[3.18 suspended] Blast from the Past. KB/PS Int Stack Wander King. Speed meta 18K ES, 20m+ dps
" Did u spend around that on ur character? i got 35~ ex and not sure if i should go for it, im already bored of toxic rain Zuletzt bearbeitet von Hejti#4526 um 24.09.2020, 08:03:56
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as a reminder, i would say this again:
if u are willing to spend time on trade good deals come by, and help a lot. Synth bases are really cheap atm (u can get a belt with 15% int implicit for 20c), i would definately keep an eye on them. I would say u can start feeling like playing int stack wander around 35ex, then sky is the limit. Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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Hey again!
Thanks for the guide once again; I took some of the info and worked it into my own version of this build and it really helped out! Finished my character last league in Harvest; here is a short Sirus kill done in standard with it! ty once again <3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9Qwtg7ifw0 |
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I am trying the build out in Standard using the HH version as I'm wanting to farm Delerium's with it. I have got it going well. I only have 7.3k ES though and I really don't know what to get to improve it. Thanks in advance for any help. Kinda new to these types of builds. POB: https://pastebin.com/hvasRX3S Zuletzt bearbeitet von youngtomlin#1135 um 24.09.2020, 18:32:12
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Just wanted some advice on the build specifically cost. I have sort of read conflicting comments with regard to budget. I've done ES on a budget before but never played a wander.
My "plan" is to build this on a budget and then scale from there. There doesn't seem to be any mandatory items beside the mod on the wand with damage with int, so if I wanted to have say 6-7k Es and like 2-3 Mil dps initially what budget would you recommended ballpark wise? I don't get to play a great deal so like to have a build I can focus most of my efforts on which and improve, just not sure if the build will operate at lower budgets with lower investment Thanks in advance |
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" I think you should forget about inspired learning. The HH will typically be enough to carry you through stuff. That way you can path much more efficiently for now and get more ES. Do the inspired learning thing when you know the build a lot better. |
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I have recently switched to this build. Clear so far is amazing, but my single target is just atrocious. I know I haven't divined my items or used catalysts on rings/ amulet yet. But could you please help me improve single target and maybe tell me what items to upgrade next. Thanks a lot :).
Edit: forgot to paste my pob: https://pastebin.com/H6Je4d6v Zuletzt bearbeitet von Barnabyjin#3151 um 25.09.2020, 05:16:47
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Just want to ask how important are the attack speed and crit chance on the weapon? dont think i have the heart to annul it. Also i assume the atziri's reflection would be the among the last items i should upgrade? thank you for any advice ! |
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Hey Man, great guide and agains your advice im trying to pull of this at around 15-20ex in league right now cuz im bored of other things already. anyways, im wondering where the shockimmunity comes from youve been talking about in the first part of your guide, because i cant see shock immune or 100% avoidance in POB. would be nice if you could explain or clarify that.
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Answers to all :)
@Valkahar Elemental immunity is coming from boots(35), helm or glove craft (25), arcane switftness (20), belt enchant (20). U can still get belt enchant in heist, the offerings drop from heists. @kvlau: sadly it is very important, i would annul and pray (if u hit a suffix scour suffixes, if u hit ele dmg with weapons just use farric wolf alpha and scour suffixes). @barbabyjin: single target lacks a bit before getting decent gear since its a 4L. for now u can try using a pseudo 5L (shaper gloves) or swap to 6L K.Bolt (its decent for both clear and single target with new quality) @tyetan1: while u can try that, it will feel very bad under a certain investment. i would advise farming for currency while playing a toon and respec into int stack later. I swapped with 40ex at level 90 last league. @yongtomlin: HH carry version is designed to carry full man full deli stuff with a support etc. if u are solo playing use the normal version with a headhunter (check my profile for level 100 assassins, one of them has exactly that setup :) @cyrix: i am glad u are having fun theorycrafting mate :) make sure to let me know how it goes :D As a note: i will start levelling a wander in heist soon, just want to finish this spellslinger salvo build first. there are extra stuff i am testing on pob and some stuff i will need to test in game. It will be a fun season :D Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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