3.25 WRETCHED DEFILERS, all content viable afk wave 30, ubers down

Liberatorist schrieb:
have you considered switching bone barrier for mistress of sacrifice + bone offering + molten shell?
You'd be able to drop some minion survival nodes and tempest shield for the cost a trigger craft on your wand and a gem slot.

Hello, yes i have tried that but as i most map run i hate when i got no regen mods and lack the mana fort he trigger so i went the aura way.But ill leave a pob in the end that i tried modify this way and got good results too. Maybe i change my mind.See the answer below for the POB.

Deadandlivin schrieb:
Bhaltamoz schrieb:
Hello thank everyone for the feedback
as suggested i droped the ag britlle ground and put on my own boots, instead i went for Windshriek to +1 curse

After that i dropped phase run and increased duration to change for divergent dash that also gives perma phasing and anomalus assasin mark lvl 8, and drop the divergent precision lvl to 1

The dps rose to 42.1M

Also i changed all the clusters to Renewal + Vicious Bite + Rotten Claws losing about 3-4m dps on POB as it not count the Renewal double damage.So the final dps will be a greater amount more.
Edit: found the option minions on full life, the dps rose to 48.5m

Other change is the abbys jewel, now it gives minion regen, minion all resist, phy damage and flat ES, that will improve even more minion survavibility.

I need only 10pct to reach 100 then ill test all the boss game and put some videos.

Ill edit the main post today giving more details for the budget build and the updates.

Thx all

This basically reminds me of a carbon copy of Ethans(TheGamereport) build, but running ES instead of life.

Some things to keep in mind in your PoB:
- EHP is bugged because of Aegis Aurora.
Your EHP is not 12.3 million, it's way lower and not breaking 1 million. Keep that in mind. The easiest way to see this is by removing Aegis Aurora and see the difference in numbers. Your Maximum Hit drops by 60k but your EHP drops down to 300k. For your Effective hit, it's a 40% loss in value but for your EHP it's a 98% decrease.
This values usually follow eachother realtively well which should be a clear redflag for you that something in the PoB is bugged.
- Not sure why you've added a 10% increased minion damage modifier in your gloves. I guess you think your quality from Anomalous Assassin's Mark doesn't work? If that's the case, you should remove the 10% dmg mod.

Also wondering why you're running so much minion survivability? It's really excess to have that much. These values are something I'd expect for someone trying to push records in Delve with a minion build. Zombies, Carrions and AG has 40% base ele res, 20% chaos. Spectres have 30% ele res.
They already get 30% from Commander in Darkness which will cover them 99% of the time, especially since you're running all the Aura radius nodes in the world aswell as Ashes of the Stars for an addiional 60% aura radius.
Your Auras literally cover the entire screen, your minions will never run out of your screen, even with aggressive. The radius of your Auras is bigger than the acquisition range of your aggressive minions. If they're ever outside of their auras they will stop attack and run back to you.

All you need to cap their resistances is Indomitable Army + Commander in Darkness. That's +53% and puts all your minions well above 75% all res with your Golems/Zombies/AG at 93% and Spectres at 83%. Your AG has Windshriek meaning he has 98% all res without counting his body.

There's no reason to ever go above that. Elemental Weakness map mods don't affect minions and even if monsters selfcast curses on your minions, those are lvl 1 curses and minions have 50% reduced curse effect on them. Which means something like Ele weakness only reduces your minions resistances by 10%.

Also curious why you don't run +8% max ele res on your minions from a mastery which easily can be allocated from Golem Commander. The only thing that really kills minions in this game is elemental damage shotgunning, elemntal crits or Detonate Deads. It's all elemental damage.
You really should reconsider and get this mastery if you do care about minion survivability. It's 1 billion times better than wasting 3 points into Grave Intentions.

The only benefit of Grave Intentions is that it gives your minions 40% chaos res, which doesn't matter. Your minions will NEVER die to chaos damage unless you're delving at ~1500 depth with Desecrate Pools spawning from killing Zombies down there. The added Ele res from Grave Intentions does nothing.
The only thing I can think of is the added extra ES, which is useless for all your minions except for the AG since you run a Mask of the Stitched Demons.
But you can instead craft 10% of life as extra ES on your AGs chest since you run a rare one which mean you don't need Grave Intentions at all. It's basically wasted points imo. (Personally I would path from the left and get Enduring Bond instead, saves you points too) ES can be recovered elsewhere.

As others have mentioned aswell, you really should consider running an Offering in your build. You're only running 1 Unset Ring so you could easily make room for an Offering with Trigger. This would allow you to remove your Thread of Hope for Glancing Blow and get block cap with 20% increased effect of offerings mastery, Mystic Bulwark and Divergent Bone Offering.
If you want more dps you can keep Glancing Blows and add Divergent Flesh Offering into a trigger for like, 15 million more dps.
You should also consider removing Increased crit support from your Zombies and replace it with Molten Shell. With Enduring Bond + Mistress in Sacrifice your Molten Shells will last ~7 seconds and absorb a whopping 10k damage instead of Bone Barrier which lasts for ~3 sec and absorbs 2.2k.
This setup would let you have full block values instead of glancing blow values aswell which would make you WAY tankier.

Since the league is over I suggest you go back to the drawing board a little and try to rethink some of the aspects in your build. You can squeeze out alot of more efficiency out of it, both dps and survivabilitywise. You really should limittest your minion survivability aswell to see whether you're investing too much into it and wasting skill points.

Thats a long feedback thank u,
Lets answer by topics.

1- Early league i got frustated with my 10 ex AG died twice for explosions while i saving for MB, so i went full way on survavability.
All the guides sugest to get the menor chaos and rest nodes as well couse they told Commander od Darkness radius is only nearby and not affected by extra radius it means the majorit of the time the minions will lack the +30pct resist.So for that i went abyss+2 nodes
As i need to get the minor chaos nodes i invest the 1 more point on the life to extra ES for the AG, since its 20% its a lot more regen provided by MoSD.

2- yes the +8 amx resist is a huge suvavability bost and i sure will get it now, i did't knew that minions dont get affected by - resist curses, or even get just a minor debuf (-10 pct as u told) that's why i did't invest in max resist, knowing that now ill get that point for sure

3- Bone offering just gives half of it effects so GB will still be nedeed. I simulate a POB dropping one cluster and tried the gem changes suggestions,also i got the enduring bond node. The dps went from 48 to 42.6m but maximum hit taken went from 96k to 171k. Also minions got +3 regen and block as well.That's a good change, but i main run maps without caring about modes and i personaly prefer the Tempest shield way for shock immunity too. But ill try to consider that and reformulate the build as the results are quite good. I need more time to think how i will fit it.Also i went back with precision lvl 4 for some more dps.

POB: https://pastebin.com/4HmifsZM

4- About gloves: i made i mistake thinking that fortification also give extra damage, so i edit it and remove the extra 10 damage. About max hit taken : Nice to know that info, its sounds really stranger the numbers got but now makes sense.Ill edit the main POB.

pearlbrian schrieb:
It's very funny to me when a build touts huge armour numbers and all you have to do to get there is...have a mageblood.

Yeah the item is to OP. The build still very viable without it but its a huge boost for sure.
Liberatorist schrieb:
Deadandlivin schrieb:

- EHP is bugged because of Aegis Aurora.
Your EHP is not 12.3 million, it's way lower and not breaking 1 million. Keep that in mind. The easiest way to see this is by removing Aegis Aurora and see the difference in numbers. Your Maximum Hit drops by 60k but your EHP drops down to 300k. For your Effective hit, it's a 40% loss in value but for your EHP it's a 98% decrease.
This values usually follow eachother realtively well which should be a clear redflag for you that something in the PoB is bugged.

PoB isn't bugged.
It's just that the monster damage is chosen too low.
Think of this scenario:
If monster damage is 100 after factoring in defenses and you recover 1000 ES on block, it is very unlikely that you will ever die unless the monsters hit a VERY lucky streak where you dont block at all (and this is assuming no other energy shield regen)
If you scale up the monster damage to where 10 non-blocked hits in a row can actually kill you, you'll see the EHP number dropping significantly

Oh, you're right. Ghazzy has been saying that Aegis Aurora is bugged on PoB so I assumed it was. You're correct, if you change the values of the hits to what abilities actually do instead of doing 1 damage you get more realistic numbers.

For example, Shaper Slam does 12k non crit. If you plug the damage of his slam and some arbitrary damage of elemental hits you get more realistic EHP numbers.

I actually didn't know that the resistance bonus for minions was to nearby, I thought it was added to minions affected by your auras like the attack/cast speed. Figures you should read tooltips before assuming things blindly :P

I tried looking up how big the "nearby" radius was but couldn't find any information. But if I had to guess, it would be pretty large. My reasoning is because I've done alot of ascendance swapping with my own build. When I was a necro I literally, NEVER lost any minion that wasn't to some bullshit mechanic like a DD from a strongbox blowing up a Rogue metamorph.

Wave 30 Kosis + Omniphobia with 6 damage mods? Np, zombies don't even go below 80% when they do that huge earthquake ability. AG, Carrions and Spectres always on full hp.

Then I swapped to Occultist and Elementalist with the same build to try somethings out and all of a sudden I was literally losing Zombies and Spectres every map I did. I was running Unnatural Strength Forbidden jewels for +2 so they had the same HP. Problem was that they weren't resist capped any longer so I was forced to run Elemental Army on Zombies/Spectres to cap them out. (AG was overcapped anyway)

This makes me think that the Commander of Darkness area must've been pretty big if my Zombies went from never dying and tanking every abilitiy in the game to dying like flies every map.


I've had my fair share of losing expensive AGs in the past. With time you will learn that building alot of survivability doesn't matter, he will still get oneshot by bullshit. You just gotta learn what things have the potential to kill him.

Ritual was the last league where I had a defensive AG. He had 147k HP, Mask of the Stitched Demon, Overcapped resistances. The whole shabang. He was literally using 4 item slots just to be a Kingmaker aurabot.
I was farming 100% delirius maps back then with elevated sextants and tripple beyond on my maps. When I got to a diplomatic escort pack all the monsters died which spawned 100s of extra beyond monsters. All of them did those huge red circle things on the ground and my game lagged out. My AG tanked ALL red circles at once and got oneshot in an instant. No matter how tanky I would've made him, nothing could've saved him.

From this moment I said, fuck it, and stopped making super tanky AGs and it's the best decision I've made for build making. Thing is, your AG should never die outside of bullshit mechanics.
As mentioned earlier, this includes Shotgunning and Detonate Deads.
No matter what you do to your AG, those are the things that will kill him. In some cases when he has low life and bad gear, he will die to Corrupted Blood from Sirus.
You said you lost 2 AGs this league already. Do you remember what you were doing when he got killed? If I had to guess it was something of the above that killed him. Maybe you opened a strongbox and POOF, AG dead. Could've had 100k hp/sec regen, wouldn't have mattered. Or maybe you were fighting Veritania when your dps was low, she did the charge thign where she spawns 50 whirlwinds in the center of here mody moving outwards and your AG stood on top of her and tanked all whirlwinds at the same time and got shotgunned?
Those are the kind of things you have to look out for. I've learned it the hard way for many leagues now.

Nowadays, I just run an 80k AG with gar for 30 ex. He doesn't have a single defensive item and his HP hasn't moved below 97% the whole league.
I did lose an AG before him earlier this league though who had ~10 ex of gear.
He died from a Strongbox DD after I killed a Rogue Metamorph. BOOM, instadeleted all my minions. Unspecced Strongboxes after that.

When it comes to resistanes for your AG, remember that you can cap them with gear very easily on him. A suggestion I have is to, instead of running Windshriek, use an Awakeners Orb on a Explodey and a Hunters chest with +1 Curse. You want to use an Astral Plate base with +1 Curse to throw the T1 explodey mod on. This gets you a free +12 all res from the implicit. It then opens up your Boots on your AG to use a perfect crafted Rog base with like ~45% to all elemental resistances. Doing all this would put your ag at ~97% all res without a single point invested in the tree.

Yeah, and map mods that affect you with curses don't apply to them either. Only players. Also, you're running a Bottled Faith which drops Consc Ground which reduces curse effect by an additional 50%. So I wouldn't worry about curses on minions at all, won't have any effect. And if they did have an effect, the only thing I would worry about is the AG which you can overcap in resistances from gear alone.

I don't make energy shield builds, but if I got my hands on this build I'd probably design it something like this:


You're running a Mageblood so I will automatically assume you're high budget.
Gear changes are clusters which cost ~30 ex to craft each and the Watcher's Eye is 10 ex (Offline).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deadandlivin#2745 um 01.04.2022, 15:49:22
Deadandlivin schrieb:
I actually didn't know that the resistance bonus for minions was to nearby, I thought it was added to minions affected by your auras like the attack/cast speed. Figures you should read tooltips before assuming things blindly :P

I tried looking up how big the "nearby" radius was but couldn't find any information. But if I had to guess, it would be pretty large. My reasoning is because I've done alot of ascendance swapping with my own build. When I was a necro I literally, NEVER lost any minion that wasn't to some bullshit mechanic like a DD from a strongbox blowing up a Rogue metamorph.

Wave 30 Kosis + Omniphobia with 6 damage mods? Np, zombies don't even go below 80% when they do that huge earthquake ability. AG, Carrions and Spectres always on full hp.

Then I swapped to Occultist and Elementalist with the same build to try somethings out and all of a sudden I was literally losing Zombies and Spectres every map I did. I was running Unnatural Strength Forbidden jewels for +2 so they had the same HP. Problem was that they weren't resist capped any longer so I was forced to run Elemental Army on Zombies/Spectres to cap them out. (AG was overcapped anyway)

This makes me think that the Commander of Darkness area must've been pretty big if my Zombies went from never dying and tanking every abilitiy in the game to dying like flies every map.


I've had my fair share of losing expensive AGs in the past. With time you will learn that building alot of survivability doesn't matter, he will still get oneshot by bullshit. You just gotta learn what things have the potential to kill him.

Ritual was the last league where I had a defensive AG. He had 147k HP, Mask of the Stitched Demon, Overcapped resistances. The whole shabang. He was literally using 4 item slots just to be a Kingmaker aurabot.
I was farming 100% delirius maps back then with elevated sextants and tripple beyond on my maps. When I got to a diplomatic escort pack all the monsters died which spawned 100s of extra beyond monsters. All of them did those huge red circle things on the ground and my game lagged out. My AG tanked ALL red circles at once and got oneshot in an instant. No matter how tanky I would've made him, nothing could've saved him.

From this moment I said, fuck it, and stopped making super tanky AGs and it's the best decision I've made for build making. Thing is, your AG should never die outside of bullshit mechanics.
As mentioned earlier, this includes Shotgunning and Detonate Deads.
No matter what you do to your AG, those are the things that will kill him. In some cases when he has low life and bad gear, he will die to Corrupted Blood from Sirus.
You said you lost 2 AGs this league already. Do you remember what you were doing when he got killed? If I had to guess it was something of the above that killed him. Maybe you opened a strongbox and POOF, AG dead. Could've had 100k hp/sec regen, wouldn't have mattered. Or maybe you were fighting Veritania when your dps was low, she did the charge thign where she spawns 50 whirlwinds in the center of here mody moving outwards and your AG stood on top of her and tanked all whirlwinds at the same time and got shotgunned?
Those are the kind of things you have to look out for. I've learned it the hard way for many leagues now.

Nowadays, I just run an 80k AG with gar for 30 ex. He doesn't have a single defensive item and his HP hasn't moved below 97% the whole league.
I did lose an AG before him earlier this league though who had ~10 ex of gear.
He died from a Strongbox DD after I killed a Rogue Metamorph. BOOM, instadeleted all my minions. Unspecced Strongboxes after that.

When it comes to resistanes for your AG, remember that you can cap them with gear very easily on him. A suggestion I have is to, instead of running Windshriek, use an Awakeners Orb on a Explodey and a Hunters chest with +1 Curse. You want to use an Astral Plate base with +1 Curse to throw the T1 explodey mod on. This gets you a free +12 all res from the implicit. It then opens up your Boots on your AG to use a perfect crafted Rog base with like ~45% to all elemental resistances. Doing all this would put your ag at ~97% all res without a single point invested in the tree.

Yeah, and map mods that affect you with curses don't apply to them either. Only players. Also, you're running a Bottled Faith which drops Consc Ground which reduces curse effect by an additional 50%. So I wouldn't worry about curses on minions at all, won't have any effect. And if they did have an effect, the only thing I would worry about is the AG which you can overcap in resistances from gear alone.

I don't make energy shield builds, but if I got my hands on this build I'd probably design it something like this:


You're running a Mageblood so I will automatically assume you're high budget.
Gear changes are clusters which cost ~30 ex to craft each and the Watcher's Eye is 10 ex (Offline).

What a wonderfull job u did there man unbelivebe.
20m dps rose, 200 max es and full block witohut gb + moltenshell that put minions surviv + max hit taken doubled. Sick!!!
The nunber that i got was pretty good but now ill work on this even more.

Yeah, CoD is only nerby but i only cares for AG so it doest matter, ill leave the small nodes after all u explanations. I need to know if can be possible craft a 10%max life to es on a crusader explode chest, couse i dont wanna to leave MoSD neither explosions.
Also yes, he died froma strongbox explosion and from a metamorph at end of the map summoned by the scarab.

I got a bit confused with gem setup, tempest shield are mentioned on ring that was socket dash and in the wand that becomes 4l with desecrate.
I think dash is a must to proc the wand , since bone offering was added stone golem don't hurt to much to be dropped, so i decided to dorp it to get all gems needed, also it gives a 5m dps boost for the extra carrion.

Also u mentioned +20pct armour from the mastery, but i think u deleted it as u planning the new tree. So i did some changes:
As discipline got 25 reduced mana, purity of ice went to enlighthen setup to free some extra mana
The 2 mana nodes are pretty god but i think the mana was suffient without them, so i droped 1 damage node and the 2 mana nodes to get armour+es+ the armour es mastery to fit the configurations.

Final result is it:

What u think about? If u have no new ideias will work on it since the build got tremedous improved with this setup for a little cost (60 ex for 20m dps and double max hit taken still quite cheap, also selling my actual clusters will give about 34ex, half the way)

Have some guide to craft this 12 passive clusters?

Ty for the support
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bhaltamoz#1174 um 01.04.2022, 18:07:05

What a wonderfull job u did there man unbelivebe.
20m dps rose, 200 max es and full block witohut gb + moltenshell that put minions surviv + max hit taken doubled. Sick!!!
The nunber that i got was pretty good but now ill work on this even more.

Yeah, CoD is only nerby but i only cares for AG so it doest matter, ill leave the small nodes after all u explanations. I need to know if can be possible craft a 10%max life to es on a crusader explode chest, couse i dont wanna to leave MoSD neither explosions.
Also yes, he died froma strongbox explosion and from a metamorph at end of the map summoned by the scarab.

I got a bit confused with gem setup, tempest shield are mentioned on ring that was socket dash and in the wand that becomes 4l with desecrate.
I think dash is a must to proc the wand , since bone offering was added stone golem don't hurt to much to be dropped, so i decided to dorp it to get all gems needed, also it gives a 5m dps boost for the extra carrion.

Also u mentioned +20pct armour from the mastery, but i think u deleted it as u planning the new tree. So i did some changes:
As discipline got 25 reduced mana, purity of ice went to enlighthen setup to free some extra mana
The 2 mana nodes are pretty god but i think the mana was suffient without them, so i droped 1 damage node and the 2 mana nodes to get armour+es+ the armour es mastery to fit the configurations.

Final result is it:

What u think about? If u have no new ideias will work on it since the build got tremedous improved with this setup for a little cost (60 ex for 20m dps and double max hit taken still quite cheap, also selling my actual clusters will give about 34ex, half the way)

Have some guide to craft this 12 passive clusters?

Ty for the support

Np, it's hard know if everything works out but I think I managed to fit everything and make the mechanics work.

Yeah, the 20% armour thing was from a mastery that I removed.
The first itteration used Lifetap in trigger wand so you could do Bone Offering which will cost ~90 mana.

But I had forgotten that you're CI so Lifetap just oneshots you.
So I had to pull points from the tree to get more mana/regen and mana reservation. This was done with Discipline mana reservation mastery and the mana nodes in the tree which synergize with the ES.
Just forgot to remove the mastery since it was bugged and I put it in the extra configs :P

In the start I had Dread Banner in the weapon and Tempest Shield in the ring but needed to swap things around. You only want the trigger setup and auras in the wand since auras don't trigger. So I moved TS and Purity of Ice there cause neither Dash or Assassin's mark should be in trigger. Just forgot to rename the things.

The Desecrate is in the wand to show that you might want to use Desecrate in the trigger to always have corpses for Bone Offering. This can be important for bosses.

However, you would have to sacrifice one gem in your gear for that. I would probably sacrifice Increased Crit dmg on your Zombies and put Dash in your helm. Then move Tempest Shield or PoI to a ring and have desecrate in wand.

But it depends on if you want to run Desecrate to have 100% uptime on it, on bosses too.

Personally, I don't run Desecrate in my own trigger wand. I don't feel it's really needed. I have my desecrate in my offhand weapon swap instead. So my offhand has another supercheap trigger wand with Desecrate and Offering and Increased Duration.

If I need Offering for a boss fight or an Invitation et.c. I just weapon swap, press dash 2 times and get a 30 sec Offering.

For you though, you don't lose that much dmg swapping Increased crit for Desecrate. In the end I would recommend playing around with both setups and see what feels best.
Deadandlivin schrieb:

What a wonderfull job u did there man unbelivebe.
20m dps rose, 200 max es and full block witohut gb + moltenshell that put minions surviv + max hit taken doubled. Sick!!!
The nunber that i got was pretty good but now ill work on this even more.

Yeah, CoD is only nerby but i only cares for AG so it doest matter, ill leave the small nodes after all u explanations. I need to know if can be possible craft a 10%max life to es on a crusader explode chest, couse i dont wanna to leave MoSD neither explosions.
Also yes, he died froma strongbox explosion and from a metamorph at end of the map summoned by the scarab.

I got a bit confused with gem setup, tempest shield are mentioned on ring that was socket dash and in the wand that becomes 4l with desecrate.
I think dash is a must to proc the wand , since bone offering was added stone golem don't hurt to much to be dropped, so i decided to dorp it to get all gems needed, also it gives a 5m dps boost for the extra carrion.

Also u mentioned +20pct armour from the mastery, but i think u deleted it as u planning the new tree. So i did some changes:
As discipline got 25 reduced mana, purity of ice went to enlighthen setup to free some extra mana
The 2 mana nodes are pretty god but i think the mana was suffient without them, so i droped 1 damage node and the 2 mana nodes to get armour+es+ the armour es mastery to fit the configurations.

Final result is it:

What u think about? If u have no new ideias will work on it since the build got tremedous improved with this setup for a little cost (60 ex for 20m dps and double max hit taken still quite cheap, also selling my actual clusters will give about 34ex, half the way)

Have some guide to craft this 12 passive clusters?

Ty for the support

Np, it's hard know if everything works out but I think I managed to fit everything and make the mechanics work.

Yeah, the 20% armour thing was from a mastery that I removed.
The first itteration used Lifetap in trigger wand so you could do Bone Offering which will cost ~90 mana.

But I had forgotten that you're CI so Lifetap just oneshots you.
So I had to pull points from the tree to get more mana/regen and mana reservation. This was done with Discipline mana reservation mastery and the mana nodes in the tree which synergize with the ES.
Just forgot to remove the mastery since it was bugged and I put it in the extra configs :P

In the start I had Dread Banner in the weapon and Tempest Shield in the ring but needed to swap things around. You only want the trigger setup and auras in the wand since auras don't trigger. So I moved TS and Purity of Ice there cause neither Dash or Assassin's mark should be in trigger. Just forgot to rename the things.

The Desecrate is in the wand to show that you might want to use Desecrate in the trigger to always have corpses for Bone Offering. This can be important for bosses.

However, you would have to sacrifice one gem in your gear for that. I would probably sacrifice Increased Crit dmg on your Zombies and put Dash in your helm. Then move Tempest Shield or PoI to a ring and have desecrate in wand.

But it depends on if you want to run Desecrate to have 100% uptime on it, on bosses too.

Personally, I don't run Desecrate in my own trigger wand. I don't feel it's really needed. I have my desecrate in my offhand weapon swap instead. So my offhand has another supercheap trigger wand with Desecrate and Offering and Increased Duration.

If I need Offering for a boss fight or an Invitation et.c. I just weapon swap, press dash 2 times and get a 30 sec Offering.

For you though, you don't lose that much dmg swapping Increased crit for Desecrate. In the end I would recommend playing around with both setups and see what feels best.

Sure so will be it!
I think drop stone golem is a better option, the character will still have 600regen and went for 67m dps, if critical chacne is dorped it down for 53m dps wich i think its a huge loss for 600 hp reg.
Ill be working on these jewls till the league ends, it ended a well balanced char with huge dps and survavibility.

Just updating, i made a new POB mixed with the new cluster and the old gem comp ( droped bone offereing but reamained with molten shell)
So i dropped the watcher's eye and bring back the trhead of hope.With this i can bring back divine shield to the build as well wich is a great skill to have with this high amount of armour.
The results are pretty sick for me, need ur opnion guys.

ES went to 8051
regen go for 943 without stone golem
dps rise to 73m
max hit taken went up to 200500

and the build again dont need any mana, still have bone armour for bleed and map without mana, molten shell added for be the best guard skill and dash for movement, but the build dont relly in trigger at all.


Any opnion will be welcomed.
Minions survival is all god couse the lifeleech + all rest nodes + 2 pct life regen(specs) + anomalus ff

Man i jsut added skellies as they only 15 mana and dammit....106m dps, still ahve almost 200k max hit taken, 750 es regen and 7.6k es, i think ill go this way

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bhaltamoz#1174 um 01.04.2022, 23:36:54
Bhaltamoz schrieb:
Just updating, i made a new POB mixed with the new cluster and the old gem comp ( droped bone offereing but reamained with molten shell)
So i dropped the watcher's eye and bring back the trhead of hope.With this i can bring back divine shield to the build as well wich is a great skill to have with this high amount of armour.
The results are pretty sick for me, need ur opnion guys.

ES went to 8051
regen go for 943 without stone golem
dps rise to 73m
max hit taken went up to 200500

and the build again dont need any mana, still have bone armour for bleed and map without mana, molten shell added for be the best guard skill and dash for movement, but the build dont relly in trigger at all.


Any opnion will be welcomed.
Minions survival is all god couse the lifeleech + all rest nodes + 2 pct life regen(specs) + anomalus ff

Man i jsut added skellies as they only 15 mana and dammit....106m dps, still ahve almost 200k max hit taken, 750 es regen and 7.6k es, i think ill go this way


If you somehow can fit Skitterbots (Maybe with some more reservation and Helm enchant and craft a proper 7-link minion helm (+3, Hypothermia, Minion Damage)you could get your dps up to 130 million I think. Fitting another Aura might be super hard though.

Anyhow, you should craft a proper minion helm or simply buy one anyway.
By simply finding any source of cold dmg for your minions (Like through a Ghastly eye jewel) they will chill and Hypothermia is added.
I love playing minion builds and this caught my eye. One thing i'm wondering is, what's important for chest apart from 100% inc defences?

Armour, Energy Shield, and then?

Trying to buy a grasping mail in either std or league is a pain tbh
Deadandlivin schrieb:
Bhaltamoz schrieb:
Just updating, i made a new POB mixed with the new cluster and the old gem comp ( droped bone offereing but reamained with molten shell)
So i dropped the watcher's eye and bring back the trhead of hope.With this i can bring back divine shield to the build as well wich is a great skill to have with this high amount of armour.
The results are pretty sick for me, need ur opnion guys.

ES went to 8051
regen go for 943 without stone golem
dps rise to 73m
max hit taken went up to 200500

and the build again dont need any mana, still have bone armour for bleed and map without mana, molten shell added for be the best guard skill and dash for movement, but the build dont relly in trigger at all.


Any opnion will be welcomed.
Minions survival is all god couse the lifeleech + all rest nodes + 2 pct life regen(specs) + anomalus ff

Man i jsut added skellies as they only 15 mana and dammit....106m dps, still ahve almost 200k max hit taken, 750 es regen and 7.6k es, i think ill go this way


If you somehow can fit Skitterbots (Maybe with some more reservation and Helm enchant and craft a proper 7-link minion helm (+3, Hypothermia, Minion Damage)you could get your dps up to 130 million I think. Fitting another Aura might be super hard though.

Anyhow, you should craft a proper minion helm or simply buy one anyway.
By simply finding any source of cold dmg for your minions (Like through a Ghastly eye jewel) they will chill and Hypothermia is added.

Very nice tip. I simulated a perfect helm with hypothermia and the damage went to 123m
U know how to craft the 9 pct plus physucal damage on bone helmet? i bought this one already done.
Also i need to think how will put this abyss jewel on the build.

Eag1e schrieb:
I love playing minion builds and this caught my eye. One thing i'm wondering is, what's important for chest apart from 100% inc defences?

Armour, Energy Shield, and then?

Trying to buy a grasping mail in either std or league is a pain tbh

Hello! Grasping mail isn't a must at all. A Skin Of The Lords will provide like -10k armour and -1,5k es but will provide the same damage and save 1 skill point.

U can try a good crafted vaal regalia too to get some good results as well.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bhaltamoz#1174 um 03.04.2022, 18:16:13

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