[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" Thanks! I had to respec the centre mana mastery wheel and change the mana mastery up the top! |
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" Polymath still works well, you just need to be little more careful when facetanking. Same goes for no mana regen mod. Or you can just reroll the map. |
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I wonder why this build recommends no quality on cyclone? That gives more movement speed. Is there something I am missing?
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" No matter what other increases and/or reductions you have, move speed is fixed 150%. And if you want to ask why Temporal Chains still makes you feel slow or why One Step Ahead is an option, Action Speed is different multiplier than Movement Speed. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Cjin#1011 um 27.12.2023, 08:47:08
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I'm finally done this build.
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I still find myself dying to ubers (except maybe for Cortex since he is easy). For this reason I hate Exarch. What nodes (94-100) should I take to make myself tankier? Pretty pog build, I have a lot of success with it in maps and ultimatums, but ubers.. damn, I suck big time, I know is a skill issue, but I need some help, if anyone can answer. Thank you!
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" Exarch is hell because of balls phase where we mostly can't leech (though Uber has a mob). I believe they deal phys damage, so the mastery that converts part of phys damage to chaos would be nice. Plus, if you have free affixes, you could craft some phys to elemental on helm. You can also take a few more leech nodes or Ghost Dance. |
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" Exarch balls deal pure fire damage. I have a full explanation how to deal with Uber Exarch under his video (from 3.19). You swap Hatred for Arctic Armour and bring 3 Ruby flasks enkindled for 65%+ effect and with prefixes that refill them either when you crit or when you get hit: When the ball phase starts you swap to the Cyclone staff and spin without moving near the center of the room. Pop those flasks one after another. Maven destroys quite a lot of balls. You block and evade some. Your flasks, AA and Immortal Call mitigate all the damage you take. And you leech from the minotaur too. Make sure to cast Icestorm to the side, in a way that he gets hit only by some of it. You don't want to kill him too early. Once the ball phase is over you swap to your main staff, kill the minotaur and get on the boss. Keep using those flasks when he does Annihilation. You also usually have to Frostblink around when he does that, unless your gear is VERY good. Avoid the fire mines on the floor. Frostblink over Cleansing. Get away from Incineration. For the regular Exarch, you don't need those Ruby flasks. Maybe just one. And bring a couple Writhing Jars instead. Stay under the Maven. Dodge some balls. Hit the Jars to heal up. Remember that the overleech lasts 5 sec. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kelvynn#6607 um 27.12.2023, 20:31:55
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Crafting the Simplex Amulet
It's done. I have crafted this thing of beauty. And I'm going to post exactly how. Things like this don't stay secret for long anyway. Big thanks to @kasar_dobi who taught me this method and didn't mind making it public. The Base Simplex Amulet, ilvl 80+ with either no influence or only one influence. Dual-influenced ones are bricked and cannot be used for this craft. Split is fine. No influence: hit it with Crusader's Exalted Orb. If it says there is no space for more mods: scour it, use a Transmutation orb, and then a Regal orb. Crusader influence: good enough. Some other influence: Harvest craft Randomize influence (1000 Blue lifeforce) until it's Crusader. Begin Crafting 1. Chaos or essence spam the base to get the 18-24% Increased Int mod (T1, not T2 that's lower than 18%) 2. Annul the other mods. If annulled the good mod go back to step 1. 3. You have a 1-mod Rare Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" (2 div) and scour it. 4. You have a 1-mod Magic Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Imprint it (Craicic Chimeral). The 2-Mod Amulet If you don't have another 100 div to blow, craft the 2-mod version first. Otherwise skip this part and go straight to crafting the Uber amulet. 1. Buy an ilvl 80+ Shaper amulet. 2. Alt spam it until you get the mod "1% Increased Damage Per 15 Int" (it's a Shaper's prefix) and no suffixes "of Shaping". 3. Right-click Awakener's Orb, left-click on the non-Simplex amulet, left-click on the Simplex. You get a dual-influenced Simplex with 26% Increased Int (at 20q), "2% Inc Damage per 15 Int" and some random suffix. It may take several divines to adjust the %Int roll to the max. This is a HUGE upgrade for the build. Use it well. Improving it further can cost ~100 div. When you have the budget and desire for it, restore your Simplex base from the imprint and proceed. The Uber Amulet Do this when you have 100 div and are willing to spend it to add the 3rd mod "19% Increased Attributes". 1. You have a 1-mod Magic Simplex amulet with the %Int mod. Imprint it (Craicic Chimeral). This is THE most important step in the whole process. Forgetting to imprint the base in this state will ruin it. 2. Buy an ilvl 80+ Shaper amulet and alt spam it until you get the mod "6-9% Increased Attributes" (it's a suffix "of Shaping") and no Shaper's prefixes. You will need many of these! About 30 with average luck. You can alt spam 2 of them at the same time. Put a stack of Alteration orbs in the main inventory. Go to the Delve tab. Put 2 amulets in the 2 crafting slots. Type "sed attr" (with the quotation marks) in the search box. And then use Alteration orbs on the 2 amulets. They will show as faded. But once you hit the right mod the amulet will un-fade and the border around it will light up. Don't click too fast. Make sure you can react and stop clicking when you get the right mod. 3. You have the base Simplex imprinted (double check that you didn't forget!) and the other amulet with the %Attr mod. Right-click Awakener's Orb, left-click on the other amulet, left-click on the Simplex amulet. 4. You have a Shaper/Crusader Simplex amulet with %Int, %Attr and a random prefix. If the prefix is "2% Increased Damage per 15 Int" - CONGRATULATIONS! Otherwise annul it. 5. If annulled one of the suffixes: restore from imprint and go back to step 1. 6. You have a 2-suffix Rare Simplex amulet with %Int and %Attr and no prefixes. Craft "Suffixes Cannot Be Changed" (2 div). Harvest craft "Reforge an Influenced Rare item with random modifiers including a Influence modifier" (1 Sacred + 5000 Blue lifeforce). Go to step 4. The chance of annulling the junk prefix at step 4 is 1/3. This lets you proceed to step 6. The chance of hitting a Dmg/Int prefix (there are 2 identical mods, one Shaper and one Crusader) at step 6 is 9.7%, or about 1/10. The chance is slightly better if the Simplex base is ilvl 80-83 (there is 1 extra mod added at lv 84). So, on average, it should take about 30 imprints, 30 alt-spammed junk amulets, 30 Awakener Orbs, and 10 reforges (2 Div + Sacred + 5000 Blue each). Zuletzt bearbeitet von Kelvynn#6607 um 12.04.2024, 15:24:41
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" congrats and amazing work. i do have 1 question... how in the world are you farming this amount of currency? my rng and drops are complete garbage even with my lvl100 build in standard poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
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