[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
Maybe there is something I didn't understand about this build yet, so correct me, if there is something wrong, but I don't get it why we are doing more overall damage, just becaus our skulls explode faster?
Let's say our skulls deal 100k damage when they explode because of Minion Instability while using Infernal Legion. When using predator support (or any other +dmg support) they do 140k dmg (or 150k, or 130k, it doesn't matter). Now we have a cast rate of exactly 3. Every second we can summon exactly 3 skulls. (ignoring unleash support) This means, each second we can do 300k damage (with IL) or 420k dmg (with pred. sup.). The difference ist that with IL our skulls explode faster, but we can still only summon 3 of them per second. THIS is what I mean by: "The dps is imho limited by our cast rate." Edit: Thanks @Nitrate_ - that's exactly what I mean :) Zuletzt bearbeitet von Melemakar#6334 um 01.08.2021, 14:11:52
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This is wrong. Infernal Legion does not increase or decrease the overall DPS. All it does is decrease the time between you casting SRS, and the damage being dealt.
So if you were to just press continuously your SRS button, after the first few seconds of ramping up, Infernal Legion has literally no effect at all. It is a pretty good gem to remove some clunkiness, but on bosses and situations where more damage is needed in general, any damage gem is better. Regarding your calculation, what you fail to take into account is that each skull only detonates once. So it's not very relevant to say "The skull deals 520k damage in 3 seconds, so that's 140k DPS", because the damage occurs exactly once per skull. The correct manner to calculate sustained DPS is to calculate it as "Damage per skull" x "Number of skulls per second", and Infernal Legion does not change any of these factors. |
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" This is not correct. We have three options killing our SRS 1. Infernal Legion 2. Infernal Legion + Tavukai 3. Tavukai Infernal Legion makes the "SRS take 40% of their max life as fire Damage per Second". Tavukai makes the "SRS take 20% of their naximum Life as Chaos Damage per second". combining both would make our SRS take 60% of their max life per sencond as damage. So its correct that the SRS die faster when using IL, but our overall damage potential isn't increased from that since IL doesn't have "increased Minion Life", "increased minion damage" or "increased elemental damage" on it. (I'm not taking into account the fire damage that they deal to enemies near them, since we are talking about the explosions) Using Infernal Legion AND Tavukai shortens our windup time until we hit our full damage potential. BUT since we are "loosing" a Damage upport gem when using Infernal Legion our overall damage potential is lower. @Nitrate_ pointed that out nicely, thanks for that! if you'd plot out our damage curves they woul looking something like this: (behold my paint skills!) ![]() Our over all Damage is only capped if you would stack enough cast speed to hit 20 Raging Spirits BEFORE they started to explode. If you are using Infernal Legion you miss out on a ~40% more Damage multiplier. If you like the fire the SRS spread and the shorter time they take to epxlode when you are using IL to clear maps, you can always opt to gem swap to something different when facing a Boss. But since we only need to lower the Spirits to 50% of their life instead of 33% (pre 3.14) they are dying fast enbough with only Tavukai. IMHO. Poeatlas.app Zuletzt bearbeitet von Weo_#5318 um 02.02.2022, 16:32:22
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" The Pastebin link doesn't work, but looking at your char does ;-) Unwavering Stance is a valid option to take, since it only takes us 3 skill points. You would likely drop "Indomitable Army" for that. another benefit would be the additonal 20 str we cain pathing to unwavering Stance. I have yet to test it how it feels using that. Poeatlas.app
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Hello, very nice guide, the gear is comming along nicely, I started doing t14 maps and I very recently got the helm, I didn't invest much into rerolling for conc effect since odds are a bit too low for my budget right now. I got super lucky with the robe (got +1 and offering mods within 50 alts, I was just going for the offering mod) wasnt sure how to finish crafting it, I ended up just regal + craft
Now I'm not sure what I should go for next however, dunno if I should start looking at awakened gems, maybe change some more pieces of gear (reforge keep suffix for the helm to get hypothermia is like 1.2ex per try, odds is like 1/15, not sure if worth without conc effect),maybe I should upgrade jewels, most of them are just 20-30life with 9-11 % minion life, one with corrupted blood immune another with silence immune and the cluster is 8max passive seal mender + practiced caster (so not ideal for points efficiency) and one hulking + feasting medium. |
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Why do we use the 25% elemental avoidance shaper mod, instead of getting the cheap 15% ailment avoidance synthesised implicit (30-50 chaos on the market) and the 18% elemental avoidance boots craft? That gives us another 8% elemental ailment avoidance. Hmm, on second thought, maybe that's not so good. It doesn't really let us remove anything, though we can change Arcane Swiftness to Crystal Skin... wait, we can already do that with the optimal setup.
Eh, nevermind. This is a way to get a little more avoidance, that I thought you should know. I don't know if it's worth the effort, but it might be usable. Maybe this will make something viable, but maybe not. |
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" You could go for the synthesised mod on the Boots, but you would loose a potential useful implizit like two elemental resistances or chaos Resistances. You could also get a Ring with ailment Avoidence as synthesised mod or a Belt. I recommended the Gloves since its the only slot where don't loose an useful Implizit. Poeatlas.app
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" Its a pain to see that the Helmet would be so much better pre 3.15 :-/ You will have a MASSIV damage boost when you manage to get Conc effect and Hypothermia on it. But even without it you should not have any Problems clearing every thing. I would try to go for Gloves with Elemental Avoidance synthesised mod and get a Stygian Vise instead of your current Belt. You do not benefit from the Elder Ring, either go for a Redeemer Ring with Minion Damage, a warlord Ring with flammability on hit or a Redeemer+Warlord Ring with both Flammability and Minion Damage. The shield is nice, but its missing the Spell Block, I'd try tp get a shield with both Life on Block and Spell Block. If you plan on using the Chest for a while you could multi craft it and add some Life. In general you should upgrade what you feel you are lacking. If you die too often, upgrade the denfences. If you can't kill mops, go for more damage. Poeatlas.app
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Much better now, got helmet and wand, trying to fix now a chest but not sure what shall i swap next, but seems working so nice.
Wondering if its time to change to spectres now. |
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Our SRS are doing area of effect damage when they explode? I'm asking because i want increase my DMG without using cluster jewels(for now). I'm using kaoms so i don't need increased dmg nodes for minions anyway. On my build now i have 8,5k life, 60/54 block and ~60 dmg reduction. I would like to go for 75/75 but with Kaoms(without increased offerings) i dont it is possible and mb 70% reduction with 7k life(i think) but i don't know how build without spectres deal with Sirus and other endgame bosses. In helmet i have Concentrated and minion life for now. What 3 supports gems are the best for this setup? Btw. Is Tempest shield still working when you change weapon set? Mb if someone doesn't mind to cast Tempest shield alone we can put other gem in trigger wand? I know i should probably upgrade my wand and aliments avoid but lack of money is not helping :P Overall it is nice build and i really like play style with it. |
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