Just a quick offthought: with the massively increased cast speed we have, instead of the flame golem I mentioned earlier, another option could be to use spell totem - multiple totem - wave of conviction - combustion. Might be more reliable than the flame golem for single target for getting the combustion, though you do actually need to cast it out instead of letting it passively follow you until it dies.
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Could potentially replace fortify with combustion in cyclone setup if there is flat fire damage to attacks somewhere for ignite chance? We don't need wave of conviction once we get corrosive elements on our clusters.
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Hello, i can.t foud 3.16 POB for this build, pls someone can give me POB link, thank you.
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" Yep, that will work -- until you switch to Leadership's and can no longer ignite! Then it's back to your golem tech. I am actually eye-ing up Infused Channeling, it gives 8.8% phys damage reduction, and phys is one of this current variation's weakest spots, ngl. (we trade Armor for ES pool.) Unironically, AG with Kingmaker may be just the biggest buff for this build. Any minion experts in the house - what should we do to make it immortal? 💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787 FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536 🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148 VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667 Zuletzt bearbeitet von primaeva#0673 um 29.10.2021, 11:29:06
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" Here you go brah. https://pastebin.com/dFd7ByK5 💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787
FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536 🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148 VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667 |
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" Thank you. |
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I decided to give it a go with what i have and it does not feel good mechanically.
Mana works most of the time but can feel... off on a tanky boss. Brand duration is always to short. Activation rate is somewhat poor. Right now i aim for cast speed on the tree. I am checking for a cane and leveling my brands which i forgot to to earlier. I am still transitioning so there is certainly a lot of potential but i am unsure where best to start. I got open jewels that i can also respec to pick up cast speed in the tree etc. Happy for suggestions: https://pastebin.com/xQMX07Zz |
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" In multiple places Across multiple threads On multiple forums, YouTube, and Reddit We strongly advise in bold not to go this build until you are 85+. We listed the reasons. We gave a levelling guide - just run Arma Brand until 85 and transition. As a Necromancer. You are a level 64 Elementalist. This whole build is based around Necromancer's Corpse Pact to work. You are not level 85, nor a Necromancer. Please go to page 1 and look at the Levelling Section - Imexile covers how to powerlevel to maps on an Elementalist of all classes. 💥💫BB Unloader 1000% AoE 70m DPS🗡️🔪🔫: view-thread/3466787 FlickerCoC Ice Nova / Spear Assassin: view-thread/3225536 🔨⚡CWC Lightning Conduit Mjolner Trickster: view-thread/3300148 VD Arcanist Brand Necro: view-thread/2911667 Zuletzt bearbeitet von primaeva#0673 um 29.10.2021, 11:28:29
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What? i am a lv 88 Necromancer. As a matter of fact i do not even have a lv 64 Elementalist oO
Edit: Okay i DO have an ~lv 64 Elementalist... in Standard~~ Zuletzt bearbeitet von lordchopf#5058 um 29.10.2021, 12:04:20
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" No point to put Combustion anywhere until you're having Elemental Focus in your links, otherwise VD will just constantly override the ignite. I can't imagine removing inspiration to make room for Ele Focus though, mana is tough enough as it is. |
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