[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS
@Nuboo or Anyone who can help :)
Thank you for the very detailed response. Really appreciate it. I have a few follow-up questions: 1. How do I tell I have enough "high % increased effect" so that my impale can do 60%? Sorry I just recently started playing POE mid Delibrium league, so I am still fairly new to this game, and especially using POB. 2. How does OP's High budget build reach 8.8k ES? I think I have matched (if not surpassed) some of that stats on some items but I am only getting 7.3k ES. 3. After watching some YouTube videos, I have discovered that you can have a "Minions deal #% increase damage if you've used a minion skill recently" mod, I have two of these on the belt which increments the damage even further due to the 75% increase effect. I activate this all the time with my 'Bone Armor'. In game I use this and do feel like my Minions kill faster, can someone else confirm this? If anyone can kindly also tell me how much DPS each of my golem do that would be great. I have provided a POB of my current character: https://pastebin.com/MYRQ0DbB or you can also check my character on my profile Harvest_CarryGolems. I have been able to reach 90% elemental resist and 75% chaos, just need to know my DPS :P Thanks in advanced. |
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" 1. In your PoB after calculating everything correctly. You can look into the calcs section and select an aura. There you will find a stat that is called Aura Effect Mod under Skill type-specific Stats. Assuming I correctly allocated your tree for your clusters, you do have 200% increased effect because Aura Effect Mod is currently at 3x, where 0% increased would be 1x. ![]() After allocating your tree so that you have the correct % increase, you can look at your golem damage under the impale section to see how much dread banner is giving you. ![]() 2. I'm thinking he reaches that because from the OP's character, he's swapped over to a Chayula's amulet which gives us around 1k ES. I haven't checked what your referencing from but I'm making an assumption. 3. I'm not sure because looking at the wiki and PoeDB, It doesn't have any keywords that indicate whether it has a minion tag or not (it should have IMO) so I'm not sure whether it does trigger it. If unsure, you can simply use convocation as that's a minion skill and will trigger the % increased damage. Look in the FAQ section of the original post to find out how to make your DPS higher. There are a few notes in the PoB dropdown in which he talks about the original PoB or fork version that should take into consideration. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Nuboo#4493 um 13.07.2020, 23:09:49
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Great guide and build!
Just reached level 90 with this build and I'm liking it! Only died to Kitava in a red map(forget which one), weird one shot, dunno why is was so quick. Everything else has been a cake walk. I love the playstyle and these golems destroy bosses! My league starter was essence drain and this has been a nice change of pace. Thank you for the build |
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" np bro, i know im bad fight vs sirus thx bro, really appreciation ur help =) |
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" Amazing helm, any tip about how u craft it? |
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trying to fix my x2 large clusters atm, have around 15ex to spend. saw in ur crafting section that just 1 rotten is enough to change the gem, how big is the dps increase if we change impale to damage on full life?
edit: actually what other notables should i go after renewal+ vicious bites combo since pob shows that I already have 69% impale chance with dread banner? raze and pillage or impale is the go for 3rd notable regardless? Zuletzt bearbeitet von un0wn01#0972 um 14.07.2020, 05:52:40
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I've just respected from zombies skeletons and many things here dont work for me. Minions practically deal no damage. I cant use one of the shield aura as it states my life is too low. Zombies and skeletons did maybe five times more damage. I'm still leveling the aura but my pob has a dps of 90k. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm going to get one more large cluster today to rid that aspect. I know my abyss have elemental damage on then which is useless but I'm still working on this. Just not seeing where this much damage will come from. One more large cluster with the right rolls wont triple my damage cos it's really really low right now
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tangman85#4965 um 14.07.2020, 05:22:59
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" Why you need raze and pillage if you're using brutality? You should go for 100% impale anyway or feasting fiends |
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" Since you don't have charisma annointment, you should manually travel the node to there and refund some ES node and int. Focus on getting the non-curse aura effect medium cluster first. If you on budget you should get the cheaper base of large cluster so you can put all 4 medium cluster jewel. OP already explained this in jewel crafting section. Also why your POB has low dps because you don't use the amulet setup from OP's POB. Personally, I think you should get the max roll aura effect jinxed amulet and annoint it so you saved a lot of skillpoint to allocate all 4 medium cluster jewel. Zuletzt bearbeitet von velaxi1#3173 um 14.07.2020, 07:37:44
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" I have amended some things now. I know my necklace may not be optimal but it should be sufficient? My damage is higher now at least, I have 1 Small cluster for the Pure Aptitude, as my mediums refuse to roll it. Im going to buy another to keep re-rolling on until I get it, but its expensive as all hell Can one use Dash instead of Shield Charge? Don't know why I love dash more but I do I also missed a part of the auras unable to be used, that's sorted now. It seems to finally function, I'm doing real damage now. Where does it say to use non-aura gems at the start? I totally missed that, Aura gems costed me 100c each. I have the funds now but at league start thats not happening. If you can use any gems at the start, that will be ezcakes. Thank you kindly for all your help Zuletzt bearbeitet von Tangman85#4965 um 14.07.2020, 08:04:08
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