[3.12] Hasunic's Fireball/Flame Wall Ignite Trickster | Leaguestarter | CI or Hybrid | 3.5 mil DPS
So POB, more importantly Pastebin is having issues with imports at the moment. I would recommend posting your "notes" in the original post in case others cannot access pastebin. Those notes are actually so well written, it'd be a shame to lose them. Edit// well I'm bored at work, so here is the whole thing formatted with colors and pretty things. --------- Welcome to my Fireball/Flame Wall Ignite Trickster guide. First off. I personally prefer playing the skill that I want to play through the acts aswell, so you are going to use Fireball and Flame Wall from act 1 and all the way to level 100. Fireball feels terrible to cast without cast speed and ignite proliferation / 100% chance to ignite, so this is going to be your bossing skill (It realy has high damage!!) Your going to use Flame Wall to kill monsters and use something I like to call "Fire Walk" where you set the ground ablaze infront of you and walk through it, letting the monsters follow you. If you find bad essences in act 1 (Like Essence of contempt) you can save these for making 13-30 fire damage to spell Quartz Wand in act 2 Recipe: 1 magic Quartz Wand(Or any wand) + 1 Rare Ruby ring (Gives fire damage) - The rare gives Tier 6 added fire. If you used a "normal" ruby ring it would be tier 8. NOTE: If you are using Malachais Artifice to apply Elemental Equillibrium with Orb of Storms, you do NOT want any added fire damage to spells on your weapons, because it will brick the EE Tips for speedrunning: - Open all chests you see in your close proximety. - There's usually a lot of Transmute Orbs and other currency items in these. - Avoid using a chest piece for the first few acts. - Try to get 10% or higher movement speed boots as fast as possible - Use Fire Walk. It realy helps! ACT LEVELING BREAKDOWN
After initionally killing Hillock you will pickup the following items in town. - Get Freezing Pulse as a quest reward - Look for 3b/2b1g wands and 3b/2b1g gear - Look for Runner boots (10 % Movement speed) After Finishing "Mercy Mission", "Breaking Some Eggs", Getting The Submerged Passage and killing Hailrake you will go to town. Optional: - Look for 3b/2b1g wands and 3b/2b1g gear - Look for Runner boots ( 10% movement speed) You will need to buy the following gems from the vendor: Pick Pierce Support as quest reward (It will make it easier hitting your target with fireball) Buy The following 3 gems Fireball Flame Wall Arcane Surge - Link this to the Frostblink/Flame Wall in a 2/3 link Frostblink - This is a Reward from Tarkleigh (Weapon/Armour dealer) You will now progres to the Lower Prison and finish The Flooded Depths quest by killing "The Dweller of the Deep" Optional: - Look for 3b/2b1g wands and 3b/2b1g gear - Look for Runner boots ( 10% movement speed) Buy Combustion Support (It cost 1 transmute) Get Passive Skill book reward from Tarkleigh Run for Brutus in the Upper Prison to finish "The Caged Brute" Buy a Smoke Mine gem Pick a Flame Dash as a reward from Tarkleigh and replace your Frost Blink skill. Finish Act 1. You don't need anymore gems. ACT 2 Run for Chamber of Sins level 2 and finish "Intruders In Black" quest. Return to town and pick Skitterbots as a quest reward - Use this - Buy a Herald of Ash. I personally prefer killing all bandits in act 2, but you have the following 2 options: 1) You can choose to help Alira in act 2 and change into 2 passive points later in game. 2) This will make it easier for you to sustain your mana and cap your resistances. You can choose to kill all bandits, but this will make your struggle a bit early Act3/4 and early Act 6 to keep your resistances up. After killing Weaver in Weaver's Chambers you will be able to get the following 2 gems from Yeena. Pick Elemental Focus Support as quest reward. Buy a Controlled Destruction Support Buy a Wave of Conviction Link these in a 3B link with your Flame Wall. Continue using Pierce Support + Combustion Support for your Fireball Finish Act 2 ACT 3 - Get a Flammability Curse after The Crematorium and finishing "Lost in Love" Quest You should just manually curse bosses. After finishing Library you can get A BUNCH of links for your flame wall / fireball, so just buy the ones you need for the colors on your 4link Flame Wall + Efficacy Support + Burning Damage Support + Swift Affliction Fireball + Burning Damage Support Buy a Second Wind if you can and link to your Flame Dash/Smoke Mine Buy a Flesh & Stone Aura gem and switch the Herald of Ash with it (Do not use Herald of Ash anymore - Only use Flesh & Stone + Skitter Bots) ACT 4 When finishing Act 4 buy the following gems Buy Hextouch Support gem and link it to: Wave of Conviction + Hextouch Support + Flammabillity Pick Greater Multiple Projectiles as a quest reward. You will replace your Pierce with this ACT 5 Finish The King's Feast questline in the Ruined Square by killing Utula. This will give you a Poacher's Aim jewel that you socket in your passive tree - This will give some QoL for your fire ball ACT 6 Right after killing Hillock on Twilight Strand and completing the Fallen From Grace questline buy the following gem: - Buy Ignite Proliferation Support Use the following links for your 4link fireball Fireball + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Combustion Support + Ignite Proliferation Support - You can use Burning Damage Support or Deadly Ailment support for higher single target dps and keep clearing with your Flame Wall ACT 6-10 RUUUUUUUUUUN GEAR UPGRADE PRIORITY
Getting Elemental Ailment Immunity
Gloves & Helmet: You can craft 20-25% Elemental Ailment Avoidance(Suffix Craft) (Recipe are in Siege) Shaper Boots: Can roll 31-35% Elemental Ailment Avoidance on Suffix Chests: Can crafts 35% Stun & Elemental Ailment Avoidance(prefix) - (Unlocked from unveiling Syndicate items) Small Cluster Jewel: Attack Dodge jewels can roll 30% Elemental Ailment Avoidance (Elegant Form Notable) You get 10% Elemental ailment avoidance from the passive tree (Elemental Focus Node close to Shadowstart) I personally did Helmet (25%), boots(35%), Cluster (30%) + 10% from passive tree, but it depends on how your crafting/armours end up. Lategame Item Upgrade Priority 2-Handed Weapon: Buy a Searing Touch as fast as possible Get Clusters jewels as fast as possible. These are easy and cheap to craft yourself! Awakened Gems If you can get cheap awakened gems like awakened burning support it's a cheap big upgrade (Because Burning support adds 10% Fire Damage over time Multiplier - Awakened Deadly Ailment Support also adds a big bonus (Ailments inflict damage 10-12% faster) Amulet Making a +1 Fire Gems / +1 Intelligence Awakened craftet Amulet is a huge buff. Shaper or hunter Boots If you are going for Hunter Boots with Ailment Inflict Damage faster (5-10%) or Projectile Pierce(1-2), that's also a big upgrade Otherwise get Elemental Ailment avoidance Shaper boots. Hunter Gloves Crafting 16% Fire Damage Over Time Multipler Hunter gloves CRAFTING TIPS FOR ENDGAME GEAR
Warlord/Hunter Amulet
Buy the Warlord base (ilvl 84) that you want to use (Either 24/24 dex/str, 18/18/18 dex/str/int, 1,5% Life Regen or 56% Mana Regen) - I personally picked Mana Regeneration (Because Fireball is so mana hungry) - But this gave me some attribute issues. Using 24/24 dex/str might be best. Put either Tempering / Fertile / Pristmatic catalysts on the white base (so you only have to use 4) Use 1-socket Resonators with Scorched Fossil untill you hit +1 Fire gems - Make sure you DO NOT have any other Warlord mods on the amulet !!!!! (ITS SO IMPORTANT) - You can check by holding alt on the item and reading the names on the affixes. Buy a ilvl 82 hunter amulet (Base does not matter) - Keep using Alteration/augment until you hit +1 intelligence gems (Make sure it doesnt have any other Hunter mods!) Use an awakener orb to combine the two amulets into one keeping the +1 Fire Gems and +1 Intelligence gems and rerolling the rest of the mods. (The first one you click eats the item and transferes the mod to the second one you click) So do these 3 clicks. Right click awakener orb -> Hunter Amulet -> Warlord amulet (This is the base that you will be keeping and thats why you used catalysts on it) Cluster Jewels You craft them all using 1-socket Resonator and Scorched Fossil (This will take like 5-10 fossils per cluster) Large Cluster You do not need 3 notables on these for them to be good. (They just NEED to have Burning Bright) Look for Burning Bright notable(prefix) Smoking remains and Cremator are the 2nd prefix notables (These are quite good to have also) Suffix notable doesnt matter but WideSpread destruction is ok. Medium Cluster There are so many powerful notables on these. It can take like 10-30 fossils per craft (Or you can use alterations + regals) BEST NOTABLES Blowback (Ignite deals damage 15% faster) Wasting Afflictions(Damaging Ailments deals damage 10% Faster - 20% increased damage with ailments) Very good notables Cooked Alive(15% Chance to ignite - Enemies have -10% to Fire Resistance) Burning Bright(8% Fire Dot Multi, 20% Increased Fire damage, 8% increased AoE) Circling Oblivion(20% damage over time, 25% increased duration of ailments on enemies) Okay/decent notables Smoking Remains(35% Fire Damage, 10% Chance to create cloud on kill) Flow of Life(24% increased damage over time, 4% life, 0,6% life regen) Vile Reinvigoration(24% increased damage over time, 6% ES, 2% ES regen if you've killed recently) Cremator(30% increased damage, ignited enemies you hit are destroyed on kill - this doesnt work often, because they die before you hit them, lol.) Boots Shaper Boots - Use ilvl 86 boots if you can, because these can roll 35% movement speed Use 3-socket Resonators Prismatic + Shuddering + Pristine/Dense (If you want life or es). Prismatic makes Elemental rolls more likely (Resistance & Elemental Ailment Avoidance) Shuddering gives speed (And removes mana) Pristine/Dense gives either life or defence and removes the other. Crafted 20% movement speed and 12% chance for onslaught on kill is also very good for shadow, because he has so high movement speed anyway. Hunter Boots Note: These are HARD to craft and EXPENSIVE Looks for Ignites deals faster damage (5-10%) Look for +1/+2 Projectile pierce Look for movement speed + Life/ES Following fossils can be used Scorched + Shuddering + Dense/ES Carnal Armor Either use Deafening essence of greed for +129 flat life or my favorite (Dense fossils) I don't like having that much flat life on a Trickster Chest Spam Dense fossils (this fits your ascendency so well) Hunter Gloves If you want to use hunter gloves you can craft with fossils Use 2-Socket resonators Scorched + Pristine / Dense fossils Crusader Rings & Crystal Belt (If you want to go CI) Just spam with Dense fossils to try and hit useable mods. Be ware, this is a huge currency sink. The bases are expensive, and it's realy hard to craft useable rings this way. It's much easier to buy rings that would fit the resistances/attributes that you need for your gear. Crusader Crystal Belt is only slightly better than Bated Breath. Recommended UNIQUE items Malachais Sacrifice (Ring - Gives Elemental Equillibrium to your Orb of Storms) The Searing Touch (BIG WEAPON) The Restless Ward (Very cheap and very good chest piece for trickster) Shadowstich (Very good early 6link possible for a trickster. Use a Rank 3 corruption altar in Temple of Atzoatl on a white Sacrificial Garb - 25% chance to get it ) Atziri's Step (Spell dodge boots - Good for early game / life based evasion build) Recommended Alternative gems Phantasmal Flame Wall (Inflict Fire Exposure to enemies in wall, -10% fire resistance). - This is good when you don't use your Wave of Conviction Scaling Damage on Fireball / Flame Wall
Fireball (Ignite - Ailment - Damage Over Time) - More damage with Ailments / More Fire Damage / More damage over time / More burning damage - Gem Levels - Ailments/Ignite inflict damage faster - Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier - Added Fire Damage to spells ( DO NOT GET ANY ADDED FIRE DAMAGE TO SPELLS - IT WILL RUIN YOUR Elemental Equillibrium!) - Cast Speed (QoL, not damage) - Reduced Fire % Resistance on the target (% Penetration does not help) - Increased Damage Over Time / Increased Fire Damage / Increased Area Damage Flame Wall (Damage Over Time) - Spell Damage (It says so on the gem) - More Damage with Spells / More damage over time / more burning damage - Gem Levels - Fire Damage Over Time Multiplier - Reduced Fire % Resistance on the target (% Penetration does not help) - Increased Damage Over Time / Increased Fire Damage / Increased Area Damage When you find gear, try to look for something that fits both! :) Map Mods
No Regeneration maps sucks, the are too annoying to clear. Elemental Reflect maps can be cleared by using Flame Wall only (Because that isnt reflected) No Ailment maps can be cleared by shooting your Fireball through the Flame Wall (This will apply the secondary debuff which isnt a ignite, but just a burn :) ) Zuletzt bearbeitet von muzaroni#6701 um 13.10.2020, 14:44:41
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Damn nice. Thanks for the help. I'm gonna incorporate in the guide when I get time!
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214 [3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978 |
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How big of a benefit to survivability do you get going CI over Hybrid life? I've got a 4000/2000 setup right now and am trying to get some decent ES stuff for helmet/belt/ring, but haven't been having much luck in group-ssf.
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It helped quite a bit when I swapped as i remember... Burning was way less annoying and much easier to keep / sustain a high amount of ehp in boss fights.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214 [3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978 |
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look into getting Vaal Discipline as a "oh-shit" button once you go CI.
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Converted over to CI last night, and although my gear is preeeetty janky in places, I feel a lot tankier. I think I'm sitting at about 6750 ES. I don't have any of the super expensive items and my boots are terrible, but I'm still able to really easily clear T16 content and downed Sirus A5 without a death a little while ago.
Awesome build, really like the guide. Always wanted to make a Fireball character work, and this really did it. Thanks! |
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Thanks for the kind words :) I really like playing the build myself too.
[3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106
[3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214 [3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978 |
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Hi there Hasunic!
I'm having so much fun leveling this build! Going SSF but I had some gear in my stache from earlier build. Just wanna say thnks for your fine work putting the guide together. Really helps a "casual" player like me! :D /HEX Oohh.. Look at that!
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Hi! I'm playing this build on PS4 Heist and loving it!
Some noob questions: 1) Does it matter if I place fireball on the staff or the armour? 2) What do u think about using witchfire brew and cinderswallow urn? |
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1) It doesnt matter
2) I dunno why you suggest witchfire brew since it uses despair... (Chaos curse - look it up). Cinderswallow should be quite good, but it's a expensive flask that uses 40/60 charges... So you only get 1 use of it on the bosses often and I think the damage is high enough for clearing fast. Might help a bit with faster guardian kills, but... yeah it's mostly PoB show dps, which wouldnt matter too much while playing [3.9]Hasunic's Toxic Rain Trickster: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2712106 [3.7]Voidforge Flicker Strike Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2532214 [3.7]Oni-Goroshi Fire Vaal Reave Zerker: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2583978 Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hasunic#5732 um 21.10.2020, 11:21:39
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