[3.16] Wintertide Brand Occultist/Trickster | 8-9M Dot dps| Fast Clear | Detailed explanation
Hey, just dropping in to say I'm definitely enjoying your build! Its a lot of fun and a breath of fresh air compared to some other builds. I managed to grab a very good watcher's eye with both Cold damage whilst affected by Hatred and DoT damage for Malevolence, which has given me a solid DPS boost.
I have four small questions if you don't mind :) 1. Does the Bonechill support in our Vortex 4-link increase the damage for Wintertide brand? I'm assuming it does, but just to confirm. 2. Is there any way to ensure that Elemental Equilibrium uses Orb of Storms instead of Vortex / Frost Bomb? It seems like both Orb of Storms and Vortex deal damage every second, so I'm unsure if there is any trick. 3. My current wand is kind of bad, so I was wondering if you found any way to use harvest crafting to make a decent-ish wand? I currently use this . 4. Since our Vortex doesn't really deal damage to bosses anwyays, would it be a decent idea to instead make it two-linked (Vortex - Bonechill) so we have more space for extra skills? I figured Bone Offering with CDWT might be sweet for mapping for example. Once again, thanks for the great build ^^ Zuletzt bearbeitet von Vymii#4811 um 13.08.2020, 10:20:26
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" 1: it does 2: vortex deals damage constant, but only "hits" on the initial touch, orb of storms constantly hits 3: i would get a better base with cold/dot multi, then slowly craft it to something similar to what i have 4: i am never a fan of cwdt set up ever since immortal call got butchered, vortex is still a decent dps because the base damage of vortex is decently high. My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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" Awesome, this definitely helps. Currently lvl 91 and quite a few deathless Sirus A8 kills thanks to this build, hopefully I'll be able to push it to lvl ~95 and 36 challenges :). |
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How do you sustain Mana?
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" Enduring mana flask My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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i've been playing the build .. and currently i'm kinda suffering with survival as occultist ... is there anyway where it can be tankier ?
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" The gear is great, but the set up is terrible, almost all your gems has no quality You are over leveling arcane surge, probably dont get the procc much at all Your dps is supposed to be much much much higher thanks to your shavs, survivability wouldnt be a problem at like 8.5k ES when everything pretty much melt on touch. At your stage of gear, even fully juiced t16 mobs will melt almost instantly from a brand cast. Your weapon permanently gives enemies +50% cold res(because you have added cold damage), that means your orb of storm is constantly applying elemental equlibrium to give enemies + lightning and cold res while reducing fire res Assuming you are talking about harvest league, you can prob do a remove caster mod to remove the add cold damage to spell off your wep. Ill try to get a wep with dual dot multi mod and craft from there using the busted harvest crafting system You only have 1 curse with curse on hit, losing dps there again +1 curse> brand recall We are socket starved enough for me to get an unset ring to run frost bomb, we dont have the luxury to use brand recall and its also not that amazing with the current state of brands Big part of the problem i am seeing is that your dps isnt optimized properly on a base set up ontop of the self dps gimp with added cold spell damage Missing flesh and stone, thats a huge part of our survivability Tempering catalysts on amulet and ring, huge ES boost I am not sure why you added a crit multi near wicked ward, but it gives almost no benefit Finally, I built around having 2 remarkable, because it gives us a 70% chance to summon 2 brands on cast, this heavily buffs our clear speed because it summons 2 brands instead of 1 when clearing. In poe, slow clear heavily affects survivability. My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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Did this start as a penance brand guide or something? There are multiple spots where it says penance brand in the guide.
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" I have a penance brand guide too, i copied the structure from there and moved over here since they are technically similar yet different My Builds/Stream
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2814713 |
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I'd want to play your build as a league starter and most likely as an occultist. Could you give me some general guildeline, how to progres through the skill tree? As I won't have the thread of hope jewels very soon, I feel a bit lost with your endgame version of the tree. Do you transition from hybrid life/es directly to shavs? I usually respec to CI in between, when it's my first char in the league. Any help would be welcome and I appreciate the effort you put into your build. It's very well written! Cheers |
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