[3.12] Hexblast IGNITE Trickster | Laser from the Sky, Chaos Ignites! | Hybrid or CI.
" using Fenumus' Weave makes damage higher than using Vixen and 2 more curses? and i see You dont use Eye of Malice, im kinda confused now, coz i thought it's must have setup.. BTW gonna buy stabilizing sceptre, thanks you've mentioned here about it :) |
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Since I promised to share my version of archmage ignite, here it is, lvl 97 https://pastebin.com/qZkdHKWL, all gems amxed (5 lvl awakened), that is my current char gear, you can check my char in the profile as well, I just miss quality on my rings and belt vs the pob pastebin, I also decided to use 3 perma frenzy charges through jewellery stack. Sits at 6.43 mln ignite dmg and 28.2 mln dmg (4 seconds ignite with temp chains curse instead of punish/vuln) vs Sirus/Shaper.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von ojejku#1220 um 30.09.2020, 11:50:06
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" Great dps! How you feeling about sigil of power uptime? I tried it out and felt mixed realistically about using it on bosses like Sirus and Uber Elder. How are you applying fire exposure? Oh, from you weapon. I see you're into negative mana degen when not at full life. Does this ever affect you or is mana flask enough? Nice thig about trickster Weave the Arcane is we can always use a movement skill without mana. Nice on the hp front, though chaos res is a bit low. I'm trying to boost my hp. I've been considering anointing whispers of doom and getting the crown of inward eyes. Would free up a lot of points. Will investigate... Definitely going to pick up a second medium cluster once I level. |
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" You throw sigil only on bosses, and you just need one ignite hit, that's all, even for sirus phases. You can still change gem layout and use increase duration for sigil instead of iaoe if you prefer. Yes, I'm applying exposure from weapon, please bear in mind it's 10% whereas SR is 25%. However, I hate SR totems, they are not reliable at all, die fast , go out of range if mob/boss moves fast etc. With that setup you get easily esposure by casting one storm brand that's attached to enemy, that also gives you 100% up time on EO (the crit strike with impeding doom does not, especially on bosses, and it is very important to be up before you create that big ignite hit, not after :P), plus its 4 link is culling strike, which is just awesome on storm brand on bosses. It is just overall so much better. Mana degen is not an issue, on maps you don't even care because of recovery, bosses you anyway insta gib with one ignite. Got ~1.3k mana regen, you can always add clarity but would need to take one of the gems somewhere, and have T1 mana regen rate on jewellery, but I just prefer +3 perma frenzies ;) Having that said I got T1 mana regen rate on weapon and shield. You can also add 70% mana regen on boots enchant on top of it, I just didn't bother when I hit 80% chance to avoid stun if you killed enemy recently. Crown is a must have, it gives you so much dps if you're going archmage/mana route. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ojejku#1220 um 30.09.2020, 14:30:03
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" The dps is impressive, but I'm concerned with survivability. How do you live without Ghost Shroud? I suppose Agnostic + MoM is such a strong defensive mechanic that it doesn't need defences? |
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Hmmm, okay I will try sigil out again! It does add a lot of deeps.
You thought about flame wall enhance 4 phantasmal flame wall for -22% fire exposure? Fast cast point and lasts quite a while. Try unclicking "Always at full health" and you're at -260 mana per second. I *think* this is without mana flask. If you get hit hard when it's hard to get of a hexblast off (delirium, say) this can cause some fun because you wont have mana for a hexblast for at least a few seconds even with a mana flask on, and you're getting swarmed. I'm at net positive with clarity and watcher's eye. That said, I'm going to test things out with a little less mana regen and more dps. Ya I like the storm brand set-up. Culling strike is fun. Oh and I've anointed Transfiguration of Mind, so that's why I need to path to Whispers of Doom. Though I do get access to Cursed Concoction Node and helm -9% fire res. " 40% MoM (8k mana) on top of 4.5k health pool is a 7.4k effective health pool. Arcane Cloak gives me a 5k shield and is on my move button, 2.7 second downtime on 6s uptime. Agnostic is quite strong if you do get hit alongside strong mana regen for sustain. As long as you don't get one shot you're fine. I used Brine King for stuns. Oh and we get permanent uptime on damage reduction from Weave the Arcane. Zuletzt bearbeitet von slane04#3935 um 30.09.2020, 15:54:25
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" As slane already mentioned, you got so many defence layers, I also got blind from cluster jewel when you use elemental skill, if you didn't notice :P brand and flammability are elemental skills. I just recorded quick T16 video to see it in action before I go sleep https://youtu.be/WAjfmgE3eCc |
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Won't Flame Dash mess up EE for its initial hit? Should Dash be used instead?
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" Doesn't EE only take into account the last element you hit with? So if your Hexblast has added damage like it should, then it always overwrites Flame Dash damage |
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" Correct. If you Hex Blast -> Flame Dash onto the enemy, then they gain fire res and need to re-apply your Hex Blast to reduce it again. |
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