[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

ClassesTurk schrieb:
my opinion on what the build needs and my experience.

my experience from playing occultist saqawal tornado was:
dps wasnt a problem but poison from the twister wasn't really the dps source it was just feeding plaguebearer really fast , and with the damage of plaguebearer it helps me to proc profane bloom.
but on pob twisters supposed to be the main dps with 30+m dps with poison by hit stacking on enemy but it posion deals it's damage really slow.

also many uniques really blocks us from getting defensive hitpool .
back then we had the dodge instead of suppression and it was helpfull and easy to get

we definetly need to figure out defensive side of the build to make it viable %100 deli to make this build worth to play. which is almost impossible on today's poe where you need many different layers of defensive to stay alive. but we still want to enjoy this unique gameplay.

what can help build do better imo:
max block (lame but can be insane with aegis max block with duo play managuardian)
15k+ evasion / armour
somehow get freeze chance by twister hit ?? i dunno if its possible
chaos res (at least 20%)
life gain on hit (watcher's eye not enough sadly)

slots available for us to do achieve this :
- body armour
- weapon slots
- belt
- flask
- jewel sockets

- amulet / ring sockets ( which will make you lose a lots of twister cast per second) worth if you somehow make this build immortal.

So, what id say with this, is that poison, is no longer an option for the build with any sort of efficiency anymore. In its prime, it was able to do t16 100% deli's relatively easily, with deaths occasionally as it was a dodge based build.

Yes, this build suffers pretty badly defensively as it requires a lot to even function offensively

What i can get this build to have with a high budget (mageblood) defensively

- 4k hp
- 700 es
- 68% atk block
- 75% spell block
- 24.5k Eva (79% Evade)
- 10k armour
- 33% Spell Supp Chance
- 43% Chaos Resist
- Enemies are blinded
- You never have to stop moving (Hard to quantify, but priceless in defenses)
- 25-30 Life gain on hit, Averaging... 40 hits/second per target(using a lower number on purpose, about 1k/second per mob.
- 1% of all our damage is leeched from chieftain ascendancy

this all this, id give it about 150-200k dmg per hit, around 15m+ dps for bosses with the possiblity of being much higher, if you sacrifice some defense.

for mapping, id lean more towards about half that with 7-8m DPS

Pob for this is here, let me know if you have any questions/criticism about it, all in all, just trying to get the best version of this build i can :D


Edit: i will say, any sort of party play with an aurabot, be it defensively or offensive, will scale huge, as flat damage from anger and more from zealotry, will have just an insane effect, not including the obvious overpowered defenses they provide
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Supaspork#0294 um 18.08.2022, 20:18:47
Supaspork schrieb:

4) Here's the pretty much done pob that ill be using for Chieftain twister

Thank you! I will definitely try this build this league. Do you think league starting it is possible?
Hey, I've got a quick question: Why is more duration missing in the helmet links? Is there some hidden tech to actually get to use 4 links?

Without it, since the increases to the duration reductions now come from the uniques and not from swift affliction as much anymore, the tornados have super super short duration, or am I missing something?
You are correct. With 85% reduced global duration, the range of the twisters becomes very short. Adding back in another source of duration like increased duration or efficacy can offset it, but it's a trade off.
IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
Maybe another thing: Has anyone tested Sniper's Mark with this? It's a theoretical massive damage up for the chieftain version, but I'm testing it right now and am unsure if the projectile split prevents the twisters from multi-hitting.

Based on the crit-sound and testing with void manipulation to do zero damage, it sounds like it still does the characteristic multi-hit with snipers mark on a boss, but maybe someone has looked into this previously?
Jekannadar schrieb:
Maybe another thing: Has anyone tested Sniper's Mark with this? It's a theoretical massive damage up for the chieftain version, but I'm testing it right now and am unsure if the projectile split prevents the twisters from multi-hitting.

Based on the crit-sound and testing with void manipulation to do zero damage, it sounds like it still does the characteristic multi-hit with snipers mark on a boss, but maybe someone has looked into this previously?

We tested. It doesn't work unless the bounce off walls after.

IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
So, I'm level 81, T16 guardians down, still working on better gear.

A few thoughts after playing an assassin poison version:

New rings are a mixed blessing - much easier/better thresholds, but a tiny duration on twister.

Anomalous Efficacy fixes a few duration problems, but the range still feels small.

My strategy has been a 2 helm setup:
Mapping: Phantasm/crit affliction + deadly ailments + GMP + Increased Duration
Bossing: Phantasm/crit affliction + deadly ailments + void manipulation + efficacy

Black Cane is bad on assassin until you have uber lab & a high crit rate, because kills from poison don't spawn phantasms. Kills from culling strike will work.

Disintegrator is more reliable damage until you are ready to move up to a 15/second threshold - I'm still on 10 and have done guardians.

IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
Here's a small summary of my thoughts this league so far. For context, I have tested it both on Chieftain and on Assassin.

The Assassin version still feels a bit better than the Chieftain version. Under most realistic circumstances it will also do more damage, even more so at non-super-high investment, however the damage needs to ramp up first.

The POB for the Chieftain has pretty inflated DPS, as it assumes that "Ngamahu, Flame's Advance" is always up, when in Reality it is just 40% more damage, not 100% more. Additionally, it also doesn't use increased duration in the links, which is completely unfeasible with the current global reduction with the buffed uniques. The Twisters have less than 1 second duration without increased duration, meaning they have the range of an unlevelled melee skill without any skills, about ~0.7 seconds. Apart from being unable to hit a boss like that, they also only hit twice in that case, thrice if being generous, so the x4 Twister become x2 or x3. IF you run increased duration in the links, you get the hits and it is quite comfortable, but the damage is of course quite a lot lower. Putting realistic conditions into the POB really lowers the damage by quite a lot. That being said, the Chieftain version maps fine and is better at using the black cane for mapping, offsetting the damage slightly, also you get Herald explosions which is visually satisfying, plus mobs die closer to you and not from DoTs.

The Assassin clear is a lot more reliable overall, and the damage ramps up higher. The Poison DPS that PoB calculates in the current version does not account for total ramped up poison stacks, this can be easily tested by changing the poison duration. If it accounted for max ramp up, it should increase DPS, but it doesn't. The Assassin version struggles with the Black Cane during mapping, for the reasons Starlight85 posted! Disintegrator is not that bug of a damage down though, and with high crit rate and the last ascendancy it should work fine.

I recommend switching to the black cane for bossing if you can, but it's of course a bit uncomfortable to toggle to the better buff granted from the shield, but that's fine.

The links I recommend for mapping are Anomalous Efficacy - Increased Duration - GMP - Unbound Ailments, I think that's enough damage and personally don't mind things dying pretty far behind me.

For Bossing simply swap the GMP for a damage gem of your choice, this also doesn't require any white sockets or stuff like that. If you want maximum turbo damage, swap out the duration as well, but I haven't tested yet if with only Anomalous Efficacy you can realsitically get 4 hits on a boss from each Twister, as the Duration needs to be quite a bit over 1 second, to still have 1 second left when it reaches the boss to get the hits in. My intuition is that actually swapping out increased duration will in practice usually be a damage decrease or about even, just more uncomfortable, but I'll update once I feel I've tested it enough.

On the upside: Both version, Chieftain and Assassin, work on shoestring budgets with the changes. Even with terribly rolled Saqawals, both versions cleared red maps fine, just the boss and some rares (but that's a different story) take some seconds.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jekannadar#7290 um 27.08.2022, 07:18:46
Anomalous Efficacy hits ~1.1 seconds on the twister, meaning if comfortable doing a boss at nearly point blank melee range, then swapping out increased duration is optimal!
@Jekannadar Could you share your finished Saqawal path of building? I would like to try the poison version, I am already with the fire one.

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