[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

ah good point, so eventually i have to let go of my double ES/EVA...damit :)
gruumine schrieb:
ah good point, so eventually i have to let go of my double ES/EVA...damit :)

6 sockets is way too much to pay for some extra hp. Sooner of later you'll reach the point where you'll want every single one of your sockets (and wish you had more XD).
Mana datapoint.

I have 387 mana left after reservation. I still have Dreamer on my tree.

Met a 6 essence double yellow beast that cleaned my clock twice. I would be able to sustain my shield for a while, and then boom, one-shot. Tried it twice and it was clear I wasn't going to succeed.

What I did notice was a "low mana" warning in chat. So I am wondering if I was getting hit so hard and fast I indeed did run out of mana and stopped leeching for just long enough to get killed.

It'll be interesting to see if we should yank out that third CWDT...
Leech lasts several seconds. Going to 0 mana stops you from casting for half a second. You won't stop leeching from no mana.

It's probably either a special attack, a crit, or both at the same time.
DarkImmortalSupporterBa schrieb:
Didn't play for few years... loving build so far, and um.. on atlas what to farm with this build?

Would like to know as well. Tried out some Blights early with 1.6k~ int and with Affliction juice I get overwhelmed really quick. Essence with Affliction is also taking a very long time and doesn't really give more essences with the juice as far as I know. Maybe harvest is the way to go? For now though, 1.6k int doesn't seem to be good enough for Affliction juiced content.
Just wanted to drop my two cents on the build. I managed to get my early upgrades (%int rings and belts) day 2/3 and found myself progressing pretty fast in gearing with this build. It's not the STRONGEST build I've played at any particular piece of content but it's one of the best all arounders I've played. You can check my profile but I'm pretty geared with this build and I demolish bosses and map well too. It's a fun build and I love being able to craft my own gear. Thanks for the build guide!
InsaneX3 schrieb:
DarkImmortalSupporterBa schrieb:
Didn't play for few years... loving build so far, and um.. on atlas what to farm with this build?

Would like to know as well. Tried out some Blights early with 1.6k~ int and with Affliction juice I get overwhelmed really quick. Essence with Affliction is also taking a very long time and doesn't really give more essences with the juice as far as I know. Maybe harvest is the way to go? For now though, 1.6k int doesn't seem to be good enough for Affliction juiced content.

From what I get from Reddit, the best way to run Affliction is to lower your map tier substantially. Run low yellow maps instead of red maps and use mechanics that add a lot of enemies. Apparently, that's the way to go.
WinterHiko schrieb:
InsaneX3 schrieb:
DarkImmortalSupporterBa schrieb:
Didn't play for few years... loving build so far, and um.. on atlas what to farm with this build?

Would like to know as well. Tried out some Blights early with 1.6k~ int and with Affliction juice I get overwhelmed really quick. Essence with Affliction is also taking a very long time and doesn't really give more essences with the juice as far as I know. Maybe harvest is the way to go? For now though, 1.6k int doesn't seem to be good enough for Affliction juiced content.

From what I get from Reddit, the best way to run Affliction is to lower your map tier substantially. Run low yellow maps instead of red maps and use mechanics that add a lot of enemies. Apparently, that's the way to go.

I've been running very juiced T16 Maps and when empower goes over total 8k or single empower goes over 4k, the mobs become extremely rippy. I've talked to kelvynn yesterday on what I could improve as I played this build for many leagues and didn't encounter survivability issues before. He pointed out that solaris pantheon would help alot and stun immunity from the charms. These actually helped me survive quite a bit. However when blue juice goes over 4k, the crits are still a problem. I'm thinking that crit immunity is the only way to go with these maps.
New video: The King in the Mists

This boss is a total pushover. I'm still mostly in budget gear, just starting to work on the good items. Still leveling, no Hatred yet, no eldritch mods either. Doing about 1/8 of my endgame damage from 3.22. With good gear he'd get deleted in seconds.
Kelvynn schrieb:
New video: The King in the Mists

This boss is a total pushover. I'm still mostly in budget gear, just starting to work on the good items. Still leveling, no Hatred yet, no eldritch mods either. Doing about 1/8 of my endgame damage from 3.22. With good gear he'd get deleted in seconds.

I can attest that the King in the Mists is absolute paper with good gear.

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