[3.10] Toxic Rain Trickster 30 Mil Shaper DPS (the best one)

jackietran24 schrieb:
nibas schrieb:
Did this build get ninja nerfed by the changes to the skilltree/cluster jewels? Asking for a friend who wants to play this all league long.

Cluster jewels get nerfed in general.

Main ones: Eternal suffering, circling oblivion, and wicked pall. Its a huge nerf, but its not the end of the world.

Maybe our dps goes from 30 M down to 20 M. Which is still more than enough to clear all the contents.

Still a good league start and end game build. I myself will be league starting this build still.

Thanks, highly appreciate it?

Will you likely push it until end game?
Will you go pure TR or CA as well?
Will you use Harald of Agony while leveling or skip in favour or dmg auras?

Appreciate your feedback!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von BeastCC#2603 um 17.06.2020, 06:49:17
BeastCC schrieb:
Thanks, appreciate the update!

Pure TR or TR/CA?
Will you use Harald of Agony while leveling or skip?

That's the same thing i would like to know as well :)
I Think I'm going to start with this build, but I have seen someone running a second 6 Link with caustic arrow in the chest. Would the damage increase be worth the sacrifice of the QOL with the current 6-Link? :)

It's my first time playing a DoT build so sorry if this is a stupid Question ^^

BeastCC schrieb:
jackietran24 schrieb:
nibas schrieb:
Did this build get ninja nerfed by the changes to the skilltree/cluster jewels? Asking for a friend who wants to play this all league long.

Cluster jewels get nerfed in general.

Main ones: Eternal suffering, circling oblivion, and wicked pall. Its a huge nerf, but its not the end of the world.

Maybe our dps goes from 30 M down to 20 M. Which is still more than enough to clear all the contents.

Still a good league start and end game build. I myself will be league starting this build still.

Thanks, highly appreciate it?

Will you likely push it until end game?
Will you go pure TR or CA as well?
Will you use Harald of Agony while leveling or skip in favour or dmg auras?

Appreciate your feedback!

Absolutely. I will play this as league starter and end game build to build up currency for other builds. Just Toxic Rain is totally fine.

Herald of agony is nice. I think I just run clarity + malevolence + blood and sand instead haha
I spent a week practicing the first 5acts with TR...I’m not changing now!
crzytimes schrieb:
I spent a week practicing the first 5acts with TR...I’m not changing now!

I am also going for it, hope I don't crash and burn when hitting red maps. Do you have any tips for crafting while leveling? I couldn't find anything on that so far.
I’m not crafting while leveling. Just zoom zoom on my white 3 link then 4 link. I’m not super fast, but I think I’ll be able to finish story mode between 5-6 hrs based on previous experience with my act 5 times.
Did some testing a while back 'ZiimAllTheSouls', I could easily do rare T15 map clear without a sweat, bossing was quite terrible, but with the investment I put into it performed so well! It was with poor gem setups, bow, no clusters.
well with the pob 3.11 update and the skill effect duration nerf I went with the same settings from 18m down to 10m shaper dps. rip -.-
Shappening schrieb:
crzytimes schrieb:
I spent a week practicing the first 5acts with TR...I’m not changing now!

I am also going for it, hope I don't crash and burn when hitting red maps. Do you have any tips for crafting while leveling? I couldn't find anything on that so far.
Nah, the skill was viable well before cluster jewels and will stay viable after, just maybe not as showoff damage levels.

I don't think you need any specific levelling gear, when you get to maps you can farm / buy imperial legacy or porcupine cards for an easy 6-link and slap a +2 bow gems essence on it. That should carry you a long way, also keep an eye for corrupted lvl 20 TR gems, buy asap when they start hitting cheap af prices and then save for lvl 21 or level spares in weapon swap for corrupting. Keep enduring mana flask as an early "mana solution".

You just need to be a bit more careful than the ED/contagion folks that have constant rolling life regen for them so can facetank anything that doesn't 1 shot them.
Is there anyone can do basic math about how much toxic rain nerfed? Was really looking forward to one but dont want to do if is gutted much, taking 2x, 3x time for sirus phases etc.

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