[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
ok thank you but with this setup, do you have the same probleme as me ? against bosses, you spend lot of time without moving and so, become very vulnerable ?
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" no. that is what frostblink is for. i namelock the boss with icestorm and simply just watch for any windup for an attack and frostblink out of the way. in many cases i can tank most initial attacks. so depending on the boss, i don't even bother moving or i blink around while i never stop self casting. i finally dropped a cortex map and did his whole fight only having an issue with the ground degen and did it deathless with gear that needs a lot of work. my gear is also far from being done as my rng and drops are really bad and i still need to craft a set of rings, recraft my belt as well as my gloves poe is going down fast. Diablo 4 and Baldur's Gate 3 have no performance issues. play them instead
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" It's normal with this build to use mainly frostblink to move around on bosses. I suggest you don't put Vortex on left click on the bossing setup, because it will prevent you from name-locking. (If you don't know what that is, if you start casting Icestorm on a target and keep holding right click, even if you move your mouse / the target moves, Icestorm will keep targeting them. I suggest you watch Kelvynn's Uber Maven video in the first post, it showcases namelocking very well) I personally have Icestorm on right click, Vortex on Q, Frostblink on E, but it all depends what feels good to you. The important part is to not have Vortex on left click for bossing (You can have it on Left Click on the Mapping setup) That way you don't spam Vortex, you just drop it when you're close to the boss. Once again the Uber Maven video in the 1st post is a very clear example of what bossing should look like. |
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Obviously, everyone else's keybinds are incorrect and mine are the only correct ones! 8-)
Here's what I finally ended up with after years of tweaking: Trash: 1: Cyclone 2: Vortex (I hold down BOTH keys while trashing) 3: Frost Shield LMB: move RMB: frostblink Because the boots recharge frostblink almost immediately, in large dangerous packs (e.g. ranged and/or multiple rares), I just hold down 12 and RMB all over the place evading every attack. Bossing: 1. Icestorm -- everything else is the same. Same strategy. Hold down 12, frostblink to boss to ensure it has a vortex, frostblink out. Both Vortex and Frostblink are insta-cast, so that's great. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Graiaule#7461 um 26.02.2023, 20:04:02
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You guys are all wrong :P
You put the movement skill on W The active skill on right click (Cyclone/Ice storm) Your "I hit this every five second" skill on Q (Vortex) Your "I use this once in a while" skill on E (Frost shield). Auras on alt line Regular move on left click |
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this league changed all for me. I can first time make the challenges (exept maven and Sanctum i cant do the memory game and didnd get the method to do sacntum) all myself. The build is unbelievable strong.
This jewel changed all in pack killing for me Its so funny an normaly all packs explode. is there a help for sanctum. I dont get the trick how i can kill the mobs in floor 2 without getting hit. cyclone dont work and standing arround and icestorming without seeing the guys is sooooo lame and if i see them i get hit. not often but its to much to get higher then sec. floor. thx |
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" Mechanically speaking, you might need to weave in cast-move-cast-move. There's a slight delay between cast and damage, as you're summoning a storm, but the damage is dealt for a little time, so you're not required to be casting all the time. It can be a bit tricky, but with a blink spell and enough damage, you should be good. As for relics, try to get some relics that give you inspiration when afflicted. It can easily give you 1000+ inspiration over the course of a sanctum if you have a couple, which helps tremendously. Max resolve on boss kill can work too. Extra merchant options is gold. As for boons and afflictions, prioritize anything that will make you kill faster or make the enemies move slower. It really makes a big difference. You can also use the inspiration-giving boons. If you get the resolve converted into inspiration pact, you can get your max resolve to 1, then hit every "% less maximum resolve" option in pacts without any downside. Finally, choose your rooms. There are four general types of rooms : run through the map (free rooms, mostly), run through traps (relatively easy to get through fast and free), kill a bunch of enemies (not bad, but requires fighting) and arena-types room (by far the hardest). Try not to get the arena rooms if you're struggling, as they are much more difficult than the alternatives. Hope that helps! |
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wow thx a lot.
the arena rooms kill me every time. How do i see if its a arena room ? I thought the rooms are unknown til i get in one. if i can evade the arena rooms that will be a lot smoother for me. is the lvl of area urgent for the relict who drops ? Thx for you help |
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" They have different names when you hover over them in the map. The names change every floor. You can google it and find the names. Ilvl equivalent to t14+ will drop Sanctified relics and give you access to the second phase of the boss. I don't know if regular relics are affected by the ilvl of the area. |
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wow that makes it much smoother.
Is there a trick to get the opulent ritual. Did over 250 rituals and dont get it. or is it only rng |
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