[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

Using this build in Heist, after new improvements am I right that there is no need in Charisma now? And what should be used instead?

Thank you for build and all your efforts.
They apparently changed Spellslinger and this no longer works with frenzy?
Warning to anyone wanting to play in league: It will be expensive as fuck and difficult as hell to get into "comfortable" range of gear before build feels good. Play at your own risk in league.

piotr941 schrieb:
Can anyone fix pob?

If you are interested in League variant i took the build that ScottEvill currently is playing and modified it to be bare minimum to run the setup.


losker schrieb:
Using this build in Heist, after new improvements am I right that there is no need in Charisma now? And what should be used instead?

Thank you for build and all your efforts.

As far as i can tell Charisma is still required.

ssgogeta5 schrieb:
They apparently changed Spellslinger and this no longer works with frenzy?

No idea where you got the information with frenzy from. It works as usual.

Chaavy schrieb:

I'm trying to play this build in heist, is there anywhere u could link a tree before us getting all the clusters etc? as when I compare ur build to other spellslingers its like completely different so I'm torn between what to do. Thanks!

See character from ScottEvill who plays league.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von zzang#1847 um 27.09.2020, 10:03:35
How much dps will i lose if i can't get a helm with any of those skill mods? As a helm with the spellslinger reserve enchant aswell as those skill mods will definitely be un-obtainable for me for now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Imgisy#2598 um 27.09.2020, 04:35:12
Imgisy schrieb:
How much dps will i lose if i can't get a helm with any of those skill mods? As a helm with the spellslinger reserve enchant aswell as those skill mods will definitely be un-obtainable for me for now.

The total dps difference between rare helm and inward eye is somewhere between 30% and 50%. If you are looking for a random rare helm it goes more towards 60% (or more).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zzang#1847 um 27.09.2020, 04:36:53
zzang, without resorting to mirroring your helm, replacing clusters, and probably spending 150ex+ per crit multi jewel (will need 5 more of them...)

Is there any practical progress I can do here in standard? :)
regarding Charisma -
Using this set up only 23% + 45% mana reserve is needed, so we can even avoid the enchantment, if we use Herald of Ash with Blood Magic.

Or I made a mistake somewhere?
RRoyalMarine schrieb:
zzang, without resorting to mirroring your helm, replacing clusters, and probably spending 150ex+ per crit multi jewel (will need 5 more of them...)

Is there any practical progress I can do here in standard? :)

To be honest there is not much you can do in your current setup. You could change your Jewels for tripple crit/ 8% ES and use the cluster jewels i use for more damage and you should at the same level of ES.

But when it comes to min/maxing there is no way around that rare pseudo 8 link helmet. Then you could use some gloves (like mine) with Unnerve and Culling Strike instead of Abyssal Socket and use Herald of Ash with Bloodmagic this way you can get yourself 1 Herald of Anguish with Fire damage instead of Reservation for further min max.

Then make sure to get yourself boots with 15% CDR so yo u can hit the 66% CDR cap with belt, gem and boots.

losker schrieb:
regarding Charisma -
Using this set up only 23% + 45% mana reserve is needed, so we can even avoid the enchantment, if we use Herald of Ash with Blood Magic.

Or I made a mistake somewhere?

The league dude from who i took the pob didnt run spell Cascade (mandatory) thats why mana reserve seemed low. I have fixed the "bare minimum PoB on the front page.
TLDR: No you can not skip Charisma annointment.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von zzang#1847 um 27.09.2020, 10:09:25
zzang, thank you for the build. played it in harvest and it was pretty sick.
after a ED leaguestarter i decided to make this build again to farm bosses.

can you have a look at my pob? i have massive trouble to get to 75 spell / attack block ( i know im missing 1 conjured wall on big cluster, but that wouldnt fix the problem, currently at 58/62%

if you see some major issues in the pob aswell, please tell me, wanna improve the build - feels really nice, but not as nice as in harvest (ofc no garden to have mirror tier items 1 week into)

thank you so much!


Uberelder + Sirus8 down with it, pretty comfortably, but i wanna see them melt faster :D

alright, just saw that you got a legacy rumis, so thats why i cant get blockcapped - just got a large cluster with thaumo/mage hunter/conjured - and i think i am at 68/62 now
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Schnurlinator#0863 um 27.09.2020, 17:25:29
I seem to not be able to access the POB. Any way I could get a ss or something of your build?

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