[3.11] Durimon's 'Valar Morghulis' Pestilent Strike Assassin, 6 ex for all content (5 orb map)
This build will be updated after the league starts.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.11 Poop-Gear Early League Starter Build Series 7 Video Awk.8 T16 rare map with Tabula and Wasps: https://youtu.be/x56m49QzQlU POB : https://pastebin.com/vMjFvLhc Other Early League less than 40c poop-gear starter series video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEhkPDy0N_TxL3nU6sEeH5BDrOQsJp72p --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------3.10 Version-------------- Ok, now I am going to write a real guide. (I am sorry for having been too brief due to lack of time) First of all, I must tell you that I spent 5 days and nights, sleeping only 7 hours total to make this build. The question is why. It is because many newbies in my country stopped playing this great game, POE, saying that the league contents are too difficult to play with low budget. POE started its service in my country less than a year ago (3.7), and most of users are newbies. I could understand why they leave their hideout and quit being an exile. There have been no 'cheap budget' build to clear difficult league contents including 5 delirium orbbed maps and simulascrum. While, there's this broken build called, 5 herald aura build, which is immortal. For a newbie seeing a few making exalts like crazy with the expensive build, streamers doing only 5 herald aura 'bug' builds or one or two builds with high budget, this certainly is a relative-deprivation issue and a reason to stop playing POE. So, I decided to beat the stupid 5 herald aura bug build with all my passion and knowledge I have accumulated for years in POE. I did not want to rely on stupid 'bug' but be fair and square. That is, mechanics that GGG presented this league in order for us to find a key to clear all contents easily. It became a great challenge and I thought: 'If I make a build which can clear all delirium contents easily with extremely low budget, I beat 5 herald bugs" And, I finally did it. I wanted this great game to be played by many people. Presenting this 'Valar Morghulis' true assassin build, I would like those who quit playing due to difficulty and budget to come back. I know by the time I am done with writing this guide, the items used in this build will be more expensive than 6 ex I spent because every time I introduce my new build on Youtube, the price spikes in a second, which I really hate... But, this time, I carefully thought about possible price change after my video and avoided using all the item that would be super expensive. Therefore, for having the same set as mine, it will not cost more than 20 ex, even if the price spikes like crazy. Please give a credit if you apply "durimon defense setting." to another hp based build. I would be more than happy if you do so. POB : https://pastebin.com/3JdNCMF5 POB with Cluster Jewels (Thanks to Ravensfang!): https://pastebin.com/UmrPqBic Video No Death 5 Delirium Orbbed awak lvl 8, T16 rare map (nemesis + jun quest) 12 min.: https://youtu.be/A-RVkcGvE14?t=153 No Death Simulacrum : https://youtu.be/A-RVkcGvE14?t=581 No Death awak 8 Sirus (Facetank until phaze 3 without using flasks + Facetank all except "Die" 4th beam) : https://youtu.be/A-RVkcGvE14?t=646 Face Tanking awak. 8 Conqueror : https://youtu.be/A-RVkcGvE14?t=937 Build Concept
1. Insane defense that lazy fingered newbies facetank almost all monsters, even assassin's surrounded by 100 monsters, except spite in delirium contents (impossible to stand those little shits' damage)
2. Good DPS and Fast mapping = Durimon Style 3. Easy Sirus (most of newbies find new slowing beams extremely difficult) Mechanics
"Durimon Defense Mechanics"
1. almost maxed phy. reduction = 53% in hideout + endurance charge + flask 2. over 90% Chaos resist = max. 85% from Divine Flesh (Glorious Vanity Xibaqua Jewel) + max 6% from new cluster jewels + 5% chaos dmg reduction from Soul of Shakari + 10% reduction from Opportunistic ascendancy skill so on. 3. Elemental dmg taken to chaos dmg taken = 25% from incandescent armour + 50% from Divine Flesh = total 75% converted to chaos while chaos resist is over maxed. 4. Fortify + Solaris pantheon = 20% less dmg + 8% reduced ele. damage taken sometimes. 5. Molten shield and Vaal MS = assassin becomes immortal for about 4~6 seconds while shield's on 6. Blind and Elusive : less chance to be hit 7. Immune to shock/freeze (from belt), chill (boots), poison (pantheon), ignite (flask) DPS 1. Ascendancy + crazy attack speed : dps boost as you poison more = pestilent strike creates wide poison spreading as it kills a monster (more posion) and crazy attack speed from "while leeching" cluster jewel mod gives insane overall attack speed (more poison) Pro
1. Fast mapping and good boss killing speed
2. You cannot die in T16 maps if you don't do "extremely" stupid thing like, you stand middle of DOT ground or things without attacking any or Just stand still without doing anything while monsters hit you. 3. Easy new Sirus - you mostly facetank them without flask / until 6 awaken, you can even facetank phaze 4 sirus' "Die" beam. 4. Just too strong. Sometimes become immortal with 2 rare monsters nearby or vaal molten shield. Con
1. No leech maps / phy reflection maps = NO! Don't!
2. - % player's resistance map mod / % phy as extra ele. damage mod = you are used to facetank everything and suddenly you see you hp gets to wave a bit, which means you need to be a little bit, a little little bit more careful than usual. (Not that serious but just telling you since I cannot find cons in this build...) 3. Not a bug build = It's strong and will make you a lazy player but always remember that you can DIE and this build is not immortal one. For example, you need to know a couple of things to avoid getting killed while doing 5 orbbed maps and simulacrum 20th stage. Importand Things to Remember 1. Intelligence must be higher than strength in order to get immune to shock from belt. This is needed for delirium contents. 2. You swap you boots/helmet for Sirus. Kaom boots does not have any resis, so you get your resistance from any cheap rare helmet with resistance you need + high armour so that your ele/chaos resistance are still kept maxed after swap. 3. Defense mechanics come from maxed ele/chaos resistance. Be sure to have them all maxed. If you are not maxed with both ele and chaos resis., don't go for divine flesh + incandescent yet. Wait until you get your both maxed. It's worst than normal maxed ele + hp if you are not maxed with both of them. Important Note Currently, medium cluster jewel with 'circling oblivion + wasting affliction' does not work as I think. It should increase dps by increasing posion damage for longer duration (from circling oblivion) and then having enemies' hp removed quicker, but it doesn't. So, I am just using one with 'circling oblivion + unwaveringly evil (only due to 30% chaos dmg' mods, and it gives me much smoother mapping than co + wa one. I asked GGG about this on Bug Report. We will see if this is a bug or I simply misunderstood mechanics the two mods have. Also, you can use 5 passive medium cluster jewel instead of 4 passive jewels, which are much cheaper. You will only need 4 passive skill points, same as 4 passive one, to get key nodes on them. Current Gear and Gem Setting
1. Oil Enchant on amulet is a MUST! 2. Topaz Flask is only for Simulacrum and 5 delirium orbbed map (for spite) : replace quick silver 3. Best enchant for helm is 40% increased pestilent strike damage 4. You don't need lv.3 enlighten support. lv. 2 is enough. 5. Do not change gem setting related to molten shield! 6. !important! If large cluster jewels become expensive after this build guide and youtube, don't buy! you can craft them easily: item level over 75 base with the same enchant mods --> you slam alter orb + regal orb 7. For which weapon mods you have to look for, refer to "weapon" section below. 8. Armour is important in this build. Get items with highest armour or evasion (converted to armour due to passive key node) 9. Intelligence must be higher than Strength. Be careful with this. (to get immune to shock from belt) 10. !Important! : for Large cluster jewel, you don't get all nodes on them. The nodes you get from those jewels: 1) feed the fury and 2 jewel sockets only 2) feed the fury and 2 jewel sockets only 3) feed the fury, disease vector, 2 sockets About Weapons
Base : imperial claw is best
Valid mods you have to look for: 1. Attack speed 2. 60% poison damage 100% more 3. 41 to 50% (the higher the better) with poison damage 4. #% increased physical damage / #% chance to blind enemy on hit (crafting bench) --> Just one claw 5. +#% damage (or chaos damage over time multiplier in crafting bench) over time multiplier 6. add # - # chaos damage One example claw that is better than the ones I wore while shooting video: I spent 2 ex for this just to show you...arg... The one I am wearing in this guide are 100c each. If you want to make better and best one, you can awaken orb elder/hunter and pull high % damage with posion (up to more than 124%) or you can fossil elder claw until you get add chaos damage (max over 100) + 60% poison damage 100% more + attack speed + 50% dmg with posion. Please, check dps change with the claw you want before you buy or craft it (craft item in pob and see how much dps boost it gives) Passive
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Be careful with nodes you get on large cluster jewels : you don't need to get all key nodes there. Order: Just follow the nodes including cluster jewels except Glorious Vanity Jewel related nodes. You get those when you are fully geared as my POB. Ascendancy
![]() Order: Noxious -> Toxic -> Mistwalker -> Opportunistic Bandit
Kill All
Solaris (open all) - Shakari (open all)
You must open all in those pantheon given above Leveling Guide
Pestilent Strike is actually good for leveling. All you need to care is to get good weapons for fast act-clearing.
Best Weapons by level requirement: Lvl 1 ~ 26 Lvl 26 ~ 34 Lvl 34 ~ 59 Lvl 59 ~ T12 maps Defense In the beginning, best armour is of course Tabula 6 or any 6 link armour. Even with Tabula, you can clear endgame maps until T10 ~ T12 if you have high dps and proper resistance setting on other gear items. Until you are finished with act 10, you don't really need good defense items except resistance and bleeding immunity. So, keep upgrading your items with high resistance + life + bleeding if you start feel squish. What you have to focus is to get good weapons. Most of monsters will die with one or two scratch with claws, thereby you don't get hit. But, you still need the below: cwdt - steel skin (from act 1) / immortal call (from lvl 34 or vaal molten shield or just molten shield) Actually, I cleared all acts only with tabula + the gem setting above and of course high dps weapons for each lvl. Gem setting by priority Until lvl 18: Pestilent Strike - ancestral call - lesser posion - chance to bleed - unbound ailment - summon phantasm (If starting from the beginning of a new league : Cobra Lash - Onslaught - Lesser Poison - summon phantasm --> until you get pestilent strike at lvl. 28) Until lvl 34, (you get Moltem Morsu at lvl. 34): Pestilent Strike - ancestral call - lesser poison or poison support at lvl 31 - deadly ailments - unbound ailments - fortify Until lvl 59: Pestilent Strike - multistrike - ancestral call - deadly ailments - unbound ailments - fortify From lvl 59 to end: Pestilent Strike - Multistrike - Acncetral call - Deadly ailments - Unbound ailment - fortify When you reach lvl to be equipped with awaken support gems + oil enchant on amulet, change gem setting as final version on POB. Pestilent Strike - Multistrike - Deadly ailments - Awakened Unbound Ailment - Awakened Added Chaos Damage - Fortify Tips
1. If you are lazy newbies, just press all flask keys right before you jump into a bunch of monster
2. In normal mapping (what I mean by normal mapping is non-delirium orbbed map like awak. 8, T16 rare maps), you just scratch monsters once (one-mouse click) and move on to another bunch for fast mapping. One or two scratches is enough for kill all. 3. Use vaal molten shield whenever you are in danger. You will see yourself become immortal for seconds. 4. Until awak lvl 6, you can facetank all in Sirus. Don't get panic and just walk into him and face tank, saying hi. 5. When in Sirus, you must keep pressing withering step for higher dps. In awak. 8 Sirus, the only thing you cannot facetank is "die" beam (you can only facetank 3 od the beams without molten shield. When with molten shield, you can). So, don't use flask until phase 4 like the video above shows. Save it for phase 4 for faster killing and safety. 6. Spite in Delirium maps is the little shit I always say. All you need to care about in 5 orbbed Delirium map is the little shit. If you spot them, don't facetank monsters, keep moving, and get rid of the little shit first. 7. This build is not immortal against DOT. MOVE, when you are in the middle of any. :) 8. vaal ancestral warchief + protector are for bossing. It makes killing much faster. Feel free to drop by and ask me questions if you have any at Twitch Live. You don't need to follow, of course. Durimon Twitch : https://twitch.tv/durimon Durimon Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRtM1TEmxxyOJe968F5xtg Zuletzt bearbeitet von bluewelkin#7586 um 13.06.2020, 11:32:02 Zuletzt angestoßen am 14.09.2020, 07:49:31
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Seems a clever use of cluster jewels.
PoB does not show the full clusters, but I've seen the jewels you use. I'm the author of the Nightblade Assassin build, and I'm struggling in Delirium (can't complete the Simulacrum atm) and I'm not satisfied with my current cluster setup, as it does not give me truly good bonuses over the normal tree. I'll probably draw inspiration from your build. I'll try to do a PoB with 3 large dagger clusters + some good medium and small ones. Rahsaan's Workshop, a post to showcase a dozen of my home-made builds : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3432443 Zuletzt bearbeitet von rahsaan#5526 um 06.04.2020, 13:16:07
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Hi Durimon,
Love your builds since BL miner But unfortunately i do not speak korean. Could write a more in depth guide in english? And could u link the POB fork the normal one doesnt show cluster jewels Greeat build as usual |
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" I just did it. :) Took me long time to write them all. Thanks! |
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" Good to see a builder here. Thanks. Also, if you 'study' more, these cluster jewels make what was impossible possible. I get tons of ideas from them, but unfortunately, I don't have enough time to make the builds and mechanics I have in my mind... (I work and POE is just my hobby.) |
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best build ever love it !
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Weeedow#3999 um 06.04.2020, 18:14:57
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" thanks! |
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Love your builds played last league with ball miner with few ex budged, cleared all content with 40/40 challenge. Thanks again for great ⚒.
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" Thanks. I am glad that you like my build. |
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2. over 90% Chaos resist = max. 85% from Divine Flesh (Glorious Vanity Xibaqua Jewel) + max 6% from new cluster jewels + 5% chaos dmg reduction from Soul of Shakari + 10% reduction from Opportunistic ascendancy skill so on.
so i have 90 chaos rez ! i have divine flesh " my divine flesh grants only 10% chaos rezistence " got soul of dinari i dont have oppurtunistic yet ! i got incadescent heart and everything is the same as yours in the build im lvl 72 right now but most of the time i get 1 shoot :( dunno what im doing wrong :( on delirium every single mob kills me :( Zuletzt bearbeitet von Weeedow#3999 um 07.04.2020, 03:05:08
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