[3.13] Divine Ire Igniter Elementalist | 30 Million Damage Pure Lightning Ignites
" Yea, we had some people here that made the mistake too, thinking the 30m damage per ignite that is mentioned in the thread title means DPS. The only way that PoB is misleading is when people can't read. Clearly has both, actual DPS and total damage per ignite. And those 4.8m DPS are with very good gear, gotta keep that in mind, but 2-3m ignite DPS should be easily doable within a few days. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mecielle#3021 um 15.01.2021, 09:13:33
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" ye the most of the number u see on this thread is the total ignite dmg which takes like 6 sec to reach. The number u really wants to see is ignite dps because its the dps u deal given any time not after 6 sec or smh |
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this shield can be used for massive dmg multi and the life regen with golem regen can maybe negate the downside. if ur using s-brand maybe hard to do |
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Hi guys,
will this build idea work vs the 5 to 10 boss arena fights? i imagine it will be bad cause of the channeling or is my thinking off? |
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" If you line up the boss attack downtime it only takes one ignite to start proliferating to all of them. In theory this should be one of the best builds for multi-bossing since you can just run around like a crazy person for 6 seconds at a time while your ignite is counting down. |
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" 40-60 dmg multi is not such a big dmg buff. Not negligible, but this shield makes it so that you can't use ES for defenses I think, or Kaom's heart. I wouldn't take it... |
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Yea, there is no real "if" about using Storm Brand, or another often critting skill, to trigger EO and apply Flammability. It is very much a 100% needed part of the build. So sadly that shield is out.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Mecielle#3021 um 15.01.2021, 10:02:54
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Why you use elemental equilibrium in your first 20 points? I know we need it after Shaper of Flames, so after the first lab, but before? |
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" The shield won't be OP or some crazy defense. But in fights where there is elemental damage it's a bonus. On top of that you cannot take reflected elemental damage which opens up more mapping options once you hit red maps and can't re-roll corrupted maps. This will be important initially. Later down the road it might not be so good but in a 10v1 boss fight there are plenty of bosses with elemental damage and that extra shield could be life or death. To me I think it will more or less depend on gearing and each person's play style. The gotta go fast bois will want the increased damage, while people who are newer and don't know all the abilities bosses fire and need to dodge would prolly be better off with the Aegis for that bit of extra elemental dmg defence. Can also early league help with not having capped resistances if your just entering maps. |
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" Got a link to the version you'll be using? I'm thinking I'll be going primordial chain + full on golem jewels, looking at 600%+ golem buff power. Going to be pretty insane for cast speed/dmg %/life regen/phys dmg reduction |
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