[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore

Ragnar6994 schrieb:
I'm missing DPS,
I managed to get that kind of cluster on console, which is really hard.

It will increase my dps? is it worth to switch tree to the cluster?

Heya! There are some problems with playing this build on console, as it gains a lot of damage and survivabiliyy from flasks. You currently need to sort your resistances to reach the cap. That cluster will help a bit, but you'll only be able to properly use it at level 91(by allocating both notables and both jewels sockets). If that cluster had 3 notables it would be nicer. Try allocating Marked for death(sepia, indigo, silver) in your amulet for a dps boost. You'll have to swap your praxis ring for a ring with good life and phys damage to attacks in order to increase your damage. If you manage to get a 6-link Lioney's Vision body armour or a 6-link Relpica Perfect form, you'll be able to increase your damage with not much gem setups modification. Try setting up an Ice Golem as I recommended in a previous reply, it will stack with your gloves giving you a damage boost as well.

Regarding the cluster, I'll give ou people reading this a recipe for crafting the ideal budget cluster easy. Get a 8 passives Axe and sword damage large cluster. Its iLVL must be between 50-67, this is really important! Use a powerful resonator(3 sockets resonator) with a corroded, a serrated and a metallic fossil. You'll have a high chance to get Feed the fury, Fuel the fight and Smite the weak. Whenever you get a 3 notables cluster, price check it and list for sale if it doesn't have those 3 notables, it may as well have Martial Prowess instead of Smite the weak. Then acquire another base and use the remaining fossils to get another 3 notables cluste, do that until you hit the combination you need. That's it, that's how I crafted my cluster real cheap on the 3rd or 4th day of the league.

Hope that helps!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
xxXDragonSlay0rZzzXxx schrieb:
Leckarion schrieb:
xxXDragonSlay0rZzzXxx schrieb:
Hey I'm loving yoru build, i'm running it with the cast when damage taken 4 links on ice golem/ancestral and steelskin/haste and precision. My gems were level 20 but just upgraded them to 20%, but i can't seem to notice any casts. My ice golem is never up and I dont seem to get otehr buffs when i tank a big hit.

Heya! Thanks for the reply!

I see you're trying the enhance setup with the ice golem and ancestral protector, but that setup only works for a end-game min-maxed setup with Anomalous Summon Ice Golem and Phantasmal Ancestral protector since enhance will buff tha alternate qualities that increase the skills effect, so don't do that with regular gems. Don't really recommend following blindly the eng-game min-maxed PoBs because a lot of stuff there only works because of specific interactions. Focus on getting to the mid-budget setup before moving onto the high-end min-maxed ones and when you get there, follow the gear progression section in the guide to get your upgrades from the mid to high-budget(despite it being a bit outdated and me planning on updating the whole guide as soon as I get a day of from work).

Saw that @Pruney answered your questions, and its just like that. You need the golem to be linked to your CWDT in order for it to be autocast, CWDT can't support totems, so your Ancestral Protector will always have to be manually cast by yourself. Regarding the Vaal Haste, CDWT doesn't trigger Vaal skills, only regular ones. All Vaal skills in this build are there for you to manually cast when needed, Vall Haste, for example, is supposed to be cast to give you a nice dps boost against bosses and stronk enemies. Vaal Grace should be cast when there is a really high monster density on screen, sucha as in Ultimatums.

Hope that answer your question and helps! Have a great one.

Thanks for your anwser, I have now upgraded almost all my gems to the high end version of the build. I finally feel a bit tankier and my dps got more insane. I do still feel too squishy to do tier 15 + maps consisently while gaining xp instead of losing it all the time. I am level 92, I thought my next buy would be a good paradoxica but I rather get a bit tankier first.

The belt has increased armour and evasion not elemental damage.

Maybe one of you could help me with getting a bit more hp. I want to push to level 93 to get the medium cluster jewels in my second large one.

It's mostly crits and ultimatums that kill me.

Heya! I'll start by a little optimization. You allocated a generic 5% life node after Constitution, but you could have spent that same point with the point beside Blood Drinker for moar life.

Use soul of solaris in your Pantheon(and remember to upgrade your pantheon) for extra dodge chance and phys dmg reduction while surrounded.

You need to stack Life Gain on hit effects for your character to die less frequently. Also, cap your lightning res without counting endurance charges' resist buff, will help a bit. Besided that, you just need to get higher life on your items to reach 5.2k life, that will help greatly surviving some dire hits.

Hope that helps!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Md873 schrieb:
Hi! Been running your awesome build for this league, and just got a unique drop today that seems interesting.

The unique in question is the Darkray Vectors Dragonscale boots.

Seems good. Thoughts? My current competing boots are

Thanks in advance!

Heya! Those boots are awesome as a budget alternative, but I didn't recommend'em in the guide because of the amount of uniques this build already uses. With Darkray Vectors alongside the rest of the uniques, it would be REEEALLY expensive to cap your resistances. You may use it instead of, say, Crown of the inward eye. You'll have a life drop, but as Raider you'll easily cap your attack dodge chance and get a tiny dmg boost because of the extra frenzy.

Hope that answers your question.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
The CWDT link on Ancestral Protector and Ice Golem seems like a bit of a wasted slot. The mana cost and time to cast are pretty trivial, and it's not often that your golem will get killed. Is there a decent support gem that could make better use of the slot? Empower looks to be the best alternate after fiddling with PoB, sqeezing out an extra percentage or so of DPS.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kleril#1949 um 27.04.2021, 12:57:13
It does answer my question! I have a little too many resists most of the time, as I got this awesome ring to drop.

I plan on throwing prismatic catalysts on it as well, for some INSANE resists.
Leckarion schrieb:
Prong007 schrieb:
Build looks very interesting, thinking to give it a try.

Any feedback on survivabilty, esp. in the endgame ultimatum league mechanik?

Maybe any thoughts on using a Kintsugi for more survivabilty if needed?

Heya! Thanks for replying! I'm not dying with my current setup running T14-T16 maps. https://pastebin.com/nPAiJmWa
(Running Champion as league starter in this league in order to optimize a leveling and build guide for the Duelist version of Lancing Steel as requested from some people)

TL;DR: Kintsugi is nice and you may use it if you feel like doing so. Also avoid Petrified blood low life setups with this build.

Kintsugi is actually good and gives you a nice damage mitigation, but it's unnecessary. I'd rather have either Perfect Form(free Phase Acrobatics, decent life and free arctic armour), Replica Perfect Form(decent life and a free Flesh and Stone + Maim setup) or Belly of the Beast(a LOT of life and free resistances). You already have Wind Dancer with this build, Kintsugi becomes a nice damage mitigation tool but not really necessary because of the Life Leech and Life Gain on Hit you can achieve. Even though the Glass-cannon version is, well, a glass-cannon, with smart positioning and preemptive movement you'll be able to kill stuff before dying. Ultimatums are not that hard, specially if you know the best modifiers to use depending on the map mods and Ultimatum challenge type.

I do not recommend going for the Petrified Blood setup some people are using if you abhor dying, because without high dodge and evasion you may die very frequently if you are a Ranger, though with this specific setup, Kintsugi might be awesome if you stack enough dodge and evasion. Champions that go for this are only successful with high phys dmg reduction, good block, the "perma" adrenaline setup and a decent leech/ life gain on hit.(I myself tried this setup out with more than 40% block, a good life leech and 90% phys dmg reduction and still occasionally was dying in a second.

Hope that answers your questions! Have a great one and take it easy!

It doesn't feel good on armor at Raider. I upgrade my gear but still bothering with Trials at t14+.

Don't get me wrong i love lancing steel but i feel like it isn't design for good Trials clearing. Single target is a beast but Trials makes my ass sweety.

My current gear: (maybe i fucked up something and that's why i don't enjoy lancing steel on Trials)

kleril schrieb:
The CWDT link on Ancestral Protector and Ice Golem seems like a bit of a wasted slot. The mana cost and time to cast are pretty trivial, and it's not often that your golem will get killed. Is there a decent support gem that could make better use of the slot? Empower looks to be the best alternate after fiddling with PoB, sqeezing out an extra percentage or so of DPS.

Heya! CWDT is used for the golem simply so you can reserve most of your mana and have just enough to cast your other skills, being Summon Ice Golem the skill with the higher mana cost of all the skills in this build. If you check my min-maxed setups you'll see that I have less unreserved mana than the mana cost of Summon Ice Golem, plus it's kinda a QoL decision to not have to think about recasting the golem since there are so many things you have to keep track already with this build. If you wish to selfcast the golem, swap cwdt for an empower suport. If you're already using Phantasmal Ancestral Protector and Anomalous Summon Ice Golem, get an Enhance support instead. The protector must be selfcast anyways since cwdt doesn't support totems.

Hope that clarifies my decision with the cwdt setup on that 4-link! Have a great one!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Md873 schrieb:
It does answer my question! I have a little too many resists most of the time, as I got this awesome ring to drop.

I plan on throwing prismatic catalysts on it as well, for some INSANE resists.

Heya! That's a pretty nice ring you got there! Planning on trying to get rid of that ES later on?

Have a good one!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Bialus schrieb:
Leckarion schrieb:
Prong007 schrieb:
Build looks very interesting, thinking to give it a try.

Any feedback on survivabilty, esp. in the endgame ultimatum league mechanik?

Maybe any thoughts on using a Kintsugi for more survivabilty if needed?

Heya! Thanks for replying! I'm not dying with my current setup running T14-T16 maps. https://pastebin.com/nPAiJmWa
(Running Champion as league starter in this league in order to optimize a leveling and build guide for the Duelist version of Lancing Steel as requested from some people)

TL;DR: Kintsugi is nice and you may use it if you feel like doing so. Also avoid Petrified blood low life setups with this build.

Kintsugi is actually good and gives you a nice damage mitigation, but it's unnecessary. I'd rather have either Perfect Form(free Phase Acrobatics, decent life and free arctic armour), Replica Perfect Form(decent life and a free Flesh and Stone + Maim setup) or Belly of the Beast(a LOT of life and free resistances). You already have Wind Dancer with this build, Kintsugi becomes a nice damage mitigation tool but not really necessary because of the Life Leech and Life Gain on Hit you can achieve. Even though the Glass-cannon version is, well, a glass-cannon, with smart positioning and preemptive movement you'll be able to kill stuff before dying. Ultimatums are not that hard, specially if you know the best modifiers to use depending on the map mods and Ultimatum challenge type.

I do not recommend going for the Petrified Blood setup some people are using if you abhor dying, because without high dodge and evasion you may die very frequently if you are a Ranger, though with this specific setup, Kintsugi might be awesome if you stack enough dodge and evasion. Champions that go for this are only successful with high phys dmg reduction, good block, the "perma" adrenaline setup and a decent leech/ life gain on hit.(I myself tried this setup out with more than 40% block, a good life leech and 90% phys dmg reduction and still occasionally was dying in a second.

Hope that answers your questions! Have a great one and take it easy!

It doesn't feel good on armor at Raider. I upgrade my gear but still bothering with Trials at t14+.

Don't get me wrong i love lancing steel but i feel like it isn't design for good Trials clearing. Single target is a beast but Trials makes my ass sweety.

My current gear: (maybe i fucked up something and that's why i don't enjoy lancing steel on Trials)

Heya! Whats the problem you're currently facing? Clear problems? Are you being overrun by mobs and then one shot?

Your gear is awesome, but if you wish to get even more survivability, maybe swapping OttS for a Crafted gripped gloves with +1 maximum frenzy that has good life will help. You may as well drop some damage nodes(such as ambidexterity) and get more life nodes and another jewel socket to slot in another jewel with dmg and 7% life to improve your survivability.

I currently have around half your current dps and am not having so much trouble with ultimatums in t15-16 maps, I always keep moving and casting LS aiming the direction I'm going and my Saviours shoot at everything else. But indeed this build is, as said in the introduction of the guide, a focused boss killer build that also can clear maps very well.

Try swapping Lancing Steel for Splitting steel when doing ultimatums to test out if the clear of that other skill is enjoyable in Ultimatums.

Really hope that helps in some way. Wish to help ya with your experience using the build.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Leckarion schrieb:
kleril schrieb:
The CWDT link on Ancestral Protector and Ice Golem seems like a bit of a wasted slot. The mana cost and time to cast are pretty trivial, and it's not often that your golem will get killed. Is there a decent support gem that could make better use of the slot? Empower looks to be the best alternate after fiddling with PoB, sqeezing out an extra percentage or so of DPS.

Heya! CWDT is used for the golem simply so you can reserve most of your mana and have just enough to cast your other skills, being Summon Ice Golem the skill with the higher mana cost of all the skills in this build. If you check my min-maxed setups you'll see that I have less unreserved mana than the mana cost of Summon Ice Golem, plus it's kinda a QoL decision to not have to think about recasting the golem since there are so many things you have to keep track already with this build. If you wish to selfcast the golem, swap cwdt for an empower suport. If you're already using Phantasmal Ancestral Protector and Anomalous Summon Ice Golem, get an Enhance support instead. The protector must be selfcast anyways since cwdt doesn't support totems.

Hope that clarifies my decision with the cwdt setup on that 4-link! Have a great one!

Ah that's a good point about the precision aura, didn't think to consider that. Still, looking at your high budget PoB, you can squeeze an extra ~1mil DPS over the higher level precision with a lvl 2 empower (up to about 3mil if you hit the jackpot w/ a lvl 21 phantasmal AP and upgrade to a lvl 4 empower). So, I guess it's a matter of whether the QoL of saving on the occasional Golem cast is worth the 1%-ish DPS hit
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kleril#1949 um 27.04.2021, 14:56:20

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