[3.16] LL VD Spellslinger | 8.2 k ES | 75%Block / 75% Spell Block | not recommended anymore

love the build and guide. Very helpful guidance and extremely powerful.

Feel like I'm missing a decent amount of damage relative to you and some other high-end LL builds I've seen and am curious if you had any suggestions on some initial areas I can invest in to improve the build.

The clusters aren't build out yet so still working on those.

Thanks so much!


Crafted this today to go with the boots I crafted yesterday, I'm so much tankier now :)
Wrapped up the season with this build, managed to craft rather nice rares for all rare slots.
I crafted about 5 of similar wands which all sold for 20+ Exalts, while only investing about 10 each and my own harvest crafts.

If I had some more randomise cold, I would have actually hit triple balanced oak, but didn't get any.

I'd like to point out that +100% dash distance increased the map clear speed much more than any other helmet enchantment could do, since at some point you just oneshot everything.

Quick question how are people dealing with bleed if you are using the same flasks above? I got pretty much all high tier items but this occasionally is a problem.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Reprisal2323#6512 um 13.07.2020, 13:39:30
can you explain please how exactly all mechanics about spawning and exploding corpses work.
desecrate tooltip shows that "maximum 10 corpses allowed" so every set of abilitys we can't spawn and explode more then 10 corpses? 12 with Undertaker. so awakened spell cascade cant spawn more then 12 corpses. even common sc can spawn 3x5=15 corpses so awakened sc that can spawn more in reality spawn same 12 and useless?

Would if I could. If you have awakened spell cascade on both you eat more than 12 corpses at a time even though that's counter intuitive.
Does awakened spell cascade benefit us if we're only using one of them in the main link and regular spell cascade in the desecrate links? Can't afford 2 awakened's atm
crayolamix schrieb:
Does awakened spell cascade benefit us if we're only using one of them in the main link and regular spell cascade in the desecrate links? Can't afford 2 awakened's atm

I ask me the same question.

Another question is " Why everyone use wave of conviction level 20 ? "
I use it level 1 or 2 ; exposure is the same ( -25% ) and i dont suffer physical reflect ; what have i missed ?

Can someone tell me what to Upgrade now ? I know my wand isa not the best but i dont have currency to mirror one :D
Woute schrieb:
Well, for the issues you raised :
- "I do not know what is good" : This is why the guide is there, read it carefully and zzang explains what is good. You can also have a look at different guides for similar builds (there is an other LL VD build with some more details about the wand for instance).
Other good idea is to check the gear that zzang has and other people discussing here have. It will give you a good idea of what is desirable. For the wand for instance, the "best" is flat fire damage to attacks (because spellslinger adds that directly to your triggered spells) and +1 to level of fire gems (because Volatile Dead and Detonate Dead are fire spells and usually in PoE spells profit a lot from levels (unlike attacks))
- "I do not know what to craft" : Learning to craft in PoE takes quite a long time, I didn't do any crafting in the first like 4 leagues I played. Only recently did I look into it because you need knowledge and cash. (although Harvest makes it easier)
poedb and craftofexile make it waaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to craft stuff. But be careful and triple check everything, everyone does mistake, paying attention to tags is the key.
- "If I can't craft things to sell" : Do not craft to sell then. Period. Play the game, make currency. I didn't make a single craft this league to sell (even though I crafted some of my stuff) and I made total like 120ex this league ? You run T14s, get an exalt there, a temple corruption here, some catalysts, some delirium splinters, an Elder encounter for a Prismatic... Slowly it adds up. And then, at the point you're at, you don't need 10ex to make an upgrade. So you take 2ex, you make a solid upgrade and progress to farming juiced up T16s. The more currency you use on maps, the more returns you get.
I run all my maps with : 20% Quality, at least 25% Pack size, corrupted, full Awakened sextants, Gilded Legion, Gilded Metamorph and some more fragments depending on map or sextants. And I'm far from being full juice like others do.
So yeah, just playing the game regularly should get you money to upgrade eventually, or invest into your own crafts. For instance I've detailed how to create a very decent belt a few pages earlier, in a deterministic way for around 10ex.

Thanks alot Woute.
I have been running about 2k maps now, but not a single exalt drop. RNG does not feel like my kind of thing this league to be honest. That's why I have to find stuff I can sell :)

But I will take your advice, and I will go with it and see if I can get anywhere here. Hope I can get to learn the crafting eventualy. That will prob make my gearing up a little bit easier :)
Acardipane schrieb:

Can someone tell me what to Upgrade now ? I know my wand isa not the best but i dont have currency to mirror one :D

You could get Hunter/Warlord Gloves with "unnerve" mod. Thats a complete new multiplier on the target. 10% increased damage.

Can I ask you how you Herald of Ash works, with the Spellslinger Helm enchant and without the -mana reservation rings? You have pretty nice gear though.

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