[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Hey guys
What do you think is a good keystone for the Skin of the Lords for this build. I'm tempted to go for Phase Acrobatics for the extra spell-dodging. |
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Hey Dead,
With the Manifests can we expect any updates for the next league? |
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" Unfortunately I didn't play LoK enough to update it. Just finished the Atlas basically do not sure how I would've played the endgame. I've been looking through Craft of exile lately and see that minion item crafting in general is pretty bad. I've always been banking on crafting minion helsm which basically are impossible to make now due to +2 levels being a 25 weighting which is riduclous. Minion shields also seem incredibly hard to build. I'm currently leaguestart testing an early game superbudget Occultist version which feels very strong in campaign and in maps. The manifesto's will for sure introduce alot of changes. The hex buffs in particular are huge. Really hoping for some crafting changes next league though. Crafting looks like it's in the worst state since I started playing this game honestly. |
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" It's just funny, how similar our experience in 3.19 was. I didn't finish my lightning AW guardian at all, didn't even bother with AG and spectres. Pushed it to t16 with tabula being most expensive item, w/o clusters, and shield/rings found by myself, later got a weapon that was a lot more expensive than it should be (f*ck streamers played poison AW necros), and moved to a Grimros KB/CF glad. Later just made low-budget occultist that was very similar to grimros build, just slower, but with way better single target, and now it's my go-to league start mapper lmao. Well, herald of agony is still a minion, so i'm still on this boat xD Edit: Actually wanted to say that occultist summoner gonna be good as starter. Zuletzt bearbeitet von monik390#5560 um 29.11.2022, 09:15:25
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" Yeah, I think Occultist league start might be the way to go for my build. Profane Bloom is just too good and the single target is compareable. The only problem with Occultist is mana reservation early on. I've had to sacrifice Determination so far which makes me very squishy versus phys damage. Currently I need to fit: - Hatred - Skitterbots (Using Profane Proxy with Frostbite) - Punishment with Blasphemy Would like to fit Determination aswell but impossible on a budget. Will have to see the Enfeeble/Temp Chains buffs in patchnotes though. Running Blasphemy Enfeeble might be super strong actually and might work as a replacement for Determination. Minion squishyness is a problem though since the minions aren't resist capped. Unlike Necro you don't get resist cap for free as Occultist which feels kinda bad at league start. You also lack 30 all res yourself which puts more pressure on gearing early on. Confident Necro will be the endgame ascendency for me though. Blockcap is just too strong and the AG will handle the explodey clear anyway. At league start though, the trade is Profane Bloom QoL clear vs easier time capping res for yourself and your minions and I'm leaning towards Profane Bloom. Just feels too good early game. |
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So I've been looking at combining a few things to play cold conversion (played phys last league) as I enjoy cold damage more conceptually. I will say, though, that losing the glove slot hurts a lot as gear's been getting more power shifted to it.
A few things/ideas: Kingmaker seems unrealistic, but Dying Breath may be a good low budget alternative for an AG with 18% inc curse effect. Two+ curses, namely EW + Frostbite seem fairly strong together, getting up to -100% cold resist with some curse effect. This enables using Eye of Malice again on the AG (plus Legacy of Fury for an extra 10-15% -res). Boots/Gloves could be a basic Gravebind+explody chest or something for survival. On the actual player side, I've been considering elementalist for shaper of winter+shaper of storms (or mastermind of discord) and the self-reviving golems. Shaper of Winter is a consistent 40% chill with some ailment effect (which also improves Brittle), which can be combined with bonechill for 40% extra damage taken. Shaper of Storms is up to 50% damage taken as a shock, but might be less damage than mastermind. Basically there's some potential here to get mobs' cold resist down to -200% and add a lot of % cold damage taken. It'd also be nice to be able to use a mark in addition to the two resist curses but it will be hard to fit an extra additional curse. A few issues.. defense is one. I tried looking into spell suppression but it requires a lot of investment and gets very hard to balance. Aegis and ES/CI seems like the best approach, but it'll definitely be a very expensive option. Maybe going more defensive with bastion of elements is another option. The 40% chill should help as it's fairly strong. The other issue is keeping the AG & specters alive, might need some defensive clusters. I'm thinking of starting phys and potentially switching once I've got some gear - Phys is much easier to get acceptable damage for :( Zuletzt bearbeitet von Zegai#6797 um 04.12.2022, 10:34:47
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" Yeah, having the glove slot taken by a unique that literally does nothing else is pretty rough. Hurts especially since hitting resistance and dexterity benchmarks become very hard if. Makes it almost mandatory to run a Mageblood with resist flasks to minxmax at higher levels. But the gloves are pretty much required as it's the only way to scale cold dmg unless you run cold dmg spectres. During league start though, you can run Sidheraths Breath. It's actually very strong early game. Even clears T16 maps with pretty high dps. As soon as I find a chaos orb during league start I'll buy this unique. Pretty much makes your minions oneshot everything the first 5 acts alone due to how much flat cold dmg it gives. Eye of Malice does indeed seem very strong again which could be something to test out in PoB. Currently, I think my budget AG is gonna run Sentari's Answer and the new Ylfebann's Treachery. FOr weapon he'll either use a Sign of the Sin Eater or a Culling 1-hand. Rather than running Shper of Winter and Storms it's just better to run Skitterbots linked to Bonechill imo. The problem with the Shaper nodes is that you have to inflict the Ailments yourself and their damage won't be enough to give of a strong shock or chill. Your minimum chill will be 15% though, so Bonechill if you linked a Wintertide Brand or something like that would give 15% increased damage. But since you're not scaling any dmg on your own chills, the chills will be very weak since the strength of Ailments are based on how much damage you do relative to the targets HP. Mastermind of Discord is for sure the optimal option for Elementalists. I especially liked running Mastermind of Discord + Elemental Equilibrium for a -50% cold res Exposure in 3.16. Not sure what I'll be doing defensively this league. I'm most likely gonna run Occultist as league start to try it out. I'm looking to run Enfeeble as an Aura and The Frontline for Max Res + Phys dmg mitigation while scaling duration like I've done for some time now. I won't have mana to run Determination though but I think I'm gonna try a completely new approach now. Instead, I'm think I'm gonna test running a +2 corrupted Lightning Coil chest for 50% phys dmg conversion. Taste of Hate + Dawnbreaker would give 85% phys dmg conversion which would solve all physical damage mitigation. There's several things you can do though. Full block with Aegis is always a very solid option. |
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" So the good thing about Shaper of Winter/Storms is that your damage stops mattering - it applies a baseline of 15% and gets scaled up from there. You can even apply chill with fire damage and it gets scaled appropriately. I tested it on a standard character now. It becomes fairly straightforward to get 40% chill with a little bit of chill effect. My test storm brand with no chill effect (aside from the bonechill+unbound ailments, both lvl 1) was applying 27% chill. Mastermind is pretty solid generally, but when you get resists below -100% it starts running into diminishing returns. |
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Will u be give an updated pob?
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EDIT: whoops delete this
Zuletzt bearbeitet von hijacker979#1995 um 11.12.2022, 03:20:34
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