Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content
" Are you juicing the league mechanic? Have you tried Baran with those stats? These two things were the first sort of “survivability roadblocks” for me. Granted, 6 portals and we can power through it. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSWYPXd9prVxf5v_DoqtIQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snoobae85 |
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" I've only tried last Hunter and failed miserably. My single target seems to be real bad. I am having an easy time on t14-t16 tho, league mechanic included. Ball lightning+IC keeps me from getting one shot if i can press the mana flask fast enough. Vaal BA deals with most rares quickly. My real roadblock is single target boss damage right now when i don't have enough Vaal BAs. I really need to juice it up somehow. Bough replica emberwake - it's kinda doing nothing. I guess i'm gonna go for full cluster sets next. Also playing without a curse cause can't get 4B anywhere :D I recommend u try ball lightning its kind of insanely good at keeping u alive when u don't have enough dps to one shot everything like me and have to face tank stuff. I'm not sure if that's how it worked before but right now u are literally only gated by the speed of your mana regen with ball lightning casts. It can keep casting infinitely. I think i've survived like 3 second while beeing stun locked inside a huge pack. But my hp pool is so tiny right now if it was bigger maybe i can tank infinitely. Zuletzt bearbeitet von trancenergy11#1763 um 30.07.2021, 01:26:49
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Perhaps ball lightning is the play, but I experimented with it last league and didn’t like it very much. It’s definitely amazing if you want more recovery, but recovery isn’t really the issue for this build usually. It’s surviving one-shots or now with the nerfs-single target boss damage like you suggested. Your comments reminded me I think I’m going to remove my CWDT wave of conviction/flammability for the tried and true same setup but manual casting and combustion instead. It’s an outrageous amount of -fire resistance and should boost your single target immensely if you could stomach dropping ball lightning.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSWYPXd9prVxf5v_DoqtIQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snoobae85 |
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" I'm already using Woc+comb+flam setup. It's still not enough single target for end game bosses for me atm. Ball lightning isn't all about recovery. When you pair it with Immortal Call and endurance charges its a lot more about surviving oneshots actually. Also i've got room for both setups. Not really having an issue with gem slots since stuff like Enlighten costs insane amount of currency. Since u've mentioned autocast WoC - i could totally see using Asenath's Chant again this league. Since i'm playing a lot more contact cause i don't have the dps to offscreen everything. Zuletzt bearbeitet von trancenergy11#1763 um 30.07.2021, 09:46:39
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Work keeps getting on the way of my progress, but I think I had a minor breakthrough dropping Elemancer and Bastion (keeping Leige though) for Mastermind and Heart of destruction. Also dropped the three golem jewels for more abyss jewels, which yield a lot more DPS than I realized. DPS went up quite a bit overall and it wasn’t a terrible hit on defenses. Bastion is actually not that valuable outside of rogue fireballs exploding in my face and of course ele-reflect.
At the same time I did switch over to double CWDT IK+Ball Lightning/Greater Projectiles. One new thing I’m trying is a three 4-link with flame dash, Stormbrand, Hextouch, Flammability. Stormbrand keeping both flammability and Elemental Overload up full time on bosses feels really nice. Flammability proccing off flame dash is decent QOL in maps too. Picking up Master of Fire on one of the cluster jewels is absolutely necessary with this ascendency path and makes Wave of Conviction almost obsolete as well. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSWYPXd9prVxf5v_DoqtIQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snoobae85 Zuletzt bearbeitet von SnooBAE85#3311 um 01.08.2021, 02:04:53
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" I've kinda got the same idea. Dropping primal aegis is kind of feelsbad tho. My death count went up to the sky to random goatmen one shots. I was however been able to finally kill the conquerors and AW5. I'll probably try to get the aegis back when i get more dps because its such a huge QoL in maps not getting randomly offscreened. Getting raw dps feels like the play tho instead of stacking faster ignites. Ill probably be trying to get a full set of cooked alives asap. Also been thinking of using Asenath Chant again when i can afford it. And maybe doing a blizz crown swap on bosses. Autocast convo+combustion+flammability+flamewall should be more dmg overall at this point. ~tldr Mastermind of discord over Elemancer is definitely worth it. Heart of destruction is a serious boss dps boost however it mapping without bastion is a little rought with my 3k hp. Zuletzt bearbeitet von trancenergy11#1763 um 02.08.2021, 08:09:32
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Is it viable in 3.15? There are so few builds on poe.ninja
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" Yeah, it definitely is. It’ll require some decent gear, but I guess that’s the state of almost all builds for this patch. All of the builds currently on the ladder are using Elemancer without any points into the Ascendency notables on the left side, so they’re hurting a lot for damage. I know for a fact they’re probably not killing high awakener bosses, invitations, etc solo anyway, because I was moving into that content with gear better than theirs and was hitting a brick wall. You can only survive getting one-shot so well when bosses take a while to kill. I’m beginning to hit a breakpoint in terms of survivability/damage balance. Still got a long ways to go though. On a side note, there seems to be a new meta brewing around the flask Forbidden Taste enchanted with “use when hit by a Savage Hit” that is outstanding for any pure life build with decent recovery built in, for which Elementalist absolutely fits the bill for. It does require near-capped chaos res however. For some reason I only just discovered the defensive layer “Divine Flesh,” which is a superb defensive layer and even more so if you don’t have elemental ailment immunity. These two things synergies incredibly well, and on top of this, the build is privy to a lot of Hunter-influenced gear which has special interactions with chaos element, like the prefix on chest and quiver. I’m already looking at a potential 83 maxed chaos resist in endgame gear. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfSWYPXd9prVxf5v_DoqtIQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snoobae85 |
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" Your flask setup looks nice. Sure build needs some gear to start, but it's way cheaper than in last league... and it's much cheaper than my necro build |
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do u have an updated p.o.b for this build?
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