3.11 | Carry Me Golems | Carrion/Stone Golem Elementalist | Very Tanky and High DPS summoner
" Yes, I agree with your overall conclusions and that yes it is challenging to get minion speed for golems (stone does need it) without the 80-100% roll that the primordial chain provides. Though there are some ways to close the gap that the primordial chain version doesn't have access too and yeah, in the end, does it really matter if anything is 20% more DPS when it is already way above what is necessary to clear most content. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArchAngelGabe777#5481 um 07.09.2020, 14:24:16
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I’ve got two vermillion rings. one has an 8% implicit modifeier and the other has a 7% implicit modifier. Currently sitting at 5199 life and would like to get that extra 1%. VR is listed at 5-7% implicit modifier. I’ve tried blessed orbs, but that doesn’t work.
Does anyone know how to get it to 8% ? |
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" Use the life mod thingy to bump all life mods on the ring to high %.. pretty simple :) P.s - can someone explain how to manage the stone golem attack speed thingy? ofc i've read the guide but i dont understand how to know if it's managed well or not in PoB (what do i have to look at?) |
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It’s an implicit modifier so bench crafting life doesn’t help it.
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" He was referring to the Fertile Catalyst. You can apply up to 20 (1% quality per each applied) of them to a rare ring to improve the life and mana value of rings. It is expensive though, so make sure those are rings you plan on keeping. IIRC, 20 Fertile Catalysts are around 200c or so. So if you want 8% life implicit, you need to make sure the ring rolled 7% for it's implicit and if not, blessed orb it a few times to get it there before applying the Fertile Catalysts. I have no clue what happens if you use a blessed orb after it is already at 20% quality. I would think it would still work, but I never like to test out things like that... Also, if you have no other life or mana values on the rings, you can just apply 15 Fertile Catalysts instead, to bring it up to 8%. 7x1.15=8.05, so 15 would be needed. 20 wouldn't improve the implicit beyond 8%, but it would further improve any life or mana affix values slightly with each increase past 15% Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArchAngelGabe777#5481 um 07.09.2020, 15:28:16
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" Please see my post above this one for the answer. |
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" So, mayke sure your POB has all you tree and gear loaded. Select your Stone Golem and then select his "Slam" ability. Now, if you have a source of frenzy charges, check off minion has frenzy charges. If you have feeding frenzy, check that off as well. Now, look at the attack value and divide that into 1. So 1 divided by 2.8 for example results in .3571. Now, take this value and multiply it by 3 if using regular Multistrike, and 4 if you Awaekned MS. Most people will have regular, so it would be.. .3571 x 3 = 1.07 This (1.07) value needs to be HIGHER than the Skill Cooldown Value for the Golem itself (not your character). If it is LOWER, then you will have situations where after the Golem uses slam, the ability will still be on CD, so he is forced to use a basic attack or roll, which will lower DPS, even though POB won't indicate this loss of DPS. So as you replace a eminence for a harmony, for example, you might find the DPS goes down slightly. Ignore this, because if your Golems slam attacks finish before the CD, then POB DPS numbers are meaningless as your golem wont be able to consecutively use that ability. IMO, you are best off giving yourself a little extra leway, in case there is something else that increases their attack speed... Like onslaught for your pets for example, or possibly a shrine? Haven't looked into those. So in that case, I usually error on the side of making sure the CD was about a 10th of a second lower than my calculated length of time to complete the slam. So in the case of 107, I would have likely used 8 harmonies at 44% to result in 1.0 second CD. This way if they gain a little extra attack speed from who knows what, it probably wont eclipse the CD, though it could. You really need to know the maximum attack speed your golems are capable of realistically having, and then making sure the CD is lower than that calculated value. Note, in some cases, that extra 2% attack speed on a jewel, or something may be enough to bring the slam ability below the CD. I know that happened on my character. So the more expensive cluster jewel actually created a slight problem. Though, that could be mitigated any number of ways. Zuletzt bearbeitet von ArchAngelGabe777#5481 um 07.09.2020, 16:02:22
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" This worked. Thank you so much for helping. It flipped over to 8% on the 15 fc, just as you said. Really appreciate the help as well as learning something new. |
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I was just wondering has anyone tried this build using arakali fang with cold iron point on the other hand slot. To summon spiders for fast clear speed and golems for single target damage.
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"2xClayshapers and 1 extra golem from the tree would put you at 4. That's going to be pretty decent, I expect. Also, the jewels have never been *that* expensive, especially if you're not buying good rolls. Harmony and Eminence were both ~10c for entry level, that's 5 chaos recipes each, that's trivial. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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