3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.

I dropped a sanctified relic which spread freezes, is there any safesure way to apply freeze with this build? I have added cold on blizzard crown and hyrris ire.

Unfortunately, freezes can only be applied on crit (which we don't have much of) or when we deal enough cold damage based on the monster's max. life. The duration of this freeze (0.06s per 1% of monster ailment threshold) needs to be more than 0.3s, so if we don't do this amount of damage, the freeze doesn't occur.

For the latter (doing enough cold damage), we really don't have enough sources of this damage. Given that our focus is to scale ignites from the fuse explosion, EA's arrow damage is relatively tiny. However, it's this damage that we're trying to freeze monsters with, so it's a sisyphean task.

A couple of weeks back, I've tested this using Expedition's End. I was hoping that the mod to "Freeze Chilled Enemies as though dealing (50-100)% more Damage" would be enough to overcome the difficulties from above, but it just wasn't enough. Also, as expected, once the fuses explode, the monsters just die and there's nothing nearby that the freeze needs to proliferate to.

This is also why we take Shaper of Storms (All damage can shock, and shock for 15% at the minimum) with a bunch of "increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments" so we can shoot for 50% shock every time we hit.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von limevan#7271 um 23.01.2023, 02:35:07
MacGyver85EL schrieb:
@Limevan, you mentioned sharing your thoughts on how to use POB to find timeless jewels in a post to another member. I'm also very interested in this if you're willing!

The linked site is similar to how the function works in POB. POB also helps you dump your results as a clickable trade search link, so that's great QoL.

The function is tucked on the bottom bar.

Fill up the fields in red. We pick "Any" conqueror because we don't care about the keystones they transform. "# Duelist: 54127" tells POB which socket we want it to search based on. Since we have quite a few useful Nodes on the wheel, we leave Filter Nodes unchecked. This means we're giving POB the freedom to search based on passives in the wheel that we haven't pathed towards. If you are starved on passive points and absolutely don't want to change your tree, you can check this box.

Here comes the fun part -- there is a list of mods that we can get from Lethal Pride (copied from poewiki) and I've grouped based on their category:

20% increased Burning Damage.
20% increased damage with Totems.
Ignites you inflict deal damage 10% faster.

5% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage.
5% increased Strength.
4% increased maximum Life.
Regenerate 1% of Life per second.
+20% to Fire Resistance.
5% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on kill.
You take 10% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes.
+20 to Strength.
20% increased Armour.

12% increased Totem Placement Speed. (QoL if we're stripping totem mastery wheels)
8% increased Warcry Buff Effect. (benefits enduring cry, but not by much)
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage. (only if no EE, and even so, we have such low Phys Dmg so this is awful)

Never useful
20% increased Physical Damage. (we have negligible Phys damage)
5% chance to deal Double Damage. (only works on the fuses, not the explosion)
20% increased Stun Duration on Enemies.
10% reduced enemy Stun Threshold.
30% increased Melee Critical Strike Chance.
+15% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier.
20% increased Melee Damage.
+1 to maximum Fortification.
10% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on hit. (doesn't work on DoT)
0.4% of Attack Damage leeched as Life. (we don't do damage, and totems don't leech to us)

Your turn. Rank these mods and give each of them a weight. A 0 - 10 scale is easiest: for mods you don't care about, give them 0 weight; for those you really want, give them 10. Each build has its own needs: if you're going with Mageblood, then faster ignites are really good to make up for the lost speed; if you're really low on HP, you can opt for more % life. Here is my personal list, but like I mentioned, each player should have one that suits him/her.

[10] Ignites you inflict deal damage 10% faster.
[4] 20% increased Burning Damage.
[4] 20% increased damage with Totems.
[4] 4% increased maximum Life.
[3] 5% chance to gain an Endurance Charge on kill.
[3] You take 10% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes.
[2] Regenerate 1% of Life per second.
[2] 5% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage.
[1] 20% increased Armour.
[1] 5% increased Strength.
[0] +20 to Strength.
[0] +20% to Fire Resistance.

Now, we add these parameters into POB. For each one, click Search for Node and select your mod.

Change the weight of the mod based on your own ranking. In this case, I'm giving "20% increased Burning Damage" a weight of 4. You can do this with the sliders on "Primary Node Weight" but I find them difficult to use.

This is how the list should look once you're done.

Click Generate, and you can see a list of results. These are ranked by the total weights within all passives that we're getting POB to search in. You can see how strong the first result is. 50% ignite faster is immediately stronger than Dyadian Dawn's ignite mod, and there's 40% increased damage and other QoL. HOWEVER, this may not be the best jewel for you since you are unlikely to be pathing to ALL the passives in the list.

You can go further and get POB to generate any jewel in the list so you can socket it and see the stats for yourself. Just double click on any result in the list and it will appear in your Items tab.

Remember, you can prune your results down if you don't want to path too excessively by checking "Filter Nodes" and then redoing a search. Once you're set on buying, click Copy Trade URL.

This copies a link that you can paste on your browser, and that's about it.

There's a lot more to this, but I hope this helps to get you started. Good luck, and have fun with tinkering!
mcbats schrieb:
Managed to luck out on a lvl 4 enlighten. Should I use it or sell it for unnatural instincts + a lvl 3 enlighten?

If you can get all the auras in with enlighten3, then you definitely should sell enlighten4 to get Unnatural Instinct in as well. I've listed the many benefits of this jewel in a post from a few days ago. (I've got an uncorrupted Unnatural Instinct that I can sell you at a half the going rate if you want.)

Also, sorry for not getting back on some threads asking for help with builds. I'll try to go through more of them when I have time.
Hi Sir and Sifu. I need help on my characther if i may. It seems i cant slot my banner skill due to efficiency problem. Can anyone spare me some guidance on this matter
What is the budget needed to do good damage with this build?
limevan schrieb:
mcbats schrieb:
Managed to luck out on a lvl 4 enlighten. Should I use it or sell it for unnatural instincts + a lvl 3 enlighten?

If you can get all the auras in with enlighten3, then you definitely should sell enlighten4 to get Unnatural Instinct in as well. I've listed the many benefits of this jewel in a post from a few days ago. (I've got an uncorrupted Unnatural Instinct that I can sell you at a half the going rate if you want.)

Also, sorry for not getting back on some threads asking for help with builds. I'll try to go through more of them when I have time.

I can't get malevolence even with enlighten 4 for now. So I think ill invest in the jewel first. Also need to off colour socket my bow for the empower. Sent you a pm!

Hootbagz3 schrieb:
I think I messed up the build and cannot figure it out. I know we aren't supposed to have the tankiest build, but I am dying several times on every red map.

Any experts out there able to tell me what significant piece(s) I'm missing out on or if I need to change gear around?


Your determination is lvl2, should be 21, same with defiance banner.
Your life on gear is low, chaos res above 0 is a must and chaos res at 75% is good thing to have.
Level 98 (IGN Amleth) and looks like I'm nearing the end of my journey on this character. Have all the build defining items it looks like for the most part. If I want to do even more damage looks like I will need to pay many divines for a upgrade to my Watcher's Eye and Lethal Pride. Sitting around 11 mil ignite DPS over 2.5 APS with 20% increased skill duration. Is there anything I am missing to push damage even further aside from those expensive upgrades? Should I try to rework the tree to include a Large Cluster? Looks like that is my only other option to get more damage while maintaining my survivability. Any help appreciated and please let me know if I am missing something glaringly obvious.
Hello. I am level 78 and got lucky yesterday and sold an item for 2.8 divines. I had like 1 chaos before that 😂

What items/gear should I prioritize getting first?
This is the current state of my build.
Comments are welcome on how to take it further.
Currently hitting 35M ignite DPS (11M uber), but survivability suffers a bit (one or two rips per 60% delirious map).

Outdated items are the helmet, quiver, amulet and ring.

Unfortunately, I lost track of spell suppression while changing from atziri's step, so that is under the cap now but shouldn't be hard to fix via more suppression on the helmet. I feel the 8% under-cap didn't change the survivability that much.

I know what to do to get more dmg (dot and +2 amulet, unnatural instinct, upgrade cluster to 3 notable, second totem cluster, dot multi in helm and quiver, proliferation in gloves, cap the hit chance).

I'm struggling more with where to find more survivability. I can cap spell suppression with a helmet and either more dex or passives, but after that, I'm a bit lost.

PoB: https://pobb.in/0vI8VfzpaYl7

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