[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Deadandlivin schrieb:
RexZShadow schrieb:
Just curious why the high budget goes ele in the end? (never get to that point myself but really curious on how it works)

Man so torn between this, the absolution+phantsom build or just RF XD Wish can clone myself to play 3 at one =X

Going Elementalist is extremely minmax.
What allows you to do it is the new Forbidden Jewels.
The major problem with Elementalist is that minions outside of Golems struggle to survive since they lose the 2 levels from Unnatural Strength.

Going Elementalist requires very high level, definitely 98+
You also need the Forbidden Jewels. I also had a Mageblood when I changed Ascendency cause I needed the resistance from a flask.
That was mainly because I wanted to try Occultist though and they don't get any resistance from the ascendency. Necro gets 30%, elementalist gets 18%.

The reason we go Elementalist is simply because it's much stronger, both defensively and offensively.
You get Mastermind of Discord which brings your Elemental EQ to -50% cld res which is a massive dps boost. You also get +2 Golems and 250% golem buff effect. This buffs the Carrion Phys dmg aura by 250% which massively boosts all other minions damage. I choose to go with 1 Stone and 1 Carrion Golem. The stone Golem with all the buff effect put me at 1.3k hp regen per second which is super high.
So high that I could entirely ditch my Life flask and get a Bottled Faith for even more dps and health regen due to consecrated ground.

On top of all that, we get Elemental Bulwark which gives us a shield blocking 2700 elemental damage on most hits.

Elementalist is just superior, but it's hard to get all the pieces that allow us to get there.

Absolution is a strong bosser due to its high single target. But gotta be honest, it feels very bad in maps cause their clearspeed is F-tier.
Maybe could solve that with an Explodey AG though.

Thanks for the explanation!

Really the clear on absolution is bad? the one I saw put summon phantasm on it so it get like 3 absolution and 11 phantasm once ramp up would imagine the phantasm clear won't be too bad? Although I'm definitely bigger fan of perm minions over temp ones especially for clearing.

Thanks for the explanation!

Really the clear on absolution is bad? the one I saw put summon phantasm on it so it get like 3 absolution and 11 phantasm once ramp up would imagine the phantasm clear won't be too bad? Although I'm definitely bigger fan of perm minions over temp ones especially for clearing.

The problem with Absolution is that they're single target on their spells. Or well, the Sentinels spells have a small AoE, but it's very minor so they'll mostly bring one target down at a time.

Phantasms are good for clear but they need to be supported by ranged minion things. Phantasms have a inbuilt 100& pierce which is good. But they still only fire 1 projectile at a time in the Absolution build.
Phantasms need to be supported by GMP and Faster Projectiles(Doubles their projectile range) to have decent clear.

Even if you have 15 minions up, the clear is bad because it's mostly single target. If there's 200 monsters on your screen your minions will bring them down one by one which takes time. Compare that to a bow build that shoots 10 projectiles that chain and fork hitting every single monsters with a single bow attack. Or a large AoE that hits every mob at the same time.

It's widely known that Absolution clearspeed is absolutely atrocious. One of the worst minions in game for clear. Their single target is insane though.
Deadandlivin schrieb:

The problem with Absolution is that they're single target on their spells. Or well, the Sentinels spells have a small AoE, but it's very minor so they'll mostly bring one target down at a time.

Phantasms are good for clear but they need to be supported by ranged minion things. Phantasms have a inbuilt 100& pierce which is good. But they still only fire 1 projectile at a time in the Absolution build.
Phantasms need to be supported by GMP and Faster Projectiles(Doubles their projectile range) to have decent clear.

Even if you have 15 minions up, the clear is bad because it's mostly single target. If there's 200 monsters on your screen your minions will bring them down one by one which takes time. Compare that to a bow build that shoots 10 projectiles that chain and fork hitting every single monsters with a single bow attack. Or a large AoE that hits every mob at the same time.

It's widely known that Absolution clearspeed is absolutely atrocious. One of the worst minions in game for clear. Their single target is insane though.

I see, learning so much! Thanks for explaining! Now I know now to jump into that ditch this time hahaha. I can't deal with low clear builds, I like map clearing over bossing.
I cant really between your Build and DD Necro Ignite

Both looks good but i cant split myself to play both at League Start ^^
Deadandlivin schrieb:
Drathy schrieb:
Thanks for your work again and the update for 3.18...looking forward to the league and to play this build again! :-)

Concerning your Atlas Skill Tree I understand, that Essences are easy mobs to kill, but to be honest, I never understood the worth of them unless they are upgraded to max level. Do you sell them or do you use them somehow?

And a short question, I played with three offerings until the end of 3.17, what is the disadvantage of this? Isn't it a reasonable alternative?

I'll make a PoB for the tripple offering again cause I liked it too. Won't include it in the general guide though.

It was very strong but really annoying to have your Resistances predicated on Spirit Offering. This meant that you just got oneshotted whenever you "forgot" to refresh offerings with Desecrate which was super annoying for bosses and when looting (Offscreen mobs you missed) imo cause it lead to some unecessary deaths.

Might experiment more with that setup this league, but it was so damn hard to fix the resistances. If we could cap resistances without Spirit Offering I'd probably make it the official low budget setup.

I always sell my essences. Essences are one of those currencies that you want to sell in bulk as it increases the value alot. Certain Deafening Essences sell for over ~12 chaos each in bulk. Lesser ones for ~7 chaos. The worst Deafening go for around 3 chaos in bulk.

The reason why Essence will be cracked this league is because Essence is on the map device so we can guarantee 5 essences on every map.
You'll also be using Remnants of Corruption to corrupt essences. I always use them on all Purple (MEDS) Essences and every essence that has x1 Shrieking and x1 Screaming atleast.

I think every single person will be running Essences this league. It's just too good to pass. Requires close to no investment, is very easy and takes no time at all.

I forgot to answer the other day. A PoB in the posts here would be really great, thanks, although your Low Level Tanky version also looks really great... ;-)

To be honest, to me it wasn't really annoying...I got used to it...I put desecrate on right-click and automated it in my mind... ;-) But yes, fixing resistances was extremely hard...got one of them only to 82 or so...

I'll probably try it with the essences in my tree...also corrupting them, I never tried it... XD
Dardroth schrieb:
I cant really between your Build and DD Necro Ignite

Both looks good but i cant split myself to play both at League Start ^^

Haven't played DD ignite, but by the looks of it the build seems super strong. Especially for SSF. Apparently the build is bugged as it utilizes 2 Spectres that "dodged" the Spectre HP nerf in the past. So you have two Spectres with a crapton of more HP than the regular best spectres which makes it busted.

I'm not 100% sure about the dps numbers of the build though, but it's probably going to be somewhat meta atleast which means it should be good.

Assuming both builds are going to be very good and able to do all you want, it comes down to playstyle I think.
DD is a selfcast 2 button combo build which clears with Ignite prolif (I think).
My build focuses on having damage dealt passively with passive minions so the playstyle is more focused around running around designing the build so your minions can keep up with your speed.

I forgot to answer the other day. A PoB in the posts here would be really great, thanks, although your Low Level Tanky version also looks really great... ;-)

To be honest, to me it wasn't really annoying...I got used to it...I put desecrate on right-click and automated it in my mind... ;-) But yes, fixing resistances was extremely hard...got one of them only to 82 or so...

I'll probably try it with the essences in my tree...also corrupting them, I never tried it... XD

Here's the Leash of Oblation low budget version. Not much changing from the original version. Sacrifices some HP for block nodes. Can't run Hydrosphere in the build either due to limited sockets.


What's great about all the different versions is that they're so similar in structure so you can easily change between them. For example, if you want to focus on leveling you can easily swap to the tanky version. If you want to farm currency you can run the normal or the leash of oblation version.
If you want to try ranged spectres all you gotta do is change gems in the helm et.c

You can't really choose the "wrong" version since they are all baiscally the same thing with some minor changes. The tanky version is slightly more expensive since it comes with a ~2 ex craft cost on a shield.

Yeah, corrupting Essences is EXTREMELY important to make profits. You want to always corrupt the purple essences(Envy, Scorn, Dread, Misery).
When you use a Corrupt essence on a purple one there's a 33% chance that the essence turns into a corruped Essence instead (Horror, Delirium, Insanity, Hysteria). These essences sell between 15 and 30 chaos.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Deadandlivin#2745 um 13.05.2022, 07:00:34
Hey Dead, I'm looking at your higher budget gear and POBs, and I don't see how you are procing EE. Is it something not obvious? Thanks, love the build.

Edit: Sorry I see it on the boots now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Greenie405#1062 um 13.05.2022, 11:28:57
Curiously for people playing this build how it feels in this league so far? I ended up going RF coz thought be the safe build then do this one second but man the rare mobs just sucks when you have to be close.
Hi just wondering, just getting to maps, when do I switch from frost auto scouts to primal thingies?


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