[3.18] Gryph's Tank Simulator - A Detonate Dead Ignite Elementalist

Beautiful Gryph!

Another really nice cheap early item is Hrimnor's Resolve. Can't wait for tomorrow, ignite is looking super juicy right from the start now.
IGN: Dmillz
Dmillz schrieb:
Beautiful Gryph!

Another really nice cheap early item is Hrimnor's Resolve. Can't wait for tomorrow, ignite is looking super juicy right from the start now.

yeah Hrimnor's is great. Honourhome is not bad if you're trying to swap to Unearth Early for the +2 levels.
In your most recent PoB, you pick the Fire Mastery node at the top of the tree and in the mastery, you choose 40% physical converted to fire damage.
Which physical damage source is worth being converted ?
I'd rather take the exposure or the regen on ignite.
fakemagicwaffle schrieb:
In your most recent PoB, you pick the Fire Mastery node at the top of the tree and in the mastery, you choose 40% physical converted to fire damage.
Which physical damage source is worth being converted ?
I'd rather take the exposure or the regen on ignite.

Wave of Conviction. I think I chose it prior to getting the first lab. Regen or Cover in Ash is likely better.

Whew! managed a 5 hour Kitava kill with all labs+skill points.

Character at end of run. Level 64.

Edit: I realized that I never picked up my reward for 2 skill points from Act 1+2. Lol. Did the quests, just never grabbed the books.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gryphenprey#0653 um 04.02.2022, 00:44:59
hey ho

have a question what for chance would you make for Hc.

fakemagicwaffle schrieb:
In your most recent PoB, you pick the Fire Mastery node at the top of the tree and in the mastery, you choose 40% physical converted to fire damage.
Which physical damage source is worth being converted ?
I'd rather take the exposure or the regen on ignite.

The explosion from the mapping setup with an explosion chest/Wand. They deal phys but you convert them to get really good clearspeed
Zuletzt bearbeitet von NoBotGamer#4205 um 05.02.2022, 08:42:34
after lab your league start says to grab a BBBR and use WoC, added fire, ignire prolif and cruelity.

I just finished lab and not too sure what skills I should be using lol
Try this:

Gryphenprey schrieb:
NoImagination schrieb:
Intensify to immolate makes a lot of sense, best of both worlds almost - though I think I'll miss the increased AOE.

Then spell totem, flame surge, immolate, concentrated effect.

And replace armabrand setup with hextouch armabrand.

Cool, quite a lot of optimisation ideas from your last few posts. Should all be a decent DPS improvement on my last run, without losing QOL. Socket pressure being the biggest problem, but 3 links on Arma brand and on spell totem should both be OK, and flammability is now moved from standlone to a link.

I think I'll try jade flask + cloud from smoke mine to squeeze past Izaro when I facetank something stupid from him, doing all these gem switches mid-run gets complicated, may as well leave my auras alone for now.

So, what I like:
WoC - Cruelty - Added Fire - Immolate
Arma Brand - Hextouch - Flammability - Ignite Prolif
3L: BBR or BRG
Flame Surge - Spell Totem - Immolate/Culling Strike
Flame Dash - Arcane Surge - Second Wind/Faster Casting
Auras: R R R R B
Determination - Herald of Purity - Defiance Banner - Clarity - Vitality
I had 200 mana unreserved at the end of my run. I would have loved to use Vitality and in hindsight, I can take the reservation mastery for it to squeeze it in. May also be worth grabbing a mana mastery for clarity as well.

If I find a decent shield then I would also try to get a RG for Shield Charge - Faster Attacks
As for cremation, I might drop it around mid act 4 when I get my level 38 gems. Or at the end of act 4.
Just hit 33, just trying to figure out what I need lol, just got normal lab finished

Coming up on level 80 now, been just playing around with different spell setups to see how they feel. Most comfy so far is 6L WoC with an arcanist brand to cast Flammability and Flame Surge with Combustion in BBBB fourlink.

I experimented a bit with using a 4L Frostblink setup too, which is actually pretty good for map clearing because it does enough damage to kill whites and blues (with berek's respite to clear the whole screen from that).

Bought a lv21 Unearth just now so was going to experiment a bit with trying DD.

Anyone make the switch yet?

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