[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites
" Why aren't you running EE? Massive damage increase. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Xilian_PoE#3449 um 04.02.2021, 16:23:56
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" Sure, 6ex will be enough to clear all endgame, but in order to tackle the final bosses (all final Maven fights, including the Maven herself, Uber Elder, etc.) you might require a bit more cash. |
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" He should not - under any circumstances - run EE in this setup. First, his wand has added fire damage to spells. Second, his abyss jewel has that too. Third, he went Divine Fury which grants extra fire damage based on your phys damage. This will significantly reduce dps as enemies' fire resistance will get higher. The only way to mitigate this - other than changing all of the above - is getting Malachai's Artifice with a socketed Lightning Golem, but this is not a preferable option, at least in my book. So, while yes, Elemental Equilibrium is a very good idea, this requires a bit more than going straight for this Keystone. |
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" Do you think it's worth it for the long run if I start overhauling the gear listed and respec to get EE? I'm running the wand at the moment for QOL |
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" Yes, it will most definitely be worth it since EE is the least money-intensive way of increasing your damage. -50% fire resistance of enemies is nothing to sneeze at, and as a matter of fact there are few as powerful keystones requiring as little investment. However, bear in mind that when playing the new Elementalist you have to make a decision which method you'll be using to scale your damage. First, you have the aforementioned Elemental Equilibrium. This requires you to: 1) either have no fire damage on your Divine Ire so you can apply EE directly from Divine Ire, 2) use Orb of Storm or Stormbrand to apply EE after an enemy has been ignited by Divine Ire (OoS and Stormbrand will override the previous application of EE so enemies will have negative fire resistance), or 3) use the Malachai's Artifice ring if your Divine Ire has any fire damage originating from conversions for more reliable uptime of EE, or 4) use the Malachai's Artifice ring with a Lightning Golem if there are any sources of added fire damage to spells on your items. I feel the Lightning Golem route is the least reliable so I'd recommend avoiding it. Second, you can make full use of the Shaper of Flames elementalist notable, making sure that fire damage is the highest damage type you inflict your ignites with. This way, your ignites will deal 25% more damage. This can be achieved by converting your physical damage to fire (for example by Magmatic Strikes on the tree, a craft on your gloves, certain explicits on gloves or weapons) and using Herald of Ash. This is more difficult, but in theory should net you more dps than EE. Third, there is the Blacklame ring, which makes enemies take chaos damage instead of fire damage from ignites. Thanks to Despair curse and Wither totems, this can be extremely powerful - I managed to reach almost 6M dps on my clear setup (dual obliteration) and mind-boggling 11.5M on my single target setup. These methods can be combined, at least to some extent, but this is by no means an easy feat, so not really recommended, at least at the beginning of your DI journey. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Trikzter#3520 um 04.02.2021, 17:14:27
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" Thanks so much for the detailed explanation. I just played around in POB and changed to EE, bumped ignite DPS 300k immediately. I really appreciate the help. |
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Gonna share my build before I switch to something else:
https://pastebin.com/9sP8meeT 6.6M ignite Sirus-DPS for a 31M total ignite (actually a bit more thanks to the exposure from the helm so probably closer to 7M) The build actually feels decently tanky despite only having 4.8k hp+es. I went the staff block route so 70/50 block with glancing blows. If you're not a big fun of glancing blows, you could switch it out for an extra 200hp and 100k ignite dps (the build has no hp gain on block or anything like that, i just took glancing blows to stagger the damage intake a bit). Also using an explody chest which works pretty well with the build. I dont feel the need to run with fan the flames or ignite prolif support thanks to it, and it will clean your screen pretty efficiently. Items I'm currently using:
I might continue upgrading these if i come across useful harvests while playing some other char. Also got super lucky with the HH from cards on first week of the league :D Zuletzt bearbeitet von Zunr#2586 um 04.02.2021, 18:46:15
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" This is not difficult at all. The build scales fire a lot more than the others element (increased lightning or physical does nothing for ignite), so herald of ash by itself makes fire your most damaging element, you don't even need anything else. And herald of fire is by far the best aura you can run, in terms of damage by % reserved. " With the anima stone (by itself), that you want to run anyway because one more golem gives you a very long list of bonuses, you get to use two lightning golems from the one gem in the ring. That ends up being very reliable. |
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" I've checked in my PoB, and even with Herald of Ash up, Divine Fury on the tree, fire exposure from WoC and Combustion debuff you need at least one another source of fire damage. There are plenty of options to choose from (Flammability, Pyre, Shaper scepters with phys as extra fire, even EE), so this is very achievable indeed. However, and something to bear in mind, if there is not a lot of discrepancy between particular damage types in your setup, there may be cases when you low-roll your fire damage and high-roll for example lightning or chaos damage, which make the 25% more ignite damage bonus void. This might be a bit crippling, since 25% more is a lot of DPS. Also, I've never said it's difficult in absolute terms; the only claim I've made is that it's more difficult THAN going straight for EE because it requires a lot more targeted gearing. " I'm running 9 golems in my current setup, and they're doing whatever the hell they want. I have no control over them, and asaik there is no visual indication whether they actually managed to apply EE, so it's not really verifiable. That's why I'm choosing against using golems in Malachai's Artifice. But yeah, it's basically a question of preference. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Trikzter#3520 um 09.04.2021, 02:36:28
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I actually tried going with malachai ring/fire damage on my DI, and I must say even if the damage is quite a bit higher in POB (went from 6.5M to ~10M ignite dps on shaper), doing T16 100% deli maps was a nightmare compared to just running EE with no damage. I went back to my old EE/no fire setup after a couple maps and it felt way smoother.
So imo it might be worth it for bosses (if u even need more damage for bosses), but I wouldnt recommend it for mapping. |
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