cause my poor ass is poor and can only afford that for now) or get all of the unique jewels that convert dex or strength into int then get the other large cluster jewel? I need two more to get them all
https://poe.ninja/pob/H4G also what's making me pause for like .5 seconds frequently? being stunned? Zuletzt bearbeitet von TheChosenOne_#3026 um 16.09.2022, 01:58:12
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Hi, playing this build and its fun. I am not sure what to upgrade next but have been saving up for mageblood cause i miss going really fast. Is it feasible to work in mageblood and switch to rare boots to zoom zoom without losing too much INT?
Any tips would be appreciated. https://pastebin.com/bzpXKRqm Thanks |
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" If you are serious about Alva missions, you need to take the Atlas nodes that make it easier by making all mobs at least magic (more time added per kill) and whatever else there is. Also you can wear the Asenath gloves just for it. I didn't have any trouble doing the incursions ever without anything special though. Just cyclone your way towards the boss, switch to single target for a couple sec to annihilate him, switch back to cyclone and continue. In a typical chisel/alch map with Fortune Favors the Brave there is enough mobs in there and some of them are magic/rare to give you more time. Occultist with her explosions is much better suited for incursions though. |
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