3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner
Do I HAVE to just stand there and do nothing with this build? Would it be viable to drop DW Cold Iron Point in favor of a 6L 2H and have a 6L attack skill with 6L golem? I like playing minions, but it gets boring just letting them do everything. It's a heavy investment though so curious if anyone has tried it.
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" so on paper it will always slam because after 1.37 second, the slam already off cooldown right ? |
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The Stone Golem has a problem, it doesn't always slam. Even with a skill cooldown of 1s and an attack of 1.07s.
I don't know why but clearly he uses his basic attacks a lot. https://pastebin.com/VALuqXC7 |
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"You should be pretty constantly casting desecrate, flesh offering, and convocation. Many folks have moved to a 6L staff / bow instead of the CIP. However, it's expensive, and our tree is optimized for minions, not self cast DPS. There are many builds that run _just enough_ golems for defense, and put their main damage into a 6L staff. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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What are the advantages of playing this over, for example, lowlife Necromancer? I'm having a very hard time deciding between the two builds.
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"This is an absolute beast of a tank even with an entry level setup, with great damage that scales into fantastic damage with investment. I haven't played pure necro for several leagues, and the last time I did, it was squishy if something manages to get past your minions, or tagged you with AOE. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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" Considering this, I have a question regarding tankiness. I sit at 87 Chaos Res with Devine Flesh and 65% Physical Damage Reduction with a Rare Armour. No Brass Dome yet. (ofc Anima Stone, Primordial Chain, 2 CIP). It feels very safe while mapping with still pretty strong bossing damage. I am however strugglich with A8 Sirus. One problem is that Damage on him isn't amazing. I guess this is due to fact that I need to run 3 small clusters with Born in Chaos that block Damage Jewels. The other thing is his beam one shotting me. I had hoped I could survive it. I apparently have to add, that I suck at the fight. Therefore I wanted a build that can do him relatively reliably. But the Golems really take their time and eventually he one shots me with the stupid beam. Will the extra Phys Mitigation and Crit Mitigtation from Brass Dome solve this? I am torn between investing in this and hence more tankiness or dropping some chaos res overcap or even devine flesh for more damage to just bring him down quicker. Any input here? For one thing he is killing my Support Golems sometimes (if I run carrions as dps golems, he can actually kill those to). Don't have the helmet yet. So I am little lost where to go from here. I plan to semi retire the build and keep it for dangerous both encounters while moving on to something more interesting, but for this I need to be able to kill Sirus easily. |
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" I personally was getting one-shotted on random things until I got my hands on a Brass Dome, yeah its that big, especially combined with Vaal Molten Shell. After that I was able to face tank a couple lasers to the face in a Sirus8 no problem, even with 4.5k hp. You might have to run (Divergent)Determination over Pride till you get one. Also consider a taste of hate flask, the defense portion of Physical damage from hits taken as cold is amazing on this build. If you are running Carrion's you need to have 10 other minions that are not golems, aka you need to run Zombies, Animate Guardian and Spectres which should give you 12 with this build. You are missing 50% "more damage" from the Carrion Golem itself if not. Also missing frenzy/ power/Snow Cloak (from They of Tul) from your Spectres to buff your golems. Zombies are there just to buff your Carrions. Yeah the Divine Flesh nerf suck but personally the Born of Chaos is not needed, especially how big Renewal is. I only have 2 and it enough to almost insta-phase Sirus8 for me, the double damage is no joke. Also consider Cleansed Thoughts/ Ravenous Horde anoint for your boots, don't need mana regen enough to waste an anoint. |
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" Thanks, this was actually very, very helpful and encouraged me to push the build further, despite the fact the playstyle is a little dull. So would you recommend going Brass Dome next? I sit at 10 Ex so it is actually achievable soonish. I am little torn, because for that money I could also get better clusters (no Renewal yet) and the Minion helmet for a bunch of overall boosts. On the other hand that would leave me with a long way to go for the Chest again. Prolly better to get the big buy out of the way and do the smaller ones from there. Especially since less one shots mean more leveling progress. Zuletzt bearbeitet von Shafirion#6638 um 07.10.2020, 13:03:29
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" Yeah Brass Dome for sure since its your biggest purchase, might as well get it out of the way, then a +2 or +3 helm so you can start using spectres and zombies if your sticking with Carrions (would have to get a different amulet obviously). If your still dying, consider saving for a Kingmaker for your Animate Guardian for the fortify buff, but wait till you have a +2 or +3 with minion life helm to stick the gem in. You don't want that guardian to die with a kingmaker, its very demoralizing lol, trust me. If you plan going with Stone Golems, go straight for the renewal/ rotten claw jewels after the Brass Dome. Craiceann's Carapace is also a viable alternative and cheaper, but you have to find room for Aspect of the Crab. Zuletzt bearbeitet von imrawn#1334 um 08.10.2020, 09:32:21
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