[3.18 suspended] Blast from the Past. KB/PS Int Stack Wander King. Speed meta 18K ES, 20m+ dps
Trying to get The build going.. but dont have enough currency.. still missing 2/3 pieces..
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Ok boys i made lots of improvements and its feeling pretty good
id like to get my es higher damage is feeling nice fixed my wand up pretty good made some gloves, got better clusters still working on 1 of them what else can i improve now? https://pastebin.com/tCqkATFP (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س Zuletzt bearbeitet von RitualMurder#3177 um 16.08.2020, 07:23:17
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Hey Guys,
started yesterday crafting and buying my Gear. Atm feels pretty solid. Would be nice if somebody could take a look on my Gear for the next improvments i should do. https://pastebin.com/Jv2vDa1u sadly i was lacking in the end a bit of res, so I had to take an abyss jewel with res. Zuletzt bearbeitet von xXx_Kamikaze_xXx#4329 um 18.08.2020, 10:04:14
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" hey mate, gear looks solid, wand can use some extra love :) Until u get your belt enchant, u can get freeze avoid implicit on 2 jewels and save the glove suffix. Also augment lightning on your ring is probably better than crafting e.d.w.a. there are not many lightning mods and nearly all are beneficial I would get 28q on the shield, since u have 600% inc. that's a small investment for the extra ES For the wand, a new one should be the biggest upgrade... but for now 28q will give u another point of attack speed and a prefix divine will give u 2 more pen. (next upgrade would be min maxing rings so u can get one with triple stats, one with all the missing res and abuse catalysts.) oh lastly, i am not sure of efficiency of lightning pen on your clear skill. there are better stuff even when u check boss dps Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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" i would say clusters for sure, dmg should be relevant in all content now (my numbers were close when i started doing full delirious stuff). I would just aim for more ES from clusters. Also clarity+precision watchers will be a very quick buff but its kinda expensive :( Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ |
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" yea i dont got 60ex laying around for watchers atm on jewels i was prioritizing high tier intel rolls as the most important stat, im trying to fix that jewel with the discipline mana reduction and get the +100 es however with that discipline modim able to run war banner and the adrenaline is real nice i must say. i am using 4l ps in gloves for clear cus 4l ps for single target just felt like shit whereas a 6l ps melts conq in 1 second and a 4l kb also felt like shit but 4l ps with 6 pierce and the extra 70 multi off gloves feels real solid for clear much better than 4l kb and even a 6l kb does less damage to rare monsters so sometimes i end up having to whack at them with my single target skill but the 4l siphon just wipes everything in 1-2 hits (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س (سಥ益ಥ)س
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Hey guys, just did over the days an upgrade to my Gear, hopefully you can find some improvements :)
https://pastebin.com/T3PKbq1a atm got 18.3k ES and 26m dps with Power Siphon also I'm Immune to: -Curses -Bleeding -Stun -Elemental Ailments (Freeze, Shock, Chill, Ignite)
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" hey mate. at this point u should be 'over the clouds' anyways but i am not sure about capping via bottled faith. it will work on bosses, but your clear area is much bigger than the conc. ground area, which might be a clearspeed loss on a delirious map etc. Otherwise big upgrades will be sythed wand/rings after this point. btw i have a question for you too :) have u checked the fireball/spellslinger guide linked at the top ? that was designed to serve as a levelling build for end-game CI assassins, which plays in the same area and intended to keep you kicking with minimal investment until u get the currency to convert. Since u are keeping the guide for another 'prime candidate' build i would love to hear your opinions on that too. Bench Crafting Service: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2515748 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/trivial_matters/ Zuletzt bearbeitet von Trivialmatters#7587 um 21.08.2020, 12:16:28
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Well, finished league (ign FencoilBuild)
My gear
and belts
My jewels
1 set
2 set
others timeless is 10% dd I have to change some cluster jewels or even remove, because +117% shock effectivness (and +77% cold effectivness) is a lot, probably even 50% is enough to shock+chill Sirus A8. Torrent's Reclamation is probably best belt (I am using it instead of int belt) I can do any content..., prob can still scale my damage. My final note. I don't like this build (int stacking howa wander), I feel like build is 'good' everywhere and 'best' nowhere. Elemental reflect is not doable. Zuletzt bearbeitet von finderbestloot#2633 um 27.08.2020, 11:04:26
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Was playing a KB/Barrage poor wander around Incursion league, with Piscators wand and Impulsa's.. Atm I am playing BL miner on Harvest and been checking your guide for quite some time. It sure brought up some memories so I decided to start an Int Stack Wander these remaining days in league..
The only thing I lack atm due to limitations of my work schedule is Time to craft.. So I kindly ask if there is somewhere I could get into to buy some items appropriate for the build, I'd be thankful. Hope this post won't be considered as anything else, but an attempt to play a build that I love, finally made to its maximum potential.. Cheers Zuletzt bearbeitet von StazwXp#0432 um 27.08.2020, 05:12:24
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