[3.11] Soulrend/Bane Trickster - over 1.3mil Shaper dps!
Hey guys,
I've been playing this character since the Synthesis league and I'm still having a ton of fun adapting him to the current new mechanics. I've never made a build guide for him though, so I thought I would change that. Intro: This build has everything I want from a PoE build: Decent clear, very high survivability, fun and fast playstyle and can run all content. It's also a damage over time build, which I've always liked. There is something very satisfying about seeing an enemy's life wither away. I have also always loved layering different kinds of defences, of which we have quite a few in this build. Does this sound like something you are interested in? Then allow me to show you what I'm talking about... ![]() Index: 1. Update log 2. Pros & Cons 3. Stats 4. Gear 5. Skills, gems & links 6. Skill Tree 7. Leveling 8. Ascendancy 9. Pantheon 10. Bandits 11. Videos 12. Tips & Tricks 1. Update log:
18/06/2020 3.11 update! The build remains relatively unchanged, except that we won't be able to use the Timeless jewel anymore. GGG is adding the keystone we got from this directly onto the tree, but in a place too far to reach for the build. Slight nerf in the "Corruption"-node. 08/04/2020 Added "Cannot Be Frozen"-boots, adjusted my flask setup accordingly 03/04/2020 -Expanded on the Leveling section with a more detailed leveling experience. -Added a jewel with "Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you" -Changed Pantheon to "Soul of Shakari" for Poison immunity 02/04/2020 -Updated some of the descriptions in the gearing section and the skill section. 01/04/2020: -Forgot to add bandit choices, fixed now! 30/03/2020: -Decided to add a Timeless jewel (Brutal Restraint with the Deshret influence) to the build. Should help in case of potential one-shots. 29/03/2020: -Updated leveling section. -Added example budget gear. 2. Pros & Cons:
Pro: *Very good clear speed *High effective life pool *Tanky *Can run all map mods *Easy league starter *Cheap to start... Con: *...but expensive to perfect *Vulnerable to one-shot since our main defence comes from avoiding dmg, but once it hits... *Chaos damage seems to have its limits when it comes to scaling for high end bosses. It does not scale as wel as some other forms of damage. 3. Stats:
![]() Defence:
![]() ![]() We sport the following layers of defence: -6K life -2.5K ES for MoM -8k Evasion unbuffed -20k Evasion buffed -52% Spell Dodge unbuffed -75% Spell Dodge buffed -Ele weakness capped -Chaos res capped -Immortal Call -Fortify -Arctic Armour -Enemies get slowed a ton (Temp Chains, Hindered, Aspect of the Spider, chill from Arctic Armour) -Nearby enemies are Blinded are less accurate. -Immune to Freezing, Corrupted Blood, Poison and Silence. Offence:
![]() ![]() For Offence I have the mighty Soulrend, which deals over 1 million Shaper DPS! This takes into account all the debuffs that we do to the enemy (Despair curse, Hindered, Unnerved, Withered, Void Gaze, Spider webs ...) as well as most buffs (aura's, Arcane Surge, ...) on ourselves (The ones that we can keep up quite easily). Flasks are not yet included in this damage as they are quite momentarily. ![]() ![]() On top of that we get Bane which also deals a respectable 300K Shaper DPS. Same buffs and debuffs apply as with Soulrend. Bane also gives us the great advantage that it curses our enemy reliably and we don't need some proc from other sources. This skill is more then enough do deal damage on its own, as well as killing rare monsters with ease. For bossing we do want to use Soulrend too though. 4. Gear:
There are no real requirements to start with this build but its nice to have some of the pieces I use in this build. My own gear:
More in-depth:
I use this one for the "Level 10 Void Gaze" effect it gives, which reduces enemy chaos resist by 20%. This gives us a very nice damage buff. I also managed to get "+2 to socketed Curse gems" on it. I have put my Bane setup in here, so Bane, Temporal Chains and Despair get buffed from this. Body Armour:
This one has quite a bit of benefits: It gives us a nice defensive bonus, because of the decent life and evasion on it, but primarely it gives us "Phase Acrobatics" (spell dodge) without us having to invest the skill points in it. It also allows us to run Arctic Armour without it having mana reservation. I managed to find one with "+1 to level of socketed gems" and because I have my main skill "Soulrend" in it, as well as "Empower", both of them gain levels and as such, I gain a nice damage boost. Gloves:
Since we use "Eldridge Battery" in the build it's very hard to get the "Arcane Surge" buff. The gem itself would only work if we spend mana, which we don't, because we use Energy Shield to cast all our skills. These gloves give the advantage of gaining the Arcane Surge buff every time we hit out enemy with Soulrend, so this is up all of the time. It also gives us a nice but of life and cast speed. Boots:
Anything goes here, but I use my pair for the added life, movement speed and resistances. The added spell dodge is nice too, but not required. This is a legacy roll, but a new roll would be more then fine too. I also crafted "Cannot Be Frozen" on this, so this removes a mod I would otherwise have to get from flasks. Weapon:
I self-crafted this wand. I used alteration orbs until I got the "+1 to level of all spell skill gems" on it, regal orb it and then used Orbs of Annulment, hoping it would remove the mod I didn't need, which it did. Then I multicrafted it. The most important craft is the "Chaos damage over time multiplier" because it gives the highest damage boost. These days you can only put 3 crafted rolls on an item (instead of the 4 I have here). So either alt-regal until you get 2 mods you really want (preferably the "+ level of gems" and "chaos over time multiplier"), or use the same method as I did, but don't craft the "% increased chaos damage" on it (since it gives us the least benefit of all these mods). You can always yolo-exalt, hoping for a good mod. Shield:
Just very high life, resists and ES. This one has legacy rolls on it, but the build would still work without it. Just consider that you will end up with maybe 12% less elemental resists and about 500 less ES. Amulet:
I have put "Aspect of the Spider" on here, which gives both a very nice offensive and defensive buff to the build. The rest is life, resists and spell damage. The anointment I put on it is "Soul of Steel". This gives +1 to all maximum elemental resistances which results in another nice defensive boost for the build. Rings:
These are a great source of attributes, since my gear needs quite a bit of Dexterity (for the body armour). I went with Unset rings because I wanted to use quite a lot of skill gems. We also already lost a gem socket in the gloves (which has a jewel socket). I had free prefixes so I crafted the global Damage modifier on it. Belt:
Gives me a lot of life, resists and some Strength. The jewel I put in it has a chance to give Onslaught on kill, which, in general clearing, is active quite a lot of the time. Flasks:
Panic button: instant full life on use. The chaos degen it gives is no problem, as are chaos resistance is capped out. The only time this might become an "issue" is in no regen maps, but even then, with all the resistance we have, it would maybe degen us for 400 life. Notice that I did not put quality on this, exactly to have the chaos degen effect on us as little time as possible. This flask also gives a nice bit of extra dodge and "Phasing" (allows us to run through mobs, might come in handy in tight spots). For extra defence. Also gives extra evasion from the unique mod we get on the body armour. A non-legacy version would also be fine here. Curse removal and extra dodge. Extra damage and some defensive properties too (life regen). Life gain and Bleed removal. Jewels:
Gives life, damage and resists. Same as above, but we managed to get 2 very good corruptions on here: *Cannot be cursed with Silence: some mobs cast this in maps and it would prevent us from casting our spells for 3 seconds. *Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you: this is a damage over time that does physical damage which also stacks. You would normally need to flask with Bleed removal to get rid of this, so this saves us from needing to do that. Can be very helpfull against bosses like Sirus. You still need a flask with Bleed removal for normal Bleeds though. Life, resists and onslaught. We benefit from the "Chaos damage over time multiplier" because we are using Malevolence in this build. 3.10 introduced Cluster Jewels in the game. They seems to provide some very nice quality of life advantages. For now, I use 2 of them in the build (1 Large and 1 Medium). The main thing these give me is more damage, skill effect duration, hinder, which in turn will make the enemies take more damage and culling strike (when an enemy gets down to 10% life and it gets hit by one of your attacks, it instantly dies) which helps A LOT in boss battles. If you cannot find/decide to not use cluster jewels, I would recommend going from the "Mind over Matter"-node to the right, into the Witch area, picking up "Arcanist Dominion" and the 3 life nodes next to it ("Heart and Soul"). UPDATE! Can't use this jewel anymore. The node we got from this is being added directly on the tree, but too far for us to reach. Replace with a rare jewel with life/res/Dmg Added this jewel because when its circle covers a Keystone, it transforms it to "Wind Dancer". This will make it so that we take 20% less damage when we haven't been hit recently (while also reducing our Evasion somewhat) but also that we have more Evasion when we do take damage. The primary reason for using this is to avoid one-shots. Other good/budget options:
Magna Eclipsis - Combined with Cerberus Limb it gives us very high extra ES and the Elemental Aegis adds a nice bit of defence to elemental dmg. Cerberus Limb - Was what I was using during leveling. Gives a nice bit of damage and adds some defence when combined with a good shield (like Magna Eclipsis). Atziri's Step - High evasion, decent life, nice movement speed and spell dodge! Cloak Of Defiance - Would give MoM without having to travel all to way to it. Would be a more budget, albeit somewhat less tanky option. Cane of Unraveling - Gives +2 levels to all chaos gems (also those no socketed in the staff. This combined with Doedre's Scorn would already be a 4 lvl boost for Bane! Doedre's Scorn - Would give +2 levels to the Bane setup => nice dmg boost! Example budget set:
5. Skills, gems & links:
Short version:
Body Armour: Soulrend - Efficacy - (Awakened) Controlled Destruction - (Awakened) Greater Multiple Projectiles - (Awakened) Swift Affliction - Empower Helmet: Bane - Efficacy - Despair - Temporal Chains Shield: Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify Boots: Enlighten - Malevolence - Flesh and Stone - Dread Banner Gloves: Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Withering Step Weapon: Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totem Rings: Arctic Armour Flame Dash Other: Aspect of the Spider Void Gaze Decree of Reflection More in-depth:
Body Armour: Soulrend
Soulrend - Efficacy - (Awakened) Controlled Destruction - (Awakened) Greater Multiple Projectiles - (Awakened) Swift Affliction - Empower I have put the links in order of importance. Awakened gems aren't required for the build, but it's a nice bit of min-maxing. If you don't have a level 3 Empower or higher, use (Awakened) Void Manipulation instead. This will give more damage then. The higher level you can bring Soulrend, the more damage it will do. In this setup I have it at level 27 (level 21 gem, Empower level 4, +1 level of gems from the corruption on the body armour, +1 to level of all spell skill gems from the weapon). Helmet: Bane
Bane - Efficacy - Despair - Temporal Chains This will be your bread-and-butter for early game. This does nice damage all the way up to maps. Same thing counts here as with Soulrend: The higher you can get the level of Bane of, the more damage it will do. In this setup, it is level 24 (level 21 gem, +2 from the corruption on the helmet, +1 from the weapon). Shield: Shield Charge
Shield Charge - Faster Attacks - Fortify For fast zoom-zoom. This also adds a bit of defence through damage mitigation from the Fortify buff. Boots: Aura's
Enlighten - Malevolence - Flesh and Stone - Dread Banner The aura setup. Provides a balance of damage increase and extra defence. A level 4 Enlighten is required here if you want to reserve the same aura's as me without the need of picking up mana reservation nodes on the tree. A solution is either anoint one of the mana reserve nodes (but might be expensive), travel to the nearest reservation node (2 points, you only need 4%) or alternatively you can drop Dread Banner until you can afford the level 4. Gloves: Cast when Damage Taken-setup
Cast When Damage Taken - Immortal Call - Withering Step Automated Wither stacks (for extra damage) and defence against spike damage (like the Porcupine mobs). I have chosen for a level 9 Cast When Damage Taken because this allows me to use higher level versions of the spells I linked to it (Immortal Call will mitigate 30% of elemental and physical damage and Withering Step will cast 6 stacks of Wither instead of 5). The extra damage needed for Cast When Damage Taken to activate (1221 in this case) isn't a problem as our total life pool allows for this, and higher level maps will trigger this very quickly. This seems to be the sweet spot for my personal taste, but feel free to experiment with this. A lot of people prefer lower levels for their Cast When Damage Taken-setup, as it will trigger slightly quicker, but this means you will also have lesser effects of the triggered spells. Weapon: Wither totem
Wither - Spell Totem - Multiple Totem Used during bossing. Wither stacks will increase the damage the boss take by A LOT! Rings: Utility
Arctic Armour Extra defence. Doesn't actually reserve any mana because of the body armour we use. Flame Dash For getting over obstacles and gaps. Other: Skills that aren't gems but we get from gear
Aspect of the Spider
This we get from the amulet. It can be crafted on any item if you have a free suffix on it through Bestiary crafting. This skill reserver 25% of your mana (so kind of functions like an aura). This provides us with both nice offensive and defensive benefits. Offensive because the skills puts spider webs on enemies and per spider web they take 5% increased damage (up to a total of 3 webs). And defensive because those same spider webs apply "Hinder", which reduce enemy movement speed. Void Gaze We get this from the helmet we use. It casts automatically if we use a skill and has the benefit of reducing enemy chaos resistance by 20%, which ofcourse serves as a big damage boost to the build. Because it technically is also a skill, it benefits from the Efficacy gem we have put in the helmet, so it gets the increased duration from that. Decree of Reflection This is an enchantment on our gloves. It triggers when you are hit and summons a clone of yourself on the battlefield. The damage it does is really shit, but it serves to pull aggro away from ourselves. 6. Skill Tree:
Skill tree on PoE-website: PoB: 3.11: https://pastebin.com/vU7GGaLw Old 3.10:
![]() 7. Leveling:
Start by leveling with Blight. The first support gem you will get is Arcane Surge. You'll then receive Void Manipulation as a quest reward. Use it (either as your third link, or instead of Arcane Surge, as it will increase your damage by a lot). Around this time you'll also get acces to a Clarity gem. This will help you solve the early mana problems you might have. You don't need to level this gem too high, as it will be obsolete further in the leveling anyway. Around level 5 should me more then enough. Also try to add Wither and Spell Totem to the build, as this will help you with bossing. Another gem you'll want to pick up is either Dash or Flame Dash. This will help you move around faster. Pick up a Quicksilver flask from the quest rewards as well for faster movement. When you get to around level 24, you'll get acces to the Malevolence aura. Use it, as it will increase your damage quite substantially. If you feel that you are lacking in defence a bit, Flesh and Stone might be a good mana reservation buff to pick up. It only reserves 25% of your mana, and makes it so that enemies have a harder time hitting you. Switch to Bane as soon as you hit level 28 (and you get access to the gem). A 4L Bane will clear all the way up to maps. You'll get acces to the gems you want to link to it around the same time: Efficacy (at level 31) and Despair. You can use Void Manipulation as your 4th link until you pick up "Whispers of Doom" (which will allow you to use a second curse), at which point you'll switch out Void Manipulation for Temporal Chains. Don't forget to pick up a Soulrend gem, as well as some support gems for it (Efficacy, Swift Affliction and Greater Multiple Projectiles would be a good start) at this time too, so that you can already level it. You might not yet need them yet, but it doesn't hurt to level them already. If you have a 4L available already for this, use it. It will help you kill Act bosses that much faster. This setup will carry you all the way up to maps. For early maps a 4 or 5L Soulrend will be enough, but if you want to proceed to higher tier maps, you're going to want to get a 6L. If, during leveling, you manage to find a Doedre's Scorn, even early mapping should me very good with just a 4L Bane. As for the rest of the gear pieces, I would only recommend to get as much life and resistances as possible during the leveling process, as this will make your experience considerably easier. Add the rest of the gems and gear as shown in the "Gear"- and "Skills, gems & links"-sections whenever it is possible for you. You already have the most important stuff up and running. The rest won't alter the build dramatically but will just add some nice quality of life and will just help to increase the damage further. For skill tree progression, I recommend the following: ~Level 30 skill tree:
![]() The first node we want to pick up is "Atrophy", which will give us a large damage boost. We pick up all the large life and damage nodes on the way ~Level 60 skill tree:
![]() Next we run towards "Whispers of Doom" so that we have our second curse and in the meantime our gear should be good enough to run "Eldridge Battery" and "Mind over Matter". This will enhance our survivability and allows us to reserve most of our mana for aura's. Again, we pick up all the nearby large life nodes. ~Level 80 skill tree:
![]() By this point we should have the cluster jewels in place which in turn will provide us with some QoL features (for example "Culling", depending on the jewels you can get). We also go down the Shadow area to pick up the Chaos DoT nodes and a jewel socket. ~Level 90 skill tree:
![]() We pick up all the remaining jewel nodes, as well as fill out life and ES on the tree. "Arcane Swiftness" by this point should give us both some damage and a bit of extra defence. My current level 98 tree:
![]() The rest of the points will be use to head into the Templar area to get more life, as well as fill out the remaining life nodes near us. 8. Ascendancy:
![]() We go for the Trickster Ascendancy. This provides both a nice boost in damage and some nice defensive stats. "Patient Reaper" is the first node we pick up because gives us nice life and energy shield sustain. After that go for "Prolonged Pain". This will increase our damage a lot. "Ghost Dance" and "Escape Artist" are the next and final points we choose, giving us more evasion, Stun Immunity and Damage reduction. 9. Pantheon:
![]() I went with "Soul Of Lunaris", which gives us extra damage avoidance and "Soul Of Shakari", which gives us immunity to Poison. 10. Bandits:
Kill all! 11. Videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z47RSvSBAFE 3.10 Sirus Awakenened 5 - My first ever Sirus run! https://youtu.be/BumfJonthCM 3.10 T16 Carcass https://youtu.be/dgFKc6Zcdf8 3.10 T15 Lava Lake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyzRAED8aN0 3.10 T16 Underground River https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc8E4t44E2E 3.10 T15 Caldera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aH_AS3jEzo&t=43s 3.10 Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFoiUFGBIKY&t=152s 3.9 Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NYspVkzQOfU&t=31s 3.7 Shaper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_BDFl5Po0M 3.6 Uber Atziri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXZdH5pr-nQ 3.6 Shaper 12. Tips & Tricks:
For general map clear just swoop around with Shield Charge and attack with Soulrend. For bossing, put down your Wither Totems, curse the boss once with Bane and then spam Soulrend. The curses last for more then 15 sec, which is more then enough to bring down most bosses. Closing notes: I hope you guys like the build guide. I haven't made many in the past but I decided it was time to make one for this beast. If you have any questions/remarks, be sure to leave them in the comment section below and I'll be happy to answer them. Greets! Zuletzt bearbeitet von Claeysken#3702 um 18.06.2020, 03:13:50 Zuletzt angestoßen am 22.01.2021, 20:43:04
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Look very dope mate !
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What is your bandit choise?
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" Sorry about that, Yes it's kill all! |
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Write about lvl of your CWDT setup gems. As a novice i dont know about CWDT system)
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" Hi! Ok, done! I added it to the guide. " |
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Thanks! Very nice guide and very fast asking for questions! Keep doing guides like that:D
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" No problem! Thanks for your comment! |
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I must use only cluster jewels like yours or its suffixes can be other? I dont know how to find jewels ideally like yours)
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