[3.19] ⚛️ Qosmoz's ❄️ LL CoC Ice Nova/Spear Assassin ❄️ Ready for 3.19 Fun Lake Farming!!!

1.cospiri can be min maxxed more on the cold damage
2. all gems not 21/20 or awakened especially the 2 ice novas/frostbolt
3. prism guardian can have up to +4 skills aura/aoe
4. shavronnes wrapping not corrupted for + gems or skills
5. can get a triple skill cluster and 2nd med cluster.
6 watchers eye with hatred mods/disc/clarity as es
7. - cold res /power charge/crit multi hat
8. corrupted chayula neck +curse/hatred mod etc
9. gloves don't have implicit unnerve/culling strike/or spell damage mods

Hello, so I got some currency and decided to switch to this build. So far loving it. However, I feel like I have some really unoptimized options in here, (excluding levels which I keep dying and so I cant level up, and ascension which I am working towards beating all the trials), and I've seen the faq but I'm still kinda lost. I'm seeing im only at 6,2k ES while the guide suggests 6,5k for example, and to surely enough, im quite squishy atm, while dmg is good, atleast for up to T13 maps. (I think energy shield is the problem here, only got 1 node so far, and its not really enough I think but I dont know where to get more?)

What would you suggest improving in my current build?Currently I have a budget of around 11 ex in heist sc (I know that my shav colors are not right, but I think my damage is alright atm and I dont need to spend the currency to attempt for 3g 1r 2b).

Thank you a lot in advance!

POB Link (with your configurations + frenzy charges because of amulet corruption): https://pastebin.com/DFXCAb21

Edit 2: Updated POB for the third time, just got the flask and I'm doing decently better than before, guidance would still be appreciate tho :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AxillV#6536 um 24.11.2020, 09:31:00
Hi Qosmoz, I did a few updates on my gears and only reached 500K damage , nowhere close to your 1.5mil damage from your end game pob.
Can you help me check if I am missing something or if I am doing something wrong?

Here's my POB: https://pastebin.com/ydQtZW4u

Thank you very much
P.S. for Crit chance , do I look at the normal crit chance ? or do I look at the effective crit chance?? because ,my cyclone crit chance is only 79% but efective crit is 93.94%.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von dark19810111#5137 um 24.11.2020, 02:02:16
Just want to add some advise for new players or people with limited budget but want to have a great build.
When looking at a build, always remember the 3 basic elements: Resistance, Defense and Offence.
Sounds very basic, but somewhere along the line you will get carried away or too focused on one thing so you forgot about the others.
Take me as an example, after I followed the guide, I found myself still lacking damage or not as high damage output as the guide claimed. I started to fiddle around with my gear and I made mistakes that cost me a lot of currency.

The first mistake is, I bought new gears that have a little bit more damage but less energy shield / resistance, every time thinking 100 less energy from this piece won't hurt.
In the end, I do get more damage like I wanted, but at the same time my resis are not capped and my energy shield dropped from 6800 to 6200.
Always remember to consider how the new gear that you want to buy will affect your defense layer and resis before buying.
Never lower your defense / resis just for more damage.
Instead, get new gears that will give you more damage without lowering your defense / resis.
For one simple reason, there is no output if you are dead.
In my case, the difference between 6800 ES and 6200 ES is huge, especially when I took damage from the boss that took around 6500 ES.
With 6800ES I survived and kept the damage going but 6200ES will cost me one more portal just to get back and keep the damage going.

Next about stats, if you need some Dex/Str/Int, the following is what I did.
I looked at all my non-unique gears, then I decide what stats are the most important I want from each piece(ES, RESIS, DAMAGE........).
Then I see if any piece can make room for one free suffix(+ dex/str/int are suffixes) and then I CRAFT whatever stat I need.

The mistake I made before was I bought new gears to replace my old ones to try and maintain my defense / resis and up my damage ,but then realize I can not equip my sword because of not enough dex......
And then I tried to search for another gear of the same with dex/higher dex just to find out same gear with same defense/resis that gives you dex/higher will cost alot lot MORE EXALT.
So I ended up finding one with same defense/resis and no craft mods but one free suffix available and crafted the missing 30 dex I needed(talking abt my hubris circlet.)

When following a build/POB, you will never find gears that have the same prefixes and suffixes like in the build guide /POB.
So instead, I looked at all the non uniques in the guide and calculated what's the individual resis I need to hit the cap, the stats I needed on the gears to euip everything(also need to consider the level of your skill gem even alt quality ones), ES/Life/whatever defense layer I need to achieve and then I check the price of individual piece with stats I need on them .

This is a long process, but sometimes you don't need that ring with 80 resis for both cold and fire which cost a couple of exalt.
Instead, you might have(or you can squeeze) one free suffix slot available in your helmet/ gloves/belt so you can just craft some of that cold / lightning resis or just find one with the same stats but gives you some of the cold/lightning resis.
From my past experience, I bought a ring with 80 cold resis and 80 fire resis for 6 exalt.
Later on, I realized that I can buy a belt with 30 cold resis that gave me same amount of ES and CDR for the same price as my planned belt purchase.
After that I only need a ring with 80 fire resis and 50 cold resis, and it only costs 2exalt.

If I move 30 of that fire resis to my gloves, a ring with 50 fire and cold resis only cost 1c or like what I did, I got a ring with 50 fire and cold resis which gave me extra 10 % cold damage for a couple of chaos more(less than 10c will get you a decent one).

As a new player following any build, just remember you are after the build idea and what makes up its' defense and offence.
You are not after that specific gear with that specific prefixes and suffixes like in the guide/POB.

People who built that build bought those gears because they calculated and worked out what they need, what they don't need and currency they have/can spend on those gears.

Market price changes from time to time, that gear might cost him 1 exalt when he was building it but became 10 exalt because the build became popular.

Follow smartly and do some calculation plus thinking as well, not following blindly because you won't become better and you won't learn anything.

I am not a pro but I spent more than 200 exalt trying out different builds and learn a lot of hard lessons, really hard.
Hope these will help some new players like myself and get them to start thinking what's best for them and build the same thing for cheaper
Done with the champ,here is my pastebin https://pastebin.com/9tHgirwD

All content done,investment is huge but the return don t disappoint,the most satisfying build i've played by far.
Hey, guys.
I keep minmaxing my char and finally hit 1m Nova hit point. Before moving to Bottle Faith+Awakened added cold, which is going to give me almost 2m Nova hit i focused on increasing my survivability.
Wanna share some options I found useful:

1) ES gained on hit is HUGE, keep my ES full 99.9℅ of time. With my 28es/hit roll I have approximately 720 ES/sec from one target(9.4x28x2+7x28). And that's instant heal.

2) I focused on 52cdr and now I have about 9.4-9.5 aspd, this also helps to survive because of better heal(leech+es on hit)

3) I kept only one leech node(0.2℅ of cold damage and penetration node) , I calculated that it should be enough with that high dps. Gives about 2500 ES/sec leech from one target.

4) I use whirling blades+fortify(alternative quality with 24% reduce damage). This movement skill is great if you have decent aspd. I use with faster attacks and I'm a Ferrari. Managing fortify can be annoying, but I feel it's a good option not to get one shot.

5) Disorienting Display. This cluster node is Awesome. I didn't think it will work good, but actually everything around is blinded in 0.1 sec. This damage mitigation is huge. All bosses can be blinded. Getting 50% to avoid any damage is great immo.

6) Chill. Skitterbots. And vortex with bonechill and awakened unbound aliment. This combo makes mobs to move as if they're in Matrix.

7) Aspect of the Spider. Gives not only huge damage boost, but also slowers enemies action speed.

8) Pure ES. I have only 6.7k and that's not much, I still suppose 7.5k is much better, but focused on damage too much xD.

Looking forward to any feedback. I'm kind of a noob and can be wrong with some options.

Btw: I invested about 55ex currently, but I spent a lot of time on trade to catch good items.

The building is awesome, enjoy it a lot! Thanks again 😁

Been playing your build for a while and loving it!
Seem te have some trouble with accuracy(since i dropped Depth Perception) and crit chance to be able to swap to added cold, can u give my build a look?

This is my build: https://pastebin.com/AFZ54fEb

(I know my rings can be better but having some troubles with dex atm)

Another question, is the double ice nova worth it? Been trying Anomalous Vortex in the Cospri's instead..

dark19810111 schrieb:
Just want to add some advise for new players or people with limited budget but want to have a great build.
When looking at a build, always remember the 3 basic elements: Resistance, Defense and Offence.
Sounds very basic, but somewhere along the line you will get carried away or too focused on one thing so you forgot about the others.
Take me as an example, after I followed the guide, I found myself still lacking damage or not as high damage output as the guide claimed. I started to fiddle around with my gear and I made mistakes that cost me a lot of currency.

The first mistake is, I bought new gears that have a little bit more damage but less energy shield / resistance, every time thinking 100 less energy from this piece won't hurt.
In the end, I do get more damage like I wanted, but at the same time my resis are not capped and my energy shield dropped from 6800 to 6200.
Always remember to consider how the new gear that you want to buy will affect your defense layer and resis before buying.
Never lower your defense / resis just for more damage.
Instead, get new gears that will give you more damage without lowering your defense / resis.
For one simple reason, there is no output if you are dead.
In my case, the difference between 6800 ES and 6200 ES is huge, especially when I took damage from the boss that took around 6500 ES.
With 6800ES I survived and kept the damage going but 6200ES will cost me one more portal just to get back and keep the damage going.

Next about stats, if you need some Dex/Str/Int, the following is what I did.
I looked at all my non-unique gears, then I decide what stats are the most important I want from each piece(ES, RESIS, DAMAGE........).
Then I see if any piece can make room for one free suffix(+ dex/str/int are suffixes) and then I CRAFT whatever stat I need.

The mistake I made before was I bought new gears to replace my old ones to try and maintain my defense / resis and up my damage ,but then realize I can not equip my sword because of not enough dex......
And then I tried to search for another gear of the same with dex/higher dex just to find out same gear with same defense/resis that gives you dex/higher will cost alot lot MORE EXALT.
So I ended up finding one with same defense/resis and no craft mods but one free suffix available and crafted the missing 30 dex I needed(talking abt my hubris circlet.)

When following a build/POB, you will never find gears that have the same prefixes and suffixes like in the build guide /POB.
So instead, I looked at all the non uniques in the guide and calculated what's the individual resis I need to hit the cap, the stats I needed on the gears to euip everything(also need to consider the level of your skill gem even alt quality ones), ES/Life/whatever defense layer I need to achieve and then I check the price of individual piece with stats I need on them .

This is a long process, but sometimes you don't need that ring with 80 resis for both cold and fire which cost a couple of exalt.
Instead, you might have(or you can squeeze) one free suffix slot available in your helmet/ gloves/belt so you can just craft some of that cold / lightning resis or just find one with the same stats but gives you some of the cold/lightning resis.
From my past experience, I bought a ring with 80 cold resis and 80 fire resis for 6 exalt.
Later on, I realized that I can buy a belt with 30 cold resis that gave me same amount of ES and CDR for the same price as my planned belt purchase.
After that I only need a ring with 80 fire resis and 50 cold resis, and it only costs 2exalt.

If I move 30 of that fire resis to my gloves, a ring with 50 fire and cold resis only cost 1c or like what I did, I got a ring with 50 fire and cold resis which gave me extra 10 % cold damage for a couple of chaos more(less than 10c will get you a decent one).

As a new player following any build, just remember you are after the build idea and what makes up its' defense and offence.
You are not after that specific gear with that specific prefixes and suffixes like in the guide/POB.

People who built that build bought those gears because they calculated and worked out what they need, what they don't need and currency they have/can spend on those gears.

Market price changes from time to time, that gear might cost him 1 exalt when he was building it but became 10 exalt because the build became popular.

Follow smartly and do some calculation plus thinking as well, not following blindly because you won't become better and you won't learn anything.

I am not a pro but I spent more than 200 exalt trying out different builds and learn a lot of hard lessons, really hard.
Hope these will help some new players like myself and get them to start thinking what's best for them and build the same thing for cheaper

this is really good write-up, thanks a lot.
MrVisi schrieb:
Hey, guys.
I keep minmaxing my char and finally hit 1m Nova hit point. Before moving to Bottle Faith+Awakened added cold, which is going to give me almost 2m Nova hit i focused on increasing my survivability.
Wanna share some options I found useful:

1) ES gained on hit is HUGE, keep my ES full 99.9℅ of time. With my 28es/hit roll I have approximately 720 ES/sec from one target(9.4x28x2+7x28). And that's instant heal.

2) I focused on 52cdr and now I have about 9.4-9.5 aspd, this also helps to survive because of better heal(leech+es on hit)

3) I kept only one leech node(0.2℅ of cold damage and penetration node) , I calculated that it should be enough with that high dps. Gives about 2500 ES/sec leech from one target.

4) I use whirling blades+fortify(alternative quality with 24% reduce damage). This movement skill is great if you have decent aspd. I use with faster attacks and I'm a Ferrari. Managing fortify can be annoying, but I feel it's a good option not to get one shot.

5) Disorienting Display. This cluster node is Awesome. I didn't think it will work good, but actually everything around is blinded in 0.1 sec. This damage mitigation is huge. All bosses can be blinded. Getting 50% to avoid any damage is great immo.

6) Chill. Skitterbots. And vortex with bonechill and awakened unbound aliment. This combo makes mobs to move as if they're in Matrix.

7) Aspect of the Spider. Gives not only huge damage boost, but also slowers enemies action speed.

8) Pure ES. I have only 6.7k and that's not much, I still suppose 7.5k is much better, but focused on damage too much xD.

Looking forward to any feedback. I'm kind of a noob and can be wrong with some options.

Btw: I invested about 55ex currently, but I spent a lot of time on trade to catch good items.

The building is awesome, enjoy it a lot! Thanks again 😁

nice :) so nice to hear from you guys that you maximize the full potential of the build. I'll go with this as starter next league probably.

I stopped playing at the moment (WoW is taking my game time) but i'll be back during the Flashback league. Probably will play something different (Toxic Rain maybe) for the last Heist challenges.
WeelieZ schrieb:

Been playing your build for a while and loving it!
Seem te have some trouble with accuracy(since i dropped Depth Perception) and crit chance to be able to swap to added cold, can u give my build a look?

This is my build: https://pastebin.com/AFZ54fEb

(I know my rings can be better but having some troubles with dex atm)

Another question, is the double ice nova worth it? Been trying Anomalous Vortex in the Cospri's instead..

hi Weeliez, I just quickly looked at your build. Overall looks fun to play, but you might miss a lot of damage for two reasons.

Your attack speed for cyclone is 9.01, but you dont have enough CDR to compensate for it (you need 52%+ CDR) to not miss Ice Novas due to server sync.

Secondly your Hit Chance is at 96% (which means you'll miss some hits which then misses crits, and then ice nova will not fire off). Also Crit Chance is slightly above 90%. You'll feel you are missing ice novas, if this is not the case then enjoy :)

I would suggest to get a rare helmet with -%9 Cold Resistance to nearby enemies + Global Accuracy rating. Even T2 should be enough. You can alternatively get Accuration Rating or & Global Accuracy on your rare ring (with some ES rolls ideally + Dexterity).

I would say overall going for Cluster is fun but you miss a lot of damage potential of the build for no extra benefit. If you spend more currency you can really make it good, but investment can be really high.

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