[3.14] Gryph's Thirsty Archmage Cremation Necromancer
I want to know if what's better, a trigger wand or Kitava's thirst?
I see that you're also using Inc AoE on Cremation, do we need to gem swap for bosses or just for end game ones? Zuletzt bearbeitet von xDeicidium#5056 um 24.06.2020, 00:46:30
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" I would get Foible First. That'll boost your regen to levels that'll make Archmage comfortable. From there I would focus on decen Mana+Mana Regen Ring with Life+Resists and a Mana Recovery Belt if you can find an okay one for cheap (mine cost me 5c) Cloak is definitely a great upgrade but it's not *as big* as you might think as far as supporting Archmage. Remember we get 4% mana regen from Essence Glutton alone. I would get this as a 5L(or jeweller's touch it, w/e is cheaper) after you cover your other slots. You can use Kitava's without Desecrate proccing it, your main skill will still trigger the spells. It's just more convenient to spam desecrate. As for Algor Mortis, this would be the last piece I grab. Just snag a cheap pair of gloves with some life+mana and cold+lightning res (can even just craft this on bench). Getting it with those resists will making swapping later easier. Hope this helps! " I'm just using it for clearing bc it's smoother. Probably won't need it on normal bosses. This was also my 6th link as well. Regarding the trigger wand, ideally we have both. I hate the spamminess of Bone Offering in the helmet and it's not needed there at all. My setup will look something like this: Kitava's: Creeping Chill - Ele Weakness - Blade Blast - Wave of Conviction Wand: Tempest Shield - Bone Offering - Vaal Cold Snap/Spot for Clarity/Vall RF if no unsets yet You can also completely forgo using Kitava's if you prefer. It's very convenient and cheap is all. I like to be able to spam the cold ground AOE and Wave of Conviction exposure more than once every 4 seconds. Same with the curse. Blade Blast is also just free Unnerve for more damage. If you need random socket space for a clarity you can replace Blade Blast or Ele Weakness with COH Gloves. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gryphenprey#0653 um 24.06.2020, 01:44:25
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Leveling the build now. Also you can put the "Notable passive skills in radius grant nothing" line from might of the meek into the fevered mind and take the points to better represent the tree.
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" Oooo good point! |
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So I took your advice, I bought the amulet first, and one nice ring to help. I don't even have the other ring and a mana belt yet, but the build works perfectly I'm level 60 and it kill faster than the spellslinger I was doing, and is also more tanky due to arcane cloak.
I'm having a blast, now I just need to look for upgrades, like the other ring and belt in priority, but for now it works ! Thanks a lot :D |
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why not use Omeyocan Boot anymore
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My guess is that we kinda have a bad time puting our resist to 75 with all those uniques, but also for the maximum Life like he said in his main post under the boots section. Pretty sure those boots could work with some work around the resist with more resist passives on the tree or pricey gear with a lot of resist and mana stats. And if you don't care about the life, those are sweet indeed.
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" Woo! I didn't level as exactly this iteration of the build because I was experimenting with other things until I was in maps and in my low 80's so I don't have that intimate knowledge of how leveling with this works. I am glad it's working out for you :D " " Pretty much this. The 20/20 dodge is great and all, but our defenses are *already* super high. I'd rather have more life where I can get it. Remember with 50% MoM Every 1 life we gain is 2x as effective. Also boots can give a lot of resistances that are otherwise a little troublesome to come by on other slots because we have so many uniques. Of course they're still great boots. Free Onlslaught, Free 20/20 dodges, some mana. But I don't think they're BIS here. Good rares should be better overall. |
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" Remember with 50% MoM Every 1 life we gain is 2x as effective. "
I don't understand this part, can you explain? |
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I can confirm that this build works very nicely (after switching from spellslinger VD). The transition to maps is also not really a problem, even without the uniques and with 4Ls.
Something else: I am still not 100% comfortable with the run, stop, 2-click playstyle. Remembering the days of Scold's VD cwc cyclone, I am about to try this: Get a 6L staff and drop the trigger socketed spells enchant Put in cyclone cwc with desecrate and some other skills you need to trigger from time to time; preferrably something with cooldown like cold snap to keep the corpse uptime. (possibly support it with spell cascade) Put on Stampede boots (safe movement and some mana-reg) to keep the 150% movement speed during cyclone. (Possibly switch to frostblink for instant movement without interrupting cyc; arcane cloak should also not interrupt our spin). The idea is to not self cast desecrate but rather have it as cast while moving (i.e. cycl cwc). From time to time throw a cremation into the mobs or 3 around the boss. and keep cycling until it's time to cremate again. I hope it will be smoother and more mobile playstyle. This should also assure a supply of corpses for Kitava's teachings. What we loose is the chance to proc Kitava's thirst gems when casting desecrate. It will only proc on cremation. Arcane cloak has no real cost it just spends mana which apparently doesn't count. And I really don't see frostblink costing more than 100 mana without using voidbringer gloves. What do you think, guys and gals? P.S. Another, cheaper alternative could be to go mace and shield to keep the cast socketed spell when you use a skill and the res of the shield. Less cwc, more skills from the wand when using arcane cloack or frostblink (and ofc cremation) |
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