[3.17]⚡Velyna's Storm Brand Occultist⚡ 5M+ DPS Leaguestart | Hidden and Feared Viable
Thanks for this amazing guide, build feels great to play and I enjoy it soo much
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" facts, i already changed it once and now i am nearly out of respecs but i do not have enough to fix it yet again and then i also have to account for the midrange tree which is totally different so even more regrets will be needed later on once i get geared -.- rather annoyed about this tbh cause i hate when guides change a after i am already far into the build i do not have the time or patience to fix things all the time now a days. but i am willing to try fixing again before i just give up and drop the build or the league lol, things leave a bad taste in my mouth when they happen more than 2-3 times over the years. That being said i do enjoy the build and is my first time playing brands so it is something different for sure |
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I just went low life, probably a bit too early, missing enlighten gem to run all auras, but crafted a poggers wand and got the clusters for cheap, gets a lot more tanky once you transition, I can face tank T14 bosses with the amount of ES regen.
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Updates to PoB mostly done, other than making the LL transition a bit cheaper hopefully.
Then I will fix the gearing section https://www.twitch.tv/velyna Zuletzt bearbeitet von Velyna#6916 um 26.10.2021, 13:15:35
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How do i run Wrath, Herald of Ice, Herald of Thunder, Clarity and have enough mana for CWDT? Is the golem included in that CWDT? It gets really mana heavy that way
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The build uses ghost reaver, where does the leech come from? I might be stupid for not seeing it
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" Im using the mastery where u get light/cold dmg. U can also get the 0.3 spell dmg right next to ghost reaver. The thing im starting to struggle a bit with is mana regen while having all auras active.. Got 85ish unreserved mana and with the amount i regen it isnt enough to to brrr zoom :( Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mammoth5k#4633 um 27.10.2021, 02:54:56
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Works well on maps, I do feel like the damage lacks on single target and the build might be a bit low on survivability. Did I make a mistake somewher? I am still missing double corrupts and the small cluster, but other than that I think my gear is 85% what it should be
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" hey, i was going to start this build and have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind :) The lack of survivability - how often do you die and what kind of content kills you most? ST damage should be ~2m per brand, isn't it enough for A8, Maven etc? Zuletzt bearbeitet von forfun142857#1431 um 27.10.2021, 03:32:30
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" I mostly die after pressing V, entering demon realm and trying to go pew-pew. Also I did try A8 Sirus but I died and didn't get him to 50% - that's mostly because I am old and too slow to press buttons and dodge stuff. I have no idea what by damage in POB is as I suck at configuring it (No clue what settings to pick :D). But yeah no problems in terms of damage on T16 maps, just on high-end single target bosses. Could be that the immortal call in the updated POB solves my issues of dying suddenly (Still using the old steelskin one) |
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