[3.14] Odif's Old Obsolete Skel Mage Guide, New one is in a new thread
" My question is about your wand - you have fire dmg in it and I've read that there shouldn't be any damage on wands. Now that EE is rather not used anymore, is it possible to use such wands? |
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" Yes, it was because of EE, so it doesnt matter anymore. And - we dont have ANY dmg gem now anyway, because we did in the past just because of EE aswell. |
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Now you are my "Master Yoda" - Molten Strike is in your build for bosses?
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" Thanks man, but i dont think my english is good enought to write some guides, or longer texts in general, it would just look lame. I think leveling summoner as a summoner from the start is easy, and even if Odifs guid is two league outdated and the tree is different now, there is still just a few nodes that you wanna go to. And there are youtube videos with some good general tips. And thats pretty much it, you'll end up with some generic necro tree (Enduring Bond/Death Attunement/Sovereingty/HP nodes), and they you can start doing changes that suits your current build/playstale, or addressing some problems. It is a process, for example my tree changes every day, as i'm testing new things, not everything works, but thats the fun in it, looking for answers! :-) |
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" I dont have Molten Strike, i have Molten Shell, if thats what you mean? Thats just another layer of defence, and Bone Barrier replacement on left click. I usually use vaal version of it when i'm swapping to nightmare scourge, to tank initial hits. |
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Indeed, I had a mistaken first look at this gem
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BTW is anyone using AG with fleshcrafter, with what equip? I cant get POB to show me some number i could trust...
The theoretical issue i have with it, is that chest CONVERTS hp to ES, that means with good chaos resist it basically turns him in CI build, and that would kill him. Probably instantly. And i wanna have some generic huge hp pool/huge regen with Mask/Garb. There is actually solution this league, as i can decrease his chaos resists with corrupts, this way he can benefit from extra ES from Grave Intentions, but dont lose life from Fleshcrafter. So the goal is to have cpped elemental resists, and close to zero chaos resist. EDIT: ok, i've found my answer, looks like i just dont know how to work with minions in POB :-) Zuletzt bearbeitet von evilmindcz#6356 um 06.11.2021, 09:18:13
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Looks like i'm almost at the end of the road, after i spend like 1500+ chaos worth bound fossiles on my new helmet, and ended with nothing, i've decided i'll just use the old one with AG. If something will hit hard in Simulacrum, it will most likely kill me first anyway. And... it worked like a charm! :-)
I did Wave 30 of Simulacrum on yesterdays stream, first try. It was the ultimate goal/defence test of this build for me. Video of the last wave: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1202842923?filter=highlights&sort=time Then i did The Feard for a this league challenge right after it, when Maven releases all bosses at once, with just one really stupid death. You can skip discussion about tactic in czech at the start, fight starts at 2:25: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1202850498?filter=highlights&sort=time 6k HP, 75/75 block caped without Glancing Blows, immune to shock and freeze, Garb from AG also helps with most slowing things in the game. It even beats the scourge movement speed debuff, but its not really usefull without convocation, which i dont have (and you can use Stampede boots for it, as Kaoms dont work). There are still little things i wanna change on equip, but tree is the final version - unless i hit spell block suffix on helmet, in which case i can respec two more points to life nodes. |
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I subbed you on twitch because youre a good skelli mage Player and builder also i dont understand czech except kurva.🤣🤣 Hahaha
Greetz from your neighbour country🇩🇪👍👍😝😝😝 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Karmoth666#3849 um 16.11.2021, 06:38:45
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Kurva... no way, its a Polish kurwa... :D
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