[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Kelvynn schrieb:
Graiaule schrieb:
Chridian schrieb:
Curious, how are you guys dealing with sanctum, if you're doing it at all on this build. Are there any tips and tricks you've picked up?

Swap frostblink for ball lightning, and play carefully. Read/watch the various Sanctum guides.

In other words, Sanctum isn't faceroll for this build -- it's a challenge, but doable.

The key is to get good relics first before pushing red sanctums (just like the guides say.)

I have much improved the Sanctum strategy since the start of the league. The ONLY swap you need is:
- take out Discipline, PoE and Enlighten
- use Blasphemy - Temp Chains - Frostbite

That's ALL you need. It will make all enemies super slow. Very easy to dodge everything they do. Just avoid the thing that gives them 30% haste and makes them unslowable.

Sanctum is a total faceroll once you have a few relics that give Inspiration. And not very hard even before that. Just focus on obtaining the relics until you get a few good ones. They drop from mini-bosses and the merchant also sells them.

You can vendor 5 relics of the same type for a new random one.

Hell, I think I'm going to just put together a 30 min video of a full clear...

The easiest swap i did to run sanctums was intensify to unleash. Made killing the guards so much easier. Currently i run awakened unleash for both mapping and sanctum so no swaps needed for sanctum.
I used to use Awknd Unleash too, the lvl 5 + the caster mastery make you cast 5 storms on 1st cast!
Given I can barely complete 2 floors of Sanctum in white maps, I'll try anything. The perma curse approach of Kelvynn worked fine except when the mobs were off-screen or around a corner.

What actually trashed my last run were the giant fireball rooms (the ones where you need to play frogger with fireballs.) Any suggestions other than git gud?

I'll give awakened unleash a shot -- thanks for the idea!
Graiaule schrieb:
Given I can barely complete 2 floors of Sanctum in white maps, I'll try anything. The perma curse approach of Kelvynn worked fine except when the mobs were off-screen or around a corner.

What actually trashed my last run were the giant fireball rooms (the ones where you need to play frogger with fireballs.) Any suggestions other than git gud?

I'll give awakened unleash a shot -- thanks for the idea!

It might sound stupid, but I did much better when instead of trying to dodge the fireballs, I started trying to hit the empty space. My brain worked much better computing "I need to go there" instead of "I need to not go there" for some reason.

If it doesn't work, keep a 3-link with a totem, Multiple Totem support and faster casting (or is it faster attacks?). You can simply drop two totems on each ball to destroy them safely at a distance.
Graiaule schrieb:
Given I can barely complete 2 floors of Sanctum in white maps, I'll try anything. The perma curse approach of Kelvynn worked fine except when the mobs were off-screen or around a corner.

What actually trashed my last run were the giant fireball rooms (the ones where you need to play frogger with fireballs.) Any suggestions other than git gud?

I'll give awakened unleash a shot -- thanks for the idea!

By the time you get to the fireballs you should have a good inspiration pool. For the fireballs, i get thru them as quickly as possible. See a gap, frostblink and run to the end. Try to correct my path if possible to miss balls but if not take the hit. If you take your time trying to dodge every fireball you will get hit more often. The more time you spend in an area where the fireballs can hit you, the more chance the fireballs have hitting you is my point here. Afterall we are not going for a no hit run here.

Generally you should focus on getting inspiration. Vendor and pact are a good source for this other then relics. If a pact offers a useful reward in exchange for max resolve you should take it every time.

Hope you are able to complete the sanctums soon.
I'm not doing this build this time but I noticed that you can run around the guards and you will not get hit as they usually have the 1sec firing pose before they fire projectiles. If you go around them, you will not get hit.
Just starting trying this build. Feels okay for now (considering my really bad stuff)

I know my stuff is still really bad and still missing a bunch of passives, but I have a hard time understanding what will make it tanky (sry i'm noob at POE).

What will make it able to not die against big physical hit that would OS you since we don't have armor ? How do you deal with 8+ essences rares ?
graboubou schrieb:
Just starting trying this build. Feels okay for now (considering my really bad stuff)

I know my stuff is still really bad and still missing a bunch of passives, but I have a hard time understanding what will make it tanky (sry i'm noob at POE).

What will make it able to not die against big physical hit that would OS you since we don't have armor ? How do you deal with 8+ essences rares ?

Massive health pool + block + overleech + evasion, mostly.
graboubou schrieb:
Just starting trying this build. Feels okay for now (considering my really bad stuff)

I know my stuff is still really bad and still missing a bunch of passives, but I have a hard time understanding what will make it tanky (sry i'm noob at POE).

What will make it able to not die against big physical hit that would OS you since we don't have armor ? How do you deal with 8+ essences rares ?

Just some napkin math to add context to Winter's answer:

This build can easily reach 10k+ ES. For the same level of investment most life builds would be at ~5k HP (maybe a bit more, maybe less).

If we take a 10K phys hit that would 1shot us (assuming we don't block/evade it, which as also mentioned by Winter happens relatively often), we can calculate that the life build would need 50k armour to reduce the damage by half (and still pretty much be 1-shot by that hit). That's a pretty significant amount of armour it takes to avoid that same 1-shot.

On the other hand, that 50k armour build will reduce small hits (1k or less) by 90%, which we won't, but to compensate we are leeching 20% of our ES per second (so 2k/s in this example)

(Info on Leech/Armour from poewiki if you want to read more)
So, here I am on my way from 99 to 100 - and I got one-shotted almost once a day, which makes the grind not doable. I have the feeling I die more often than before, when I switched away from the block node to full damage - is it really that way? Are others struggling as well? The flight from 98 to 99 was a blast, compared to this, died once, and that was due to brain lag and not an "oops I am dead" one shot (from for example a meteor in an exarch map out of nowhere, or a huge explosion in a deep delve, or.... u got it). Kinda frustrated right now...

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