3.23 EXPLOSIVE ARROW BALLISTA ELEMENTALIST - League-Start to End-Game. Easy mode.
" Thank you :) I'll be starting this today as the league launches on PS5. For a smooth start do you guys think is better to wait until maps to swap? Maybe going Brand first? Since the changes to ACTS mobs I always struggle a bit, specially ACT3 boss, so going with more Bang at the start is very helpful. |
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Could someone have a look at my build? According to PoB I have 6m DPS against Sirius but I am taking more than 30 seconds to kill a T10 Boss. Something must be wrong but I cannot figure out what it is. https://pastebin.com/qdKavRBS Thanks |
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" Your attack rate is absolute T R A S H, you have 1.47 without frenzy and flask and your Explosive Arrow skill duration is just 1.023 seconds, this means that in best case scenario where you have 5-6 totems down you are applying a maximum of 5-10 explosive arrows before they detonate, this means you real ignite dps is more around 800k and 2 million total 1) get the 15% increased skill effect duration on the mastery node tree that you skipped 2) get a 20% quality explosive arrow these will allow you to stack more arrows for a bigger ignite before they explode 4) stack more attack speed 5) optional for what I did with my build is get a 6 link quill rain, my attack rate without frenzy and without flask is 2.85 compared to yours which is 1.47 and I'm doing my full 9+ million dot dps on bosses because I apply over 20+ explosive arrows and you apply barely 10 |
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" Thank you for your reply and suggestions. I didn't understand the mechanic behind explosive arrow but now it makes sense. I was able to increase my attack speed and I am already noticing huge improvements and will continue to stack attack speed. |
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" Also unequipping your Amulet will boost your DPS by about 10-20%. Your Amulet has Fire Damage to Attacks :) |
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Hello, it's cool to see a thread on this build. I've already gathered some helpful tips to make my experience easier.
I was wondering if there is anyone savvy with POBs who can help me figure out what I can do better? There is mentioning in the thread that the build is crazy OP and the like, but personally, it doesn't feel like that to me :/ Coming from skele mages last league, I've actually been struggling with this build. I think I got the survivability to a decent level but dmg seems low. What are the atk speed breakpoints for the fuses to work correctly? And what stats do I need to aim for most with my gear? I got a bow with chonky elemental damage because it seemed better than my former +2 one. Is +2/+1 that much better? Would be weird to invest in it and find out it's likely on par with the one I already have :O Also, what upgrade do you think I should go for next? What would get the build into a truly feel good region? Here's the POB: https://pastebin.com/UQXu9qK6 And thanks for helping me out ^^ |
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" The build is crazy op, with current gear i have done all the pinnacle bosses deathless. if you got either 20% qual EA or the node that gives 15% skill effect duration near dot nodes you need to get close to 2.5 attack rate for optimal dps most times, if you're lower its not terrible but i'd recommend going above 2 attack rate atleast. Get rid of the ele bow, +2 and eventually +3 is loads better. Don't make any of the common mistakes like get fire damage to attacks somewhere or pierce or chain or anything. And don't overthink things, palsteron has an excellent guide on YT where he comments on everything that will boost your dps and big NONO's that will make the build feel terrible. When you get all the pieces together you'll feel like a veritable tank and run circles around all bossfights, only one i haven't tried atm is The Feared but i'm pretty sure that easily doable. The only tough thing about the build is trying to get enough attack speed, that's something i still haven't optimised yet but i recommend getting it from your cluster jewels as well as in to use Ancestral Echo & sleepless sentries on the medium totem jewel. Also in the end-endgame the cluster jewels will boost your damage loads. edit: all comments i made about attack rates is taken into consideration that you have 6 totems you can place. Also don't forget your accuracy check, if you ain't hitting stuff you won't be doing damage. Current Gear : Keep in mind i have minmaxed a bit to get 5 auras running including vitality, thats the reason i'm running lifetap, if you're not running as many auras and got mana left your better option is to run inspiration. I also don't use ignite proliferation gem since i have Fan The Flames on my burning medium cluster jewel. If you don't have this you're better of swapping out burning damage for ignite proliferation or else your clear will be garbage Zuletzt bearbeitet von OppaHyuna#6540 um 09.02.2022, 18:30:37
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Yeh attack speed is #1 priority stat. Try get it to about 2.5 APS.
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Updated Gear section with more options, specifically for bow, chest, rings.
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So I still have a lot of noob gear, but I'm at about tier 6 maps. What should I be working towards my next big upgrade? Should I go with a +3 bow or should I work on upgrading my armor in general cause I know that's not all that great. I was also thinking of buying rain of splinters, but wasn't sure between the two.
Also I wouldn't be using a pure armor chest piece but I got lucky and it dropped for me. |
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