(RETIRED) [3.20] Sanavi's ☣ Poison BV Trickster ☣ | SSF/HC Viable! ✔️

Glad to see some other people attempting to make poison bv work.

As someone who's almost exclusively played poison bv assassin since harvest here are some of my thoughts after taking a look at the pob's.

I'm not a 100% sure but i believe Soul drinker and energy leech support only leech from the actual hit itself and not the dot.

So if you wanted to make as much use of it as possible, cold or fire bv might be more fitting.

Hrimsorrow did also receive a buff converting 100% of physical to cold which seems good for cold bv if going down that route.

Maybe it is not necessary but explode does feel pretty good to have.

Cold and fire bv kinda have explode without any real investment from their herald skills alone.

Also if using Asenath's for explode, plague bearer cannot trigger explode on its own since it doesn't seem to apply the on hit curse if i remember right from own testing.

3.Poison chance
Currently poison chance is not capped without coralito's active and a decent chunk of our poison chance coming from rares could also be an issue early on.

Which also leads into the next issue, how do the gloves on the endgame pob have both hunter and eldritch influence.

I myself got the last bit of poison chance i needed from anointing toxic strikes which also comes with a decent amount of dot multi which is nice.

4.Applying wither

Wither totems are good early on but die way too fast once you do juiced maps or bossing.

I would add withering step and put it on left click to have it activate on its own while moving around.

Once you have both anomalous withering step + ashes of the stars that should be enough wither stacks on its own and you could drop wither totems to make space for something else.

5.Plague bearer

Plague bearer just like wither totems is nice to have early on but i would drop it once i feel like i have enough damage from bv alone.

Just feels unnecessary with both being pretty much in the face skills and would mean one less button to worry about and more room for other gems.

And as i explained in the explode section, plague bearer does not seem to "hit" which leads to issues if using asenath's for explode or any other on hit curse etc.

I do it on league start/early on myself but manually casting despair is not really fun and even if you are just applying it to bosses you are missing out on lots of damage while clearing.

I would fix it by either getting gloves with corrupt implicit despair on hit or despair on hit on ring, which seems easier to fit into the build with the rare ring in the build being a bit more generic res, life etc.

7.Frenzy/power charge generation
There seems to be no way of really generating frenzy/power charges during boss fights currently in the build so i listed some solutions down below

Blood rage is an alternative for frenzy charge generation while mapping and there should not be any issues keeping these up with swift killer.

Anomalous blood rage seems to be the only real way of generating frenzy charges during boss fights with current pob.

Cold iron point with corrupt implicit "(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike" is usually really cheap and would be a good way of generating those while mapping/bossing with no other real investment.

Lvl 1 Precision (preferably divergent to squeeze out a bit more dmg) seems to easily fit into the build for a bit more damage or synergy with watcher's eye modifiers.

Void sphere in cwdt setup is interesting for hindering mobs and clearing corpse with no other real way of doing so in the build currently, it also receives some extra lvls from the cold iron point and ashes of the stars.

With blade vortex hitting 7.5 times every second at 10 stacks and discipline being in the build a watchers eye with modifier "+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" would be pretty strong for mapping.

Same goes for watcher's eye vitality modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" for life.

Also I'm not sure if the unreserved mana/regen in the build is currenly enough, hard to really say since i don't have too much experience with this as i get devouring diadem or eldritch battery from the tree on the version I'm playing. Which is also not really an option on trickster since its more es based when it comes to defences.

9.Closing thoughts
You could also check my poison bv assassin (shameless plug or something i guess) for anything else that could possibly be applied here that i might have forgot to mention.

I'm pretty curious about how this will turn out as it was one of my immediate thoughts seeing the reworked trickster being more defensive and having leech is if some variation of bv could work.

As the main issue with assassin is no good way of really regenerating health in longer fights and, well, its also been nerfed to oblivion multiple times with things like capped poison duration on noxious strike...

Hopefully this is a step in making poison bv more viable again and if not cold and fire bv trickster could have some potential with better leech synergy.

GL in 3.19
Zuletzt bearbeitet von hackergooby#1308 um 18.08.2022, 11:10:25
hackergooby schrieb:
Glad to see some other people attempting to make poison bv work.

As someone who's almost exclusively played poison bv assassin since harvest here are some of my thoughts after taking a look at the pob's.

I'm not a 100% sure but i believe Soul drinker and energy leech support only leech from the actual hit itself and not the dot.

So if you wanted to make as much use of it as possible, cold or fire bv might be more fitting.

Hrimsorrow did also receive a buff converting 100% of physical to cold which seems good for cold bv if going down that route.

Maybe it is not necessary but explode does feel pretty good to have.

Cold and fire bv kinda have explode without any real investment from their herald skills alone.

Also if using Asenath's for explode, plague bearer cannot trigger explode on its own since it doesn't seem to apply the on hit curse if i remember right from own testing.

3.Poison chance
Currently poison chance is not capped without coralito's active and a decent chunk of our poison chance coming from rares could also be an issue early on.

Which also leads into the next issue, how do the gloves on the endgame pob have both hunter and eldritch influence.

I myself got the last bit of poison chance i needed from anointing toxic strikes which also comes with a decent amount of dot multi which is nice.

4.Applying wither

Wither totems are good early on but die way too fast once you do juiced maps or bossing.

I would add withering step and put it on left click to have it activate on its own while moving around.

Once you have both anomalous withering step + ashes of the stars that should be enough wither stacks on its own and you could drop wither totems to make space for something else.

5.Plague bearer

Plague bearer just like wither totems is nice to have early on but i would drop it once i feel like i have enough damage from bv alone.

Just feels unnecessary with both being pretty much in the face skills and would mean one less button to worry about and more room for other gems.

And as i explained in the explode section, plague bearer does not seem to "hit" which leads to issues if using asenath's for explode or any other on hit curse etc.

I do it on league start/early on myself but manually casting despair is not really fun and even if you are just applying it to bosses you are missing out on lots of damage while clearing.

I would fix it by either getting gloves with corrupt implicit despair on hit or despair on hit on ring, which seems easier to fit into the build with the rare ring in the build being a bit more generic res, life etc.

7.Frenzy/power charge generation
There seems to be no way of really generating frenzy/power charges during boss fights currently in the build so i listed some solutions down below

Blood rage is an alternative for frenzy charge generation while mapping and there should not be any issues keeping these up with swift killer.

Anomalous blood rage seems to be the only real way of generating frenzy charges during boss fights with current pob.

Cold iron point with corrupt implicit "(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike" is usually really cheap and would be a good way of generating those while mapping/bossing with no other real investment.

Lvl 1 Precision (preferably divergent to squeeze out a bit more dmg) seems to easily fit into the build for a bit more damage or synergy with watcher's eye modifiers.

Void sphere in cwdt setup is interesting for hindering mobs and clearing corpse with no other real way of doing so in the build currently, it also receives some extra lvls from the cold iron point and ashes of the stars.

With blade vortex hitting 7.5 times every second at 10 stacks and discipline being in the build a watchers eye with modifier "+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" would be pretty strong for mapping.

Same goes for watcher's eye vitality modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" for life.

Also I'm not sure if the unreserved mana/regen in the build is currenly enough, hard to really say since i don't have too much experience with this as i get devouring diadem or eldritch battery from the tree on the version I'm playing. Which is also not really an option on trickster since its more es based when it comes to defences.

9.Closing thoughts
You could also check my poison bv assassin (shameless plug or something i guess) for anything else that could possibly be applied here that i might have forgot to mention.

I'm pretty curious about how this will turn out as it was one of my immediate thoughts seeing the reworked trickster being more defensive and having leech is if some variation of bv could work.

As the main issue with assassin is no good way of really regenerating health in longer fights and, well, its also been nerfed to oblivion multiple times with things like capped poison duration on noxious strike...

Hopefully this is a step in making poison bv more viable again and if not cold and fire bv trickster could have some potential with better leech synergy.

GL in 3.19

Thanks for the awesome deep dive! I've edited my PoB's based on your recommendations. Here they are:

Starter/SSF: https://pastebin.com/fx5fkcU3
Endgame/Trade: https://pastebin.com/qANKnu2h

Addressing the concerns:

1. I've specced into Ghost Reaver and picked up some more leech off the build, it's looking a lot better now (1k leech on Starter/SSF -- 2k+ on Endgame)

2. I think I'm going to be fine without explode on the build. I've played with PB before and don't mind the clear speed. If I want to go explode at some point I'll attack then.

3. Fixed up poison chance on both. Removed Coralito's from Endgame build and replaced with an Enduring mana flask (did this on starter too). Should make mana sustain feel solid. Need a bit more poison chance on Endgame version though...fixed gloves on Endgame.

4. Keeping the totem setup on the Starter/SSF PoB, went with your anomalous WS/PB gem setup on Endgame.

5. As explained above, keeping PB for now. Will look into explode later on.

6. Kept manual Despair on Starter/SSF, added Curse on Hit to rare ring on Endgame.

7. I dropped frenzy charge chasing completely. Went with One Step Ahead, dropped Purity of Elements on Starter/SSF for Malevolence and dropped Purity of Elements on Endgame for Discipline. Damage is still great on both builds without it and doesn't require jumping through hoops to maintain (almost impossible on Starter/SSF). Edited flasks on both builds to compensate for Purity of Elements loss.

8. Added Precision, Void Sphere CWDT setup and modified watcher's eye on Endgame.

9. Hopefully it is! Please let me know what you think of the changes, and once again, thanks for the amazing critiques!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SanaviEronaile#4603 um 17.08.2022, 20:26:52
SanaviEronaile schrieb:

1. I've specced into Ghost Reaver and picked up some more leech off the build, it's looking a lot better now (1k leech on Starter/SSF -- 2k+ on Endgame)

The problem I ran into, which I think you have as well, is that corrupted soul doesnt seem worth it now. You have no way of recovering the life.
HorizonSharp schrieb:
SanaviEronaile schrieb:

1. I've specced into Ghost Reaver and picked up some more leech off the build, it's looking a lot better now (1k leech on Starter/SSF -- 2k+ on Endgame)

The problem I ran into, which I think you have as well, is that corrupted soul doesnt seem worth it now. You have no way of recovering the life.

With Polymath, we are getting a ton of % life on kill, so recovering HP shouldn't be an issue.

However, here is a PoB tweak with Vitality for some life regen if you want to pursue (at the cost of Herald of Purity): https://pastebin.com/fziJ0baU
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SanaviEronaile#4603 um 17.08.2022, 21:46:24
Would you consider to streaming this build at the start?
Why is the build using a dagger with poison on hit/poison damage. I think that's local now according to the patch notes.
"Fixed a bug where Suffix modifiers on Weapons that grant increased Damage with Poison and chance to Poison on Hit were granting a global version of the chance to Poison on Hit stat, rather than a local version. Existing items have been updated to the local version."
SanaviEronaile schrieb:
hackergooby schrieb:
Glad to see some other people attempting to make poison bv work.

As someone who's almost exclusively played poison bv assassin since harvest here are some of my thoughts after taking a look at the pob's.

I'm not a 100% sure but i believe Soul drinker and energy leech support only leech from the actual hit itself and not the dot.

So if you wanted to make as much use of it as possible, cold or fire bv might be more fitting.

Hrimsorrow did also receive a buff converting 100% of physical to cold which seems good for cold bv if going down that route.

Maybe it is not necessary but explode does feel pretty good to have.

Cold and fire bv kinda have explode without any real investment from their herald skills alone.

Also if using Asenath's for explode, plague bearer cannot trigger explode on its own since it doesn't seem to apply the on hit curse if i remember right from own testing.

3.Poison chance
Currently poison chance is not capped without coralito's active and a decent chunk of our poison chance coming from rares could also be an issue early on.

Which also leads into the next issue, how do the gloves on the endgame pob have both hunter and eldritch influence.

I myself got the last bit of poison chance i needed from anointing toxic strikes which also comes with a decent amount of dot multi which is nice.

4.Applying wither

Wither totems are good early on but die way too fast once you do juiced maps or bossing.

I would add withering step and put it on left click to have it activate on its own while moving around.

Once you have both anomalous withering step + ashes of the stars that should be enough wither stacks on its own and you could drop wither totems to make space for something else.

5.Plague bearer

Plague bearer just like wither totems is nice to have early on but i would drop it once i feel like i have enough damage from bv alone.

Just feels unnecessary with both being pretty much in the face skills and would mean one less button to worry about and more room for other gems.

And as i explained in the explode section, plague bearer does not seem to "hit" which leads to issues if using asenath's for explode or any other on hit curse etc.

I do it on league start/early on myself but manually casting despair is not really fun and even if you are just applying it to bosses you are missing out on lots of damage while clearing.

I would fix it by either getting gloves with corrupt implicit despair on hit or despair on hit on ring, which seems easier to fit into the build with the rare ring in the build being a bit more generic res, life etc.

7.Frenzy/power charge generation
There seems to be no way of really generating frenzy/power charges during boss fights currently in the build so i listed some solutions down below

Blood rage is an alternative for frenzy charge generation while mapping and there should not be any issues keeping these up with swift killer.

Anomalous blood rage seems to be the only real way of generating frenzy charges during boss fights with current pob.

Cold iron point with corrupt implicit "(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike" is usually really cheap and would be a good way of generating those while mapping/bossing with no other real investment.

Lvl 1 Precision (preferably divergent to squeeze out a bit more dmg) seems to easily fit into the build for a bit more damage or synergy with watcher's eye modifiers.

Void sphere in cwdt setup is interesting for hindering mobs and clearing corpse with no other real way of doing so in the build currently, it also receives some extra lvls from the cold iron point and ashes of the stars.

With blade vortex hitting 7.5 times every second at 10 stacks and discipline being in the build a watchers eye with modifier "+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" would be pretty strong for mapping.

Same goes for watcher's eye vitality modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" for life.

Also I'm not sure if the unreserved mana/regen in the build is currenly enough, hard to really say since i don't have too much experience with this as i get devouring diadem or eldritch battery from the tree on the version I'm playing. Which is also not really an option on trickster since its more es based when it comes to defences.

9.Closing thoughts
You could also check my poison bv assassin (shameless plug or something i guess) for anything else that could possibly be applied here that i might have forgot to mention.

I'm pretty curious about how this will turn out as it was one of my immediate thoughts seeing the reworked trickster being more defensive and having leech is if some variation of bv could work.

As the main issue with assassin is no good way of really regenerating health in longer fights and, well, its also been nerfed to oblivion multiple times with things like capped poison duration on noxious strike...

Hopefully this is a step in making poison bv more viable again and if not cold and fire bv trickster could have some potential with better leech synergy.

GL in 3.19

Thanks for the awesome deep dive! I've edited my PoB's based on your recommendations. Here they are:

Starter/SSF: https://pastebin.com/fx5fkcU3
Endgame/Trade: https://pastebin.com/qANKnu2h

Addressing the concerns:

1. I've specced into Ghost Reaver and picked up some more leech off the build, it's looking a lot better now (1k leech on Starter/SSF -- 2k+ on Endgame)

2. I think I'm going to be fine without explode on the build. I've played with PB before and don't mind the clear speed. If I want to go explode at some point I'll attack then.

3. Fixed up poison chance on both. Removed Coralito's from Endgame build and replaced with an Enduring mana flask (did this on starter too). Should make mana sustain feel solid. Need a bit more poison chance on Endgame version though...fixed gloves on Endgame.

4. Keeping the totem setup on the Starter/SSF PoB, went with your anomalous WS/PB gem setup on Endgame.

5. As explained above, keeping PB for now. Will look into explode later on.

6. Kept manual Despair on Starter/SSF, added Curse on Hit to rare ring on Endgame.

7. I dropped frenzy charge chasing completely. Went with One Step Ahead, dropped Purity of Elements on Starter/SSF for Malevolence and dropped Purity of Elements on Endgame for Discipline. Damage is still great on both builds without it and doesn't require jumping through hoops to maintain (almost impossible on Starter/SSF). Edited flasks on both builds to compensate for Purity of Elements loss.

8. Added Precision, Void Sphere CWDT setup and modified watcher's eye on Endgame.

9. Hopefully it is! Please let me know what you think of the changes, and once again, thanks for the amazing critiques!

Just noticed there is no unleash in the bv setup which is crucial for any form of bv build, along with some further changes i would consider down below.

Just like the gloves did the helm has both eldritch and hunter influence, something along the lines of the helm i have for my hoag would be pretty similar with the elevated redeemer and hunter mod but tweaked with different lab enchant, base etc ofcrs.

Tree changes
Remove one of the evasion and life nodes from the "Revenge of the hunted" wheel and allocate the evasion and energy shield mastery just above it with either "+1 energy shield per 8 evasion on boots" or "30% of chaos damage taken does not bypass energy shield" for even more polymath value.

I would also maybe replaced the poison mastery "Plague bearer has 20% increased maximum plague value" with "poisons you inflict deal damage 20% faster" just to deal all our damage faster making everything a bit smoother.

Could replace atziri's promise for a bottled faith on the endgame setup for even more damage (just make sure to check the two consecrated ground boxes in configuration), most of the chaos res loss can be regained with a max-near max rolled ming's heart but only time will tell how expensive those will be after the reduced unique drop rates, buff it received and divines most likely being more expensive.

Or you could replace the jade flask for the bottled faith or even a granite flask for better ehp numbers since the jade one doesn't really do as much with the already high evasion.

Ghost reaver life issues
The issue with having no way of recovering life with ghost reaver and corrupted soul bypassing es could be fixed (for mapping atleast) by adding a lvl 1 vitality and getting the watcher's eye modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" but it doesn't really help out as much in single target instances (bosses etc) from own experience using rings with +15 life gained on hit.

We gain elusive from withering step and if u check the elusive box in configuraions you can see that it's a pretty huge layer of defence added to the build that is up most of the time but it might be worth considering trying to fit forbidden flame/flesh allocating mistwalker as it would make elusive uptime pretty much permanent combined with withering step and also make us take no extra damage from crits.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von hackergooby#1308 um 18.08.2022, 11:11:01
hackergooby schrieb:
Glad to see some other people attempting to make poison bv work.

As someone who's almost exclusively played poison bv assassin since harvest here are some of my thoughts after taking a look at the pob's.

I'm not a 100% sure but i believe Soul drinker and energy leech support only leech from the actual hit itself and not the dot.

So if you wanted to make as much use of it as possible, cold or fire bv might be more fitting.

Hrimsorrow did also receive a buff converting 100% of physical to cold which seems good for cold bv if going down that route.

Maybe it is not necessary but explode does feel pretty good to have.

Cold and fire bv kinda have explode without any real investment from their herald skills alone.

Also if using Asenath's for explode, plague bearer cannot trigger explode on its own since it doesn't seem to apply the on hit curse if i remember right from own testing.

3.Poison chance
Currently poison chance is not capped without coralito's active and a decent chunk of our poison chance coming from rares could also be an issue early on.

Which also leads into the next issue, how do the gloves on the endgame pob have both hunter and eldritch influence.

I myself got the last bit of poison chance i needed from anointing toxic strikes which also comes with a decent amount of dot multi which is nice.

4.Applying wither

Wither totems are good early on but die way too fast once you do juiced maps or bossing.

I would add withering step and put it on left click to have it activate on its own while moving around.

Once you have both anomalous withering step + ashes of the stars that should be enough wither stacks on its own and you could drop wither totems to make space for something else.

5.Plague bearer

Plague bearer just like wither totems is nice to have early on but i would drop it once i feel like i have enough damage from bv alone.

Just feels unnecessary with both being pretty much in the face skills and would mean one less button to worry about and more room for other gems.

And as i explained in the explode section, plague bearer does not seem to "hit" which leads to issues if using asenath's for explode or any other on hit curse etc.

I do it on league start/early on myself but manually casting despair is not really fun and even if you are just applying it to bosses you are missing out on lots of damage while clearing.

I would fix it by either getting gloves with corrupt implicit despair on hit or despair on hit on ring, which seems easier to fit into the build with the rare ring in the build being a bit more generic res, life etc.

7.Frenzy/power charge generation
There seems to be no way of really generating frenzy/power charges during boss fights currently in the build so i listed some solutions down below

Blood rage is an alternative for frenzy charge generation while mapping and there should not be any issues keeping these up with swift killer.

Anomalous blood rage seems to be the only real way of generating frenzy charges during boss fights with current pob.

Cold iron point with corrupt implicit "(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike" is usually really cheap and would be a good way of generating those while mapping/bossing with no other real investment.

Lvl 1 Precision (preferably divergent to squeeze out a bit more dmg) seems to easily fit into the build for a bit more damage or synergy with watcher's eye modifiers.

Void sphere in cwdt setup is interesting for hindering mobs and clearing corpse with no other real way of doing so in the build currently, it also receives some extra lvls from the cold iron point and ashes of the stars.

With blade vortex hitting 7.5 times every second at 10 stacks and discipline being in the build a watchers eye with modifier "+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" would be pretty strong for mapping.

Same goes for watcher's eye vitality modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" for life.

Also I'm not sure if the unreserved mana/regen in the build is currenly enough, hard to really say since i don't have too much experience with this as i get devouring diadem or eldritch battery from the tree on the version I'm playing. Which is also not really an option on trickster since its more es based when it comes to defences.

9.Closing thoughts
You could also check my poison bv assassin (shameless plug or something i guess) for anything else that could possibly be applied here that i might have forgot to mention.

I'm pretty curious about how this will turn out as it was one of my immediate thoughts seeing the reworked trickster being more defensive and having leech is if some variation of bv could work.

As the main issue with assassin is no good way of really regenerating health in longer fights and, well, its also been nerfed to oblivion multiple times with things like capped poison duration on noxious strike...

Hopefully this is a step in making poison bv more viable again and if not cold and fire bv trickster could have some potential with better leech synergy.

GL in 3.19

Hey there! I guess I agree with you about this,but maybe you have any PoB for Cold BV on Trickster or Shadow? I hope Cold BV will live again... Thanks
hackergooby schrieb:
SanaviEronaile schrieb:
hackergooby schrieb:
Glad to see some other people attempting to make poison bv work.

As someone who's almost exclusively played poison bv assassin since harvest here are some of my thoughts after taking a look at the pob's.

I'm not a 100% sure but i believe Soul drinker and energy leech support only leech from the actual hit itself and not the dot.

So if you wanted to make as much use of it as possible, cold or fire bv might be more fitting.

Hrimsorrow did also receive a buff converting 100% of physical to cold which seems good for cold bv if going down that route.

Maybe it is not necessary but explode does feel pretty good to have.

Cold and fire bv kinda have explode without any real investment from their herald skills alone.

Also if using Asenath's for explode, plague bearer cannot trigger explode on its own since it doesn't seem to apply the on hit curse if i remember right from own testing.

3.Poison chance
Currently poison chance is not capped without coralito's active and a decent chunk of our poison chance coming from rares could also be an issue early on.

Which also leads into the next issue, how do the gloves on the endgame pob have both hunter and eldritch influence.

I myself got the last bit of poison chance i needed from anointing toxic strikes which also comes with a decent amount of dot multi which is nice.

4.Applying wither

Wither totems are good early on but die way too fast once you do juiced maps or bossing.

I would add withering step and put it on left click to have it activate on its own while moving around.

Once you have both anomalous withering step + ashes of the stars that should be enough wither stacks on its own and you could drop wither totems to make space for something else.

5.Plague bearer

Plague bearer just like wither totems is nice to have early on but i would drop it once i feel like i have enough damage from bv alone.

Just feels unnecessary with both being pretty much in the face skills and would mean one less button to worry about and more room for other gems.

And as i explained in the explode section, plague bearer does not seem to "hit" which leads to issues if using asenath's for explode or any other on hit curse etc.

I do it on league start/early on myself but manually casting despair is not really fun and even if you are just applying it to bosses you are missing out on lots of damage while clearing.

I would fix it by either getting gloves with corrupt implicit despair on hit or despair on hit on ring, which seems easier to fit into the build with the rare ring in the build being a bit more generic res, life etc.

7.Frenzy/power charge generation
There seems to be no way of really generating frenzy/power charges during boss fights currently in the build so i listed some solutions down below

Blood rage is an alternative for frenzy charge generation while mapping and there should not be any issues keeping these up with swift killer.

Anomalous blood rage seems to be the only real way of generating frenzy charges during boss fights with current pob.

Cold iron point with corrupt implicit "(5–7)% chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike" is usually really cheap and would be a good way of generating those while mapping/bossing with no other real investment.

Lvl 1 Precision (preferably divergent to squeeze out a bit more dmg) seems to easily fit into the build for a bit more damage or synergy with watcher's eye modifiers.

Void sphere in cwdt setup is interesting for hindering mobs and clearing corpse with no other real way of doing so in the build currently, it also receives some extra lvls from the cold iron point and ashes of the stars.

With blade vortex hitting 7.5 times every second at 10 stacks and discipline being in the build a watchers eye with modifier "+(20-30) Energy Shield gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Discipline" would be pretty strong for mapping.

Same goes for watcher's eye vitality modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" for life.

Also I'm not sure if the unreserved mana/regen in the build is currenly enough, hard to really say since i don't have too much experience with this as i get devouring diadem or eldritch battery from the tree on the version I'm playing. Which is also not really an option on trickster since its more es based when it comes to defences.

9.Closing thoughts
You could also check my poison bv assassin (shameless plug or something i guess) for anything else that could possibly be applied here that i might have forgot to mention.

I'm pretty curious about how this will turn out as it was one of my immediate thoughts seeing the reworked trickster being more defensive and having leech is if some variation of bv could work.

As the main issue with assassin is no good way of really regenerating health in longer fights and, well, its also been nerfed to oblivion multiple times with things like capped poison duration on noxious strike...

Hopefully this is a step in making poison bv more viable again and if not cold and fire bv trickster could have some potential with better leech synergy.

GL in 3.19

Thanks for the awesome deep dive! I've edited my PoB's based on your recommendations. Here they are:

Starter/SSF: https://pastebin.com/fx5fkcU3
Endgame/Trade: https://pastebin.com/qANKnu2h

Addressing the concerns:

1. I've specced into Ghost Reaver and picked up some more leech off the build, it's looking a lot better now (1k leech on Starter/SSF -- 2k+ on Endgame)

2. I think I'm going to be fine without explode on the build. I've played with PB before and don't mind the clear speed. If I want to go explode at some point I'll attack then.

3. Fixed up poison chance on both. Removed Coralito's from Endgame build and replaced with an Enduring mana flask (did this on starter too). Should make mana sustain feel solid. Need a bit more poison chance on Endgame version though...fixed gloves on Endgame.

4. Keeping the totem setup on the Starter/SSF PoB, went with your anomalous WS/PB gem setup on Endgame.

5. As explained above, keeping PB for now. Will look into explode later on.

6. Kept manual Despair on Starter/SSF, added Curse on Hit to rare ring on Endgame.

7. I dropped frenzy charge chasing completely. Went with One Step Ahead, dropped Purity of Elements on Starter/SSF for Malevolence and dropped Purity of Elements on Endgame for Discipline. Damage is still great on both builds without it and doesn't require jumping through hoops to maintain (almost impossible on Starter/SSF). Edited flasks on both builds to compensate for Purity of Elements loss.

8. Added Precision, Void Sphere CWDT setup and modified watcher's eye on Endgame.

9. Hopefully it is! Please let me know what you think of the changes, and once again, thanks for the amazing critiques!

Just noticed there is no unleash in the bv setup which is crucial for any form of bv build, along with some further changes i would consider down below.

Just like the gloves did the helm has both eldritch and hunter influence, something along the lines of the helm i have for my hoag would be pretty similar with the elevated redeemer and hunter mod but tweaked with different lab enchant, base etc ofcrs.

Tree changes
Remove one of the evasion and life nodes from the "Revenge of the hunted" wheel and allocate the evasion and energy shield mastery just above it with either "+1 energy shield per 8 evasion on boots" or "30% of chaos damage taken does not bypass energy shield" for even more polymath value.

I would also maybe replaced the poison mastery "Plague bearer has 20% increased maximum plague value" with "poisons you inflict deal damage 20% faster" just to deal all our damage faster making everything a bit smoother.

Could replace atziri's promise for a bottled faith on the endgame setup for even more damage (just make sure to check the two consecrated ground boxes in configuration), most of the chaos res loss can be regained with a max-near max rolled ming's heart but only time will tell how expensive those will be after the reduced unique drop rates, buff it received and divines most likely being more expensive.

Or you could replace the jade flask for the bottled faith or even a granite flask for better ehp numbers since the jade one doesn't really do as much with the already high evasion.

Ghost reaver life issues
The issue with having no way of recovering life with ghost reaver and corrupted soul bypassing es could be fixed (for mapping atleast) by adding a lvl 1 vitality and getting the watcher's eye modifier "+(20-30) Life gained for each Enemy Hit while affected by Vitality" but it doesn't really help out as much in single target instances (bosses etc) from own experience using rings with +15 life gained on hit.

We gain elusive from withering step and if u check the elusive box in configuraions you can see that it's a pretty huge layer of defence added to the build that is up most of the time but it might be worth considering trying to fit forbidden flame/flesh allocating mistwalker as it would make elusive uptime pretty much permanent combined with withering step and also make us take no extra damage from crits.

Hey! Thanks for the help. :) I've made the following changes and have updated the Endgame build to this: https://pastebin.com/2uf0EMEk

1. Fixed helmet.

2. Adjusted tree to take "30% of chaos damage taken does not bypass energy shield" and buff Polymath.

3. Swapped Atziri's for Bottled Faith.

4. Dropped Corrupted Soul. Adjusted tree, reworked cluster jewel setup.

5. Enabled elusive config. Added Forbidden Flame/Flesh.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von SanaviEronaile#4603 um 18.08.2022, 17:10:41
Dersmond schrieb:
Why is the build using a dagger with poison on hit/poison damage. I think that's local now according to the patch notes.
"Fixed a bug where Suffix modifiers on Weapons that grant increased Damage with Poison and chance to Poison on Hit were granting a global version of the chance to Poison on Hit stat, rather than a local version. Existing items have been updated to the local version."

We don't benefit from the Poison on Hit (unfortunately), but we do from the increased damage with Poison part of the mod.

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