[3.18 suspended] Blast from the Past. KB/PS Int Stack Wander King. Speed meta 18K ES, 20m+ dps

Trivialmatters schrieb:
3.15 updates and a mini announcement:
Hey just curious. I see all guide of int stack are builded around 1 wand and 1 shield. I wonder if dual wand will be better or not (should stack the double)
wandslinger node for spell damage to coujnt for attacks, also crown of eyes is an option
Besides the obvious needing levels/skill points, I feel like my clearspeed is insane, but my boss single target is absolute trash.

Should I be 6 linking my PS instead of KB? If possible, can someone take a peek at my character and see which pieces of gear I should absolutely prioritize on improving?

I appreciate it :D
Curious at what point this build becomes viable? Or What are they key items/skills you need to get this to decent dps? Attack speed/crit?

I've tried to get similar dps with this set up but can't reach anywhere near what the POB says and I'm not sure what the issue is. Spent a decent amount to get items with the majority of the key mods that would modify damage, and I'm very far off.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Jamie2199#4270 um 20.09.2021, 10:44:39
3.16 Scourge buffs/nerfs/changes video is up !

POBs for 3.16: (community fork for the president)
Wander stun: https://pastebin.com/SseTWB0B
Wander aura: https://pastebin.com/Y5Q1qNFz
Wander cluster: https://pastebin.com/SqzcrWkh

I am doing some changes to POB config, like no unique flasks or temporary buffs are ticked by default now. If you wish to see meme numbers click on them.

I will cover the new fossil and crafting later after some testing.
Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/
Hi, which is the difference between the 3 POBS? nw here
urenemy schrieb:
Hi, which is the difference between the 3 POBS? nw here

its small clusters vs aura nodes vs more ES/stun management.

Go with aura one if u are not sure, as u can choose any aura (wrath is presented, but u can go grace, or Tempest shield+ Flesh and Stone etc)
Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Trivialmatters#7587 um 22.10.2021, 10:58:24
Ty, last question, any info on lvling the tree? What should i go first?
Hello. Could you please also tell which one of the 3 POBs is the most tankiest with a cold start (no flasks or temp buffs active)?

And two more questions if you please:
First - as I understand the reflect is mitigated with max power charges, but until I can generate them, what can I do, or is it survivable?

Second- no leech maps are a problem since we need to leech ES to stay alive, or they can be done if played safe?
Bethrezhen schrieb:

Second- no leech maps are a problem since we need to leech ES to stay alive, or they can be done if played safe?

I don't think no leech maps can still be done, because ES doesn't recharge anymore in 3.16 with Ghostreaver. It's a really annoying change from 3.15, where Recharge was only halfed.

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