Burning Arrow Chain Reactions // 30m DOT DPS // Faceroll all content

frost21 schrieb:
Been playing firewall+KB until I build up currency to transition to BA.

Just had a few questions, I currently have a primordial chain and can afford a xoph's bow and respite (1 and 2ex). But that'll be most of my currency and this will be a 5L bow at best.

Was wondering if I'll be struggling or its not worth switching till I can afford some of the cluster jewels or another primordial eminence and eventually an anima stone too?

Since the cluster jewels seem very expensive, 1 ex for the cheapest 1notable version for the medium clusters... should I wait to switch once I struggle with firewall+KB later? Or would BA not feel bad with these big items but lacking the cluster jewels?

I guess it depends how deep you are into maps, I'm only into t3's, but I also don't have any of the clusters or primordials or my 4th ascendancy yet and the build feels pretty good. People sleep on that life gain on ignite on the xoph bow, that mod has saved me a ton in hairy ultimatiums.

TBH I switched to BA around act 6 and never looked back.
Sometimes you get the bull, sometimes the bull gets you . . .
PeelingPaint98 schrieb:
frost21 schrieb:
Been playing firewall+KB until I build up currency to transition to BA.

Just had a few questions, I currently have a primordial chain and can afford a xoph's bow and respite (1 and 2ex). But that'll be most of my currency and this will be a 5L bow at best.

Was wondering if I'll be struggling or its not worth switching till I can afford some of the cluster jewels or another primordial eminence and eventually an anima stone too?

Since the cluster jewels seem very expensive, 1 ex for the cheapest 1notable version for the medium clusters... should I wait to switch once I struggle with firewall+KB later? Or would BA not feel bad with these big items but lacking the cluster jewels?

I guess it depends how deep you are into maps, I'm only into t3's, but I also don't have any of the clusters or primordials or my 4th ascendancy yet and the build feels pretty good. People sleep on that life gain on ignite on the xoph bow, that mod has saved me a ton in hairy ultimatiums.

TBH I switched to BA around act 6 and never looked back.

Aye, I'm also only in white maps currently. Not having any struggles whatsoever with anything currently as firewall+KB. More-so just wondering if I'd struggle more than firewall and KB if I switch without having the jewels.

Since the tree/final lab ascendency differ from BA so I'd rather not have to respec more than needed. Also I was thinking of staying KB till I struggled (probably yellow/red maps since my gear isnt great), and hope that some of the BA items drop in price?
frost21 schrieb:
Been playing firewall+KB until I build up currency to transition to BA.

Just had a few questions, I currently have a primordial chain and can afford a xoph's bow and respite (1 and 2ex). But that'll be most of my currency and this will be a 5L bow at best.

Was wondering if I'll be struggling or its not worth switching till I can afford some of the cluster jewels or another primordial eminence and eventually an anima stone too?

Since the cluster jewels seem very expensive, 1 ex for the cheapest 1notable version for the medium clusters... should I wait to switch once I struggle with firewall+KB later? Or would BA not feel bad with these big items but lacking the cluster jewels?

I made the switch to BA around T8-T10 maps with the 5-link bow, berek's, mantra of flame and hyri's ire. It did well for clear but lacked on single target. Ultamatums were better but everything else felt worse. I Should have added the EE ring to it as well and that probably would have fixed my issues.

Another thing is getting the gloves with the temple mod. I got mine for 20c that I have equipped in my profile and they are insane, i felt a huge difference. If you have a harvest convert there were like 10-15 others like it on trade day 2 for that price range so I can only imagine what's there now and in the next couple days.

Hyri's is also amazing, I still have 5k life with it and it adds so much dps is super cheap and has good defense with the dodge and evasion. With it and jade of reflexes is 50% evasion. Great starting defense.

I'm currently doing group-found in a private league with this build and it's going OK.

I am hitting a wall at T15 maps and it's taking forever to kill some bosses/conquerors. Unfortunately, since I'm semi-SSF I don't have easy access stuff like Malachai's Artifice or cluster jewels which could get me over that wall. (My current plan is to spam heist in Lira Arthain to try to get those)

I would like to point out a few things.

First, is that it's pretty easy and affordable to farm for a Xoph's Nurture by doing Breach in Lex Proxima. Breach is only 2c this league and you get tons of splinters if you take all the atlas nodes in Lex Proxima.

Second is that you should be able to replace Berek's Respite with Abberath's Hooves. Currently the boots are going for 25c instead of 220c for the ring so it's about 10% of the cost. You lose 15% movement speed but it's probably still worth it.
Why does my enemies not burning green despite im using cinderswallow?
TakenNotGranted schrieb:
snietschie2 schrieb:
hi guys,

i really loved the build while leveling and maps until deep red.
but i feel so squishy, getting oneshot a lot... it really lacks defenses :(
i put like 6-7 ex into it. it's really weird. some 8mod red maps i can faceroll but others (most) its just hit and run and hope badly that nothing oneshots me. also ultimatum on higher waves is insane...

any input or did i just take the wrong build for this league?

You probably just lack gear. It's way too early in this league, with Harvest nerfs, to expect to have the defenses you could get last league. You should expect regular one-shots if you do not have:

- Around 5K life
- 45%+ physical damage reduction
- Taste of Hate or Basalt Flask or Granite Flask (if gear has 1K+ armor)
- all primordial items and 9 golems active
- % of physical damage taken as elemental damage (cold or fire) mod on your helm, chest, or via Lethal Pride, synergizing very nicely with Taste of Hate, Dying Sun, potentially Wise Oak with some resist fiddling, and your Elemental Aegis which should be at least 2K based on notable passive allocation
- CWDT/Immortal Call setup and a way to regularly have 3+ endurance charges up. This last item is my opinion but I feel it's way better than having Steelskin bound to your move button and randomly getting steelskin uptime.

Bow builds are quite squishy generally. This is a bow build that is average squishiness even with basic or "core" gear. If you min-max it as I mention above you will have an effective HP that rivals many tanky builds, especially when you consider you can kite dangerous monsters while your ignites safely burn them down.

Ultimatums, which did not exist last league obviously, limit kiting tactics somewhat and probably contribute to more one-shots if you aggressively do all trials.

could u share your method for those endurance charges? Would be nice to have this too, I can't pass over wave 3 on white maps, it's insane right now the difficulty
Nymel schrieb:
I'm currently doing group-found in a private league with this build and it's going OK.

I am hitting a wall at T15 maps and it's taking forever to kill some bosses/conquerors. Unfortunately, since I'm semi-SSF I don't have easy access stuff like Malachai's Artifice or cluster jewels which could get me over that wall. (My current plan is to spam heist in Lira Arthain to try to get those)

I would like to point out a few things.

First, is that it's pretty easy and affordable to farm for a Xoph's Nurture by doing Breach in Lex Proxima. Breach is only 2c this league and you get tons of splinters if you take all the atlas nodes in Lex Proxima.

Second is that you should be able to replace Berek's Respite with Abberath's Hooves. Currently the boots are going for 25c instead of 220c for the ring so it's about 10% of the cost. You lose 15% movement speed but it's probably still worth it.

oh so this boots is the same as the ring?! I prefer the boots too then lol
willianvon schrieb:

could u share your method for those endurance charges? Would be nice to have this too, I can't pass over wave 3 on white maps, it's insane right now the difficulty

Several ways, roughly in order of cost are
* Enduring Cry
* Annoint (Disciple of the Unyielding)
* Cluster Jewel (Enduring Composure, Small Armour)
* Shaper/Hunter Amulet (On Kill)
* Elder/Redeemer Boots
* Warlord Body Armor
* Warlord's Mark (Elder Ring/Arcane Brand/Hextouch)
* The Red Nightmare
* Timeless Jewel (Elegant Hubris)
* Replica Farrul's Fur

Personally, I'm using Disciple of the Unyielding at the moment since I'm doing group-self found and it's much easier to get than the others.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nymel#2384 um 20.04.2021, 14:23:21
Ignore this. Double posted by mistake.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nymel#2384 um 20.04.2021, 14:17:07
willianvon schrieb:
could u share your method for those endurance charges? Would be nice to have this too, I can't pass over wave 3 on white maps, it's insane right now the difficulty

It is going to be either a small cluster jewel with Enduring Composure passive, a Warlord-influenced chest with the same mod as Enduring Composure (expensive if it actually has other good mods), or you can also get chance to gain endurance charge on kill with the Lethal Pride timeless jewel, as well as numerous other helpful mods if you roll the right version of Lethal Pride with divine orbs.

As it is pricy to get endurance charges with the latter two options, the small cluster jewel is probably your best bet.

I guess you could also slot in Red Dream jewel as a cheaper alternative to a well-rolled Lethal Pride.

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