[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Perhaps it's worth starting on fire golems? Problems with survival are solved by re-calling at the death. Plus fire golem buffs are also present.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von XDaze#3006 um 13.08.2022, 02:41:32
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" I got excited and tried to PoB fire Golems after the manifesto. Unfortunately I was hit with reality and realized why Fire Golems are complete garbage and not worth any investment. I don't think Fire Golems will be worth it, unless there some hidden way to scale them that I've missed. Lightning Golems on the other hand, MIGHT be an option. Lightning Golems are getting a 250% buff to added damage of their main spell. This means that Lightning builds main Aura wrath is 2.5 times as effective for them. There's also items like Covenant that are getting the 7th link Added Chaos boosted to level 29. Level 29 added Chaos adds ~500 flat chaos damage to socketed skill gems. If you put a LIghtning Golem in that chest, you get ~500*2.5 = 1250 flat Chaos Damage et.c. If you want to try experimenting with a Elemental dmg caster golem, I think Lightning Golem might be an option. I think Flame Golem will remain dead. EDIT: Nevermind the added dmg buff to lightning golems thorugh Wrath. Just saw that Wrath only adds flat lightning dmg to attacks, so won't affect Lightning Golems. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deadandlivin#2745 um 13.08.2022, 11:56:56
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First golem build I tried (back in Harbinger league I believe) was an Ice Golem build.
That was so amazing with those small cyclone monsters zooming back and forth on the screen. No idea how viable it is these days. |
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Had fun with this build on 3.16 and 3.17. Skipped 3.18 and wanna come back to 3.19. Minions survivability was first thing that came to my mind, so I thought about going elementalist with carrion golems and converting the damage to lightning though triad grips. Damage would go higher later with doryani's prototpye (as getting -200% lightning res shouldnt be that hard this league). Damage on single would be good, for aoe i was thinking just inpulsa on AG with gloves. Is there any flaws or traps I might forgot? Also death wish at start would be good there since golems will auto respawn after 4sec. Would be great if you take a look on it with your knowledge ;) |
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" I think Lightning conversion with Doryani's might be extremely strong next league since you can get like -100% lightning res from one ring/amulet. I like Elementalist alot but I think it might be slightly painful to league start cause there's not really any incentive to go block with it. I think you need Bone Offering for minion survival, and necro allows you to get the block yourself to help with survival. Golems aren't a problem for elementalist, but Zombies will die 24/7 without blockcap during league start. I think the correct play is to league start necro, get full block for yourself and your minions. Then when you have gear and maybe Forbidden Jewels with MIstress of Sacrifice, swap to Elementalist and to utilize Mastermind of Discord + 6 Golems. Eitherway, going Conversion with Golems or maybe Lightning Golems with Doryanni's is probably gonna deal insane dmg. But running the Carrion + Skelly combo in your main 6-link and Zombies + Spectres as supports in your secondary link is hard to beat damagewise. Probably stronger than Lightning golems, despite the nerfs. For Spectres, you'll be looking at x2 Rhex Matriarchs and x2 Carnage Chieftains. Despite the Frenzy and Power charge nerfs, Frenzy charges still give 4% more dmg per Charge so it'll still ad up to a 12% dmg and 12% AS boost. If you have alot of crit scaling, maybe x1 Host is worth it but it'll only give 120% crit chance now which isn't very strong. I've been doing some testing this night running a league starter version of this build some changes. It's using VERY low level gear and it looks pretty strong. I'll link the video soon and make a short writeup what's goin on in it. It's able to do Guardian Bosses and T16 on a basic 6-link, with some 1 chaos uniques, rares for resistance/dex and an Anima Stone. Minion survival is goint to be a problem next league, but since I went full block minions these 13k HP zombies aren't really dying (Apart from Phoenix who killed a couple of them when he blew up himself) |
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More 3.19 leaguestart testing:
I posted some theorycrafting for my leaguestart and adapted version of this build for 3.19 and it's looking pretty strong. This is the PoB I designed: https://pastebin.com/sRbSwiy0 So I decided to try and make simulate this PoB on standard with a level 84 character. This is the setup I built on it:
Since I suspect minion survivability will be a big issue in 3.19 I'm embracing the full block route for both us and our minions and it feels super strong. Due to the nerfs to Power and Frenzy Charges there's not every any reason to run Necromantic Aegis on any build ever again. Considering the gear I'm using, the dps felt fine. But the added tankiness from going full block from the getgo felt extremely strong. I'm gonna record a video of how it plays and post it here so you can see the gameplay. But I did some map testing doing T16 maps and some Shaper Guardians and it felt very solid. Edit: Added new video showcasing the league starting concept. You can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iryWEfxrAsg&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m Keep in mind that this is what I'd consider VERY poor gear, no clusters, no awakened gems et.c. Just basic week1 items and some 21/0 skill gems for our main skills. As mentioned later in the post though, items like Maw of Mischief and 6-link covenant might be broken after the buffs next league so they might be very expensive. Unfortunately, I can't really replicate the 20% dmg nerfs all minions are getting in 3.19. But to compensate for that, I'm using a Bitterdream, Covenant and Alberons Warpath boots, items which are getting massive buffs next league which will offset the nerfs. The items I'm using are usually very cheap during league start. But there's a real possibility that some of them will be meta so they might turn out to be expensive. Maw of Mischief for aggressive minions and 6-link Covenant in particular might be expensive. Golem Jewels might also be expensive since alot of minion content creators seem to be pushing for them to be meta minions next league. So there's a risk that these items that usually cost (10 chaos for helm, ~80 chaos for chest, ~30 chaos for Prim Might) very little might shoot up alot in price. Saw that Jungroan was telling how Covenant is a broken unique next patch, was kinda hoping it would fly under the radar :) But there's a real risk that it might turn out to be several exalteds next league. That being said, for our build it's still worse than a Skin of the Lords so doesn't really matter too much. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deadandlivin#2745 um 14.08.2022, 00:09:58
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Going lightning convertion was exactly my plan for AW guardian next week.
Doryani's Prototype probably the strongest minion concept next league. I really expect ppl figure it out and prices for it go high af for like +2 socketed minions, and double corrupted for +2 minion/duration kinda mageblood tier... despite how cancerous this body armour to play. But if it would be possible to get like -170-190% lightning res with tempered by war, well... I also confirm inpulsa on AG is really good that way, tested it couple of days ago. Solves clearspeed issues completely, if there any (well, at least for AW, since it has issues here). Good before t1 explodey conc ground chest + legacy of fury. P.s. whaka-whaka shield deleted in 3.19. Only crappy version with +2 remains. Fucking pity, ez +1 spectre is gone. |
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Dead, do you have or going to update/change a build like this but for Std ?
Would you still use the +2/+2 charges shield with Aegis or most likely wait to see what the new shields can roll ? Also, in the crit/Minion damage/Hypo +3 Helmet would you run Carrion and Skeletons and Zombies on chest ? Completely forgo Spectres for dmg probably ? Sorry for the barrage of questions. Thank you. |
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cant wait for fully updated version
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" Yeah, saw that they removed all Fated Uniques. Adapting to it and running a different budget shield for league start. I wanted to run the Whaka shield cause it gave alot of nice things, 40% aura effect, 5% life regen for yourself and minions and a bunch of ES. Currently looking at Magna Eclipse and Sentari's Answer. Think I'll be going with Sentari's Answer. Gives alot of block, some extra quant and free curses when you block which seems cool. I think Lightning conversion will be BiS this league. Ghazzy has already talked about making a Mirror tier minion helm for Absolution specifically, which means it's going to be the 50% phys as extra lightning mod and not the 30% more elemental dmg essence mod on the helm. Means I might experiment by converting my build to a lightning conversion build instead. Lightning builds also have access to 2 broken spectres: Primal Rhex Matriarchs for increased lightning dmg debuffs AND Baranite Clerics which have an Aura that grants 20% of phys as extra lightning. It's absolutely insane how much free scaling they get from spectres, ontop of putting enemies at -200% lightning res. Only issue I have with Doryani's builds is getting oneshot to lightning ground effects. But that's the name of the game. |
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