[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites
" Hey, thanks for heads up and helpful advice! Any tips how I would go about crafting such a staff? |
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" Ah, I didn't know about guard skills. I figured just having a shield and taking glancing blows was enough. Thanks for the defense suggestions! As for DPS, was there anything that jumped out on why it is so low? |
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" Ya, I need to get around to clearing the last labyrinth. Those random gems are just leveling to sell. I will switch those to a secondary weapon spot and make more use of my helm, thanks! What do you mean that my large cluster isn't doing much? My DPS is already pretty bad, i'm worried it will just be worse if I remove that. |
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" You have invested 10 points into your large cluster giving you around 6.8k ignite dps per point which is less than taking a random 15% fire dmg node. Medium clusters are way more efficient with passives like Blowback, Fan the Flames or Burning Bright. |
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deleted (made a mistake, not sure how to delete)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mzisopjazx#7557 um 07.02.2021, 13:45:59
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" From what I can see, you're managing just fine. :) The staff you have now is better. Bear in mind though that spell damage does not apply to ignites so it's basically a dead stat. If possible, you should bench craft fire dot multi. |
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Hey, I'm a relatively new player, so take what I'm typing with a grain of salt.
I've been playing this build since league start, and I've had quite some fun scaling it up in damage. I've been managing to clear end game content for quite some time (all end game bosses on A9 with Maven asides from Uber Elder which I haven't tried, every Uncharted Realm invitation I've tried running), but I've still been trying to push this build as far as possible. I've been sinking a decent amount of currency into this build (like 100ex I'd say), playing the non blackflame version and just mixing up different ideas I found within this thread with my own ones. Through harvest crafting some gear, I've managed to push the build to just under 9M Ignite DPS, with a 5 seconds duration (actual 9M DPS, not 9M total damage). If anyone's bored enough to check it out and maybe give some feedback, here's my POB : https://pastebin.com/C6wTP2mH (I'm currently missing one level relative to the POB, but I'm farming for it rn) Investing too heavily into "Ignites you inflict deal damage #% faster" feels like a bait, since it's only a damage upgrade if you can maintain the ignite at all times, which if your ignite only lasts 3 seconds is hard to do vs some end game bosses like maven. With that in mind, I've been avoiding investing too much into multiple instances of Blowback and Wasting Affliction. According to POB, Cooked Alive (-10% fire res to enemies you ignite) is a decent Medium Cluster notable for boosting your ignite DPS without accelerating it, which is why I run 4 of them. Vengeful Commander, on a Large Cluster, is also a potent notable for damage. Stacking Burning Bright has felt good for a while, but damage over time multiplier has diminishing returns, the way I understand it, so once you hit a certain threshold it becomes worse than other options. With a sceptre/shield setup (I've preferred sceptres over wands since we don't scale off of spell damage as much as elem damage), Commander of Steel actually outvalues Burning Brutality as a damage anoint, given you have enough DoT multi. Going into 2 cluster jewel setups just feels like the best way to scale our damage significantly, asides from scaling gear obviously. As evidence, I went from 6.5M to 8.9M ignite DPS after investing in a second cluster setup, while sacking some damage nodes in the process. My tankiness took a hit for it, but the only things I feel like I die to are random oneshots anyway. Another thing I've been looking into is, even if we don't need to, converting as much physical damage as we can into elemental damage, since we aren't scaling our phys damage. The best way I've found for that is to run a Divergent Divine Ire, which allows for up to 23% phys to cold conversion, since regular Divine Ire's quality doesn't matter too much for us, and it saves an affix on our gloves I think I should be able to push my character to 11-12M ignite DPS, with a +2 amulet and some damage prefixes on my shield, but I'll need a while before being able to make these items. If I've made a mistake about something, feel free to correct me, I'm still learning a lot about the game so I could be totally wrong on some things. |
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" Judging by what you've said, you're not a new player by any means. :) You have a very well-rounded build (much more so than mine), very well thought-out and executed. It is a bit too slow for me though (I've got more than twice movement speed than yours and 50% more cast speed), but this is purely a matter of preference. Some thoughts: 1. While yes - investing into faster ignites might seem like a trap, there are some ways to mitigate the negative effects though. You not only have access to Unbound Ailments, which is an awesome gem on its own, but there is also a helmet craft "x% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focussed". I'm using it on my Diadem, and it works perfectly. So for me it's just a matter of clicking one more button on bosses; on normal mobs, rares including, my very short ignite is of no consequence. 2. Cooked Alives are beyond awesome, agreed, and a staple of most fire-based (as opposed to the Blackflame-based) ignite builds. You cannot go wrong with them. 3. Yes, fire dot does have diminishing returns, but Burning Bright has more than just that going for it. The reason why Burning Bright is so strong and always a good choice is that it also grants more area to your ignites, allowing them to spread even farther. There are only limited ways to increase your area of effect in ignite builds (unless you're speccing specifically into it and sacrificing some other stuff), and Burning Bright perfectly fits the bill. 4. Your damage is even higher than you're claiming since you forgot to tick "Is Infusion active" in your PoB. Also, your large cluster jewels are not very efficient, and buying better ones would save you as much as 2 points. You're looking for large clusters with 3 notables, two of them being Burning Bright and Vengeful Commander. These are quite expensive, but most certainly worth it. Here, you can found the relevant link: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ritual/2LeOqL0Ik If you're not aware, you can copy those jewels into your PoB to check if they work properly. You just need to click "Copy item" in the bottom left corner of a jewel you're interested in, and CTRL+V into PoB in your Items section, and click "Add to build". 5. Divergent Divine Ire is a very good catch, haven't thought of that! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Trikzter#3520 um 08.02.2021, 09:34:18
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I genuinely didn't know about the %ailment duration when focussed veiled mod on Devouring Diadem, that does help a lot for ignite duration vs bosses, I'll make sure to incorporate it into my setup, and replace Circling Oblivion for something else, probably another Blowback since I have room for more ignite acceleration.
I've been wanting to get better large clusters for a while, but I actually needed the dex I was getting from them until just about now, since I finished harvest crafting my +2 amulet. I'll definitely be investing into new jewels quite soon, and probably speccing the points into Sovereignty to be able to get Flesh and Stone back up. I'm also thinking about anointing some more mana reservation reduction instead of Commander of Steel to run Vaal Discipline over Flesh and Stone, haven't decided on that yet. Regarding Burning Bright, I haven't felt much need for more AoE radius to the point where I'd want to run more Burning Bright over Blowback or Cooked Alive, since from my experience an Ire shot clears most mob packs, and Fan the Flames from corpses kills any stragglers. Tyvm for the feedback tho, I'm pretty close to having done all the gear upgrades I can think off, asides from dumb stuff like explody chest, elevated mods, HH memes or low stat voices cluster jewels, but those things seem pretty unaffordable to me as single item purchases/crafts at least in the foreseable future. |
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" Damn, I screwed up on my large cluster then. I spent double what the ones you are linking cost. Why would you take Vengeful Commander over Sadist though? For Hatred? |
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