3.11 - Stress-Free PoE! CURSE HAPPY (CI): No Required Items! 1-Button Play! SSF League Start-End!
"Hey b4nehallow! It looks like a fun combo! The chest doesn't have great ES on it with will really hurt your health pool but the mods match the build for sure. The head seems to fit quite nicely! The boots will be hard because they are Strength-based. So unless you're using gems that are red in there, you'll want to get your 4th curse from a ring or something. The combo itself looks like a lot of fun though! If you get it set up properly, let me know how it goes! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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@Wrecker_of_Days Hey, thanks for sharing this build. I was wondering if you'd recommend unique items if I wanted to pour currency into this build. Thanks again!
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"Hey Phaseix! I haven't checked the list of uniques in FOREVER! I have no idea what would be perfect for this build. Heretic's Veil used to be good (though you'd lose the Quality bonus of Blasphemy as a gem), Skyforths ;) (good luck), I really like the Heartbreaker daggers. They used to be perfect for this build...though their damage wouldn't be too great since GGG added DOT Multiplier mods. But it was still something. Oh, Rime Gaze comes to mind too. I care more about how quickly ES starts to recharge over the recharge rate itself. Sorry. I'm sure this answer was a little more generic than what you were hoping for. I think this build would be strongest with some epic influenced items. Thanks for the thanks. Hopefully this was a little helpful. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" @wrecker_of_days I'll be honest, I was extremely skeptical of this build, as I just couldn't see how it would a) work at all, b) be fun to play, or c) really be "1 click easy". I'm delighted to say I gave it a try and am now happy to say that a) it works just fine, b) it is actually really fun to play, and c) it really does what it says on the box and truly is "1 click easy". Thank you very much for all the effort you've gone to in writing up this guide so that relatively new players like me can learn lots about the game and about what's possible. A few questions if I may: 1) I agree with a previous poster that the cooldown on Vortex is a bit of a pain (esp if you miss placing it, feels like an eternity until you can place the next one!), but thankfully it get less and less as the gem levels up. If I could choose one thing to improve on this build at all it would be to further reduce it. Is there truly nothing else that can be done about it ? No obscure jewels or uniques or anything ? 2) I'll openly say I've been a Nervous Nancy about going CI and haven't done it yet as I haven't played one of those before. I'm L65 and just started mapping and only have about 2.5k ES and it just doesn't feel like enough to feel safe losing all my life. What would be your advice ? Is that enough to give it a try or should I be aiming for much more first ? 3) Fighting bosses with this build was like playing an entirely new game. Previously I've either played long-range casters who never wanted to get near a boss or I'd get squished like a bug, or melees trying to face-tank bosses and just suck up their dmg output. Neither of those situations were really all that conducive to learning their fight mechanics well. But with this build, b/c the bosses are so slowed by temporal chains, and my movement is so high, I just weave in and out and around the boss in circles watching them shoot their nastiness off into the distance at noone and laughing at them as my vortex slowly kills them. Which means I'm actually learning their mechanics much faster ! Occasionally though, I still just suddenly go from full to dead and I didn't see anything happen. Is there anything I can do about that ? 4) I've gone with your recommendation and have Enfeeble, Temporal Chains & Discipline active most of the time and find them pretty good. I've now done my 3rd ascendancy and picked up Malediction so I can apply my 3rd curse. I have Frostbite in the CWDT/COH/BL link, so I'm guessing that will be applying sometimes ? Should I just leave it at that or should I swap one of the other 3 auras and have Frostbite active all the time and if so, which one ? 5) I recently acquired Cospri's Will, what do you think of using it in this build ? Thanks in advance for responses and as I said before, huge kudos for all the work you've put into this guide ! :-) Zuletzt bearbeitet von TheOneGargoyle#5315 um 02.07.2020, 00:41:26
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"Hey TheOneGargoyle! Thanks for the great, honest, and encouraging post! I really appreciate it! Thank you very much :). 1) Cooldown is a relatively recent focus in GGG. It's been in the game for a bit but it's just recently been given more attention. The Cooldown of Vortex is the "cost" of having the skill as an Instant skill. Here's a list of some of the uniques that can help with cooldown, but none really stand out to me for this build. But you can see that Influenced gear and some Enchantments can be helpful no matter your item base. The con to this build is single target damage. So any options that further the damage of this build I personally, wouldn't consider as an option. 2) Going CI is more about how often you get Hit, not as much as hitting a certain ES quantity (unless you're HC). So if you have Temporal Chains and Enfeeble linked with Blasphemy, to me, you're ready to go. Playing CI really takes getting used to since we have no flask help...especially with this build as we're running into the middle of packs with Vortex. So it just takes a new mentality. I think you're in a good space to give it a go and see what it feels like. 3) I've found that too. With my Max Block character, I don't learn bosses. Neither with my minion character. The less spastic CCQ builds really teach you a lot. I agree. The one-shots you're talking about are part of the consequence of Enfeeble (though you're also aiming for much higher ES than you currently have too). Enfeeble only protects against Hits from enemies. So if an enemy has a skill that doesn't count as their damage (like the Minotaur's avalanche rocks), they'll hit for full force. So that was the reason I added Fortify to the build this league. It just gives that extra protection against those odd "non-enemy" damage Hits. If you're following the guide closely, then the best bet currently is just the grind of gaining more ES. Eventually, you'll have around 6-9k ES. So in the meantime, as you learn enemies and bosses, you'll start seeing things like Exploding Corpses and run for your life ;). 4) Great job with the ascendancies! Having the constant damage bonus of Frostbite is really handy. But I'd worry about going CI first. Once you're comfortable there, then worry about more damage. Discipline adds a lot of bonus ES. The idea behind having Frostbite as a CwDT link is that you only "need" it for longer battles where enemies aren't dying quickly via explosions. Since you mentioned the occasional one-shot, I'd keep the bonus ES for now. But it totally 100% preference. 5) Cospri's Will is an old school favoruite of mine. Unfortunately it doesn't fit this build as it's an Evasion based body Armour and we need ES based gear. it'd be almost impossible to get the colours to need. Chest pieces also are the biggest source of base ES for any ES build. Thanks again for such a great post of kind encouragement and awesome questions. Great job! https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Wow, @Wrecker_of_Days, thank you SO much for the awesome, prompt, in-depth, helpful reply ! It's incredible to have such great follow-on support for a build guide :-) 1) Yes I see. Ok, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for the vortex cd recovery enchants, unfortunately my google-fu isn't showing where I can get those enchants - any idea ? 2) *gulp* Righto ! In for a penny, in for a pound ! I'll give it a go and report back .... 3) Ahhhh ! That makes perfect sense, thank you !!! I'll start looking out for those non-enemy hits. Also, any pro-tips on how/where best to acquire those uber-ES pieces ? 4) That makes total sense too, ok, I'll keep Discipline for now and go CI first and focus on building up my ES and worry about Frostbite later. I think it procs off the CWDT a reasonable amount anyway. 5) I thought that might be the case. I kinda wanted it to be uber for the build but thought it might not be :-\ Ok, it can stay in the bank for now. Thanks again, you've really made a difference to my enjoyment and learning in the game ! |
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"I'm happy to help TheOneGargoyle :). To get Vortex enchants you just have to do Uber Lab over and over until you get the enchant you want. I'll never do that for any gear ;). So if you're in a trade league, you can always buy it as well. These Enchants can go on any helmet. Obviously, we want them on an ES helmet. Uber ES chest pieces are just found around via drops. Rares will give you the biggest possible ES. They're just harder to find as you need two nicely rolled prefixes (explained in the Gear section). There's no secret to them, you just keep your eyes open for a Vaal Regalia with good mods. I'm really glad you're really enjoying the game. I'm happy to be help you enjoy it even more. Thanks for your kindness. I really appreciate it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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" Ok, I followed your gear guide and farmed up some double-ES rares. Swapping them in and levelling up to 76 boosted my ES to 4.4k so I took a deep breath .... went CI and .... OMG I LOVE IT !!! Map has Desecrated Ground mod ? Walk thru it and laugh ! Monsters spit poison at you ? Walk thru it and laugh ! It's an absolute blast, I'm so glad I took the plunge ! I don't kill bosses as fast as some of my friends, but I die a whole lot less and I love the play style. Thanks again :-) |
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It seems, that The Beast Fur Shawl is a good body armor for that build. It's relatively cheap with 6 sockets (I found - 100c), but gives 400+ ES, 40% spell damage, 10% area of effect increase and boosts ES recovery rate for the cost of 5% incoming damage increase which isn't that much/
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"Ha ha! Awesome TheOneGargoyle! I'm glad you're liking it. I LOVE CI. It's so fun. I wish the build did more damage, but it's all I could squeak out forcing everything else I love into the build. I'm glad you're enjoying it. https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
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