[3.20] Lightning Trap Saboteur | League Starter | Endgame Bosser | 4+mil dps on a 5link.
" My mistake |
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Hi fellow bois again just wanted to do a both mapping and bossing showcase of the build in general. Hope it interests you its Minotaur with both map and boss phase. Really enjoying the build to its fullest ty sir again for creating such a good and detailed both guide and character. :))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrKpNqBi8j0 |
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" anyone? |
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" Actually most of the time because of the gloves we have 3 endurance charges up and it looks like immortal call might be the better call here. For me with Steelskin I have around 29k effective hit pool and with Immortal Call I have around 43k. Good call if I am doing everything correctly. Zuletzt bearbeitet von KubgiN#4247 um 25.08.2022, 22:43:41
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" Yes, because we have endurance charges, immortal call mitigates more than steelskin. However there is the issue that immortal call removes all of our endurance charges, meaning it leaves us squishier when its no longer active than steelskin does. I recommend the more consistant damage reduction of steelskin. Personal Preference really Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ekule731#0012 um 26.08.2022, 12:36:12
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" - For the helmet, ideally you'd have the influenced +1 power charge, which prevents the item from having eater of worlds or searing exarch implicits, however if you were to have the implicits then you'd want:
* For Searing exarch, you'd want cast speed, critical strike chance for spells, or ideally % Damage per power charge. https://poedb.tw/us/Helmets_int#TheSearingExarchImplicit * For the Eater of Worlds implicit you'd want damage penetrates lightning resistance, mana reservation efficiency, or increased spell damage. https://poedb.tw/us/Helmets_int#TheEaterofWorldsImplicit - For the boots, there are several different types of modifiers you might want:
* For searing exarch implicits, the BiS modifier is technically increased action speed, which affects movement speed, and trap throwing speed, among other things. Movement speed, elemental/chaos resistance, chance to avoid chill/freeze (if not otherwise immune), or chance to avoid stun are all useful and valid implicits you can use. https://poedb.tw/us/Boots_dex#TheSearingExarchImplicit * For eater of worlds implcits, there isn't anything that's particularly useful for this build. Increased life regeneration rate, cooldown recovery rate of travel skills, chance to avoid elemental ailments, chance to avoid bleeding, or chance to avoid poison all work. https://poedb.tw/us/Boots_dex#TheEaterofWorldsImplicit |
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Hi guys I need help with build littlebit https://pastebin.com/KPMbgZbg that's my pob dunno where to go from here i get 1 shot so many times that its hurt :D
i have jewels like that but then i need to drop supress damage and i am scared that will be even more 1 shot character and mine endurance charges are dropping all time,anychance anyone can help me ,i can pay divine for help :D Zuletzt bearbeitet von tnhogar#6357 um 28.08.2022, 11:11:43
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I think you dont really need cluster jewels as a trapper. The standard tree has a lots of good nodes. that small amount of dps with cluster jewels it not worthy in comparison with 100% Spell Sup.
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" So, on loading your PoB, the first thing I noticed was your very low health, at only 3.1k. Your Energy shield is decent at just shy of 1.5k. You are missing the entire Cruel Preparation wheel, by the power charge at the top of the tree, which gives 22% life (for your character, that would be another 400 life) You also dont have the life mastery for +50 maximum life. You're missing a 5% life node right next to blood siphon at the start of your tree. You also have a random 10% flask charges gained node allocated, idk if that was intentional. You currently have the spell suppression mastery for 12% spell suppression if helm, boots, and gloves have evasion rating, but your helmet doesn't have any evasion rating, so you aren't benefiting from that at all. You also have the wrong anointment on your amulet. You anointed OverchargeD instead of Overcharge (Crimson Oil, Black Oil, Silver Oil), which would be 26% MORE damage for your character. You also didn't allocate the charge mastery from the Disciple of the Forbidden wheel for 100% increased charge duration, which is why you are struggling to sustain your endurance charges. Its fine to keep the spell suppression instead of going for the cluster jewel, you just may not be shocking certain bosses for 50% without overshock, and you'd be missing 10-14% increased life from the rare jewels you'd socket in the cluster jewel (which is a fine trade off in favor of spell suppression). You'd probably be better off having a spell suppression Quartz flask than an amethyst flask, since you'd still have 25% chaos resistance without it, and it would put you at 65% spell suppression. As far as flask suffixes go, using % increased evasion rating during flask effect would help your evasion rating a fair bit. As far as dying frequently, most players with the grand majority of builds are having that issue, due to the highly overtuned archenemesis modifiers on rare monsters. They reverted a change they made in response to backlash last league where they reduced the number of modifiers rare monsters had on average by 1. I have no idea why they didn't expect the same backlash this league. They plan on doing a nerf pass on most archnemesis modifiers in the next day or two, which should alleviate the issue somewhat. Edit: I also noticed you still have infernal legion support with skitterbots, you no longer need this as you have an eye jewel in your belt that has fire damage to spells allowing you to ignite. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ekule731#0012 um 29.08.2022, 18:20:22
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Guys, who can watch my build(Briarey_ lvl 90 Saboteur in my profile)?
In PoB i have 95% dodge chance, but in game defence dodge chance 80%. Why this difference? What's difference? what exactly chance? I guess, i need change helmet to dodge base and get suppress from all parts of equipment) and may be change one battery to shield to more defensive for me. or i can get def some where else? |
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