[3.15] Essence Drain 6.6 Mil DoT DPS | Very Beginner Friendly

Havoc209 schrieb:
Seesee215 schrieb:
Isnt CI that 1HP thing? Isnt this a lowlife build?
And currently my energy shield is 3k with 1k HP. I dont think i can survive with any lower..
I think ill just go for vaal blight and empower 3(didnt realise empower 3 was so cheap)
Yes, correct. Chaos Inoculation.
The problem with low life right now is you need so much currency for it so it's not really viable to do until you have a few required items. Shav's cost ~2 Ex and Presence of Chayula is about 80c when I bought it.
You should look for a 6-Link Short Bow, and try to Alteration Spam until you get +1 level of Socketed gems, then get someone to craft you 36-40% Chaos Damage Over Time Multiplier on the bow. Make sure you put your Essence Drain setup into this bow because this will increase your damage a lot.
Find a cheap high Energy Shield body armor you can craft Energy Shield onto it.. and try to get it to a 4 or 5 link if possible.
After getting this and a few more upgrades of Energy Shield (which you will need for Low-Life anyways) you can spec into CI and spec out of Mind over Matter and Eldritch Battery.

I already farmed a shavronne's but im having trouble 6 linking it.
I think im too deep into energy shield so ill just keep farming currency at low map tiers for the pendant too! Thanks for the advice!
Hi Havoc209,

Thanks for the great guide, I'm a noob in PoE, and I'm just wondering if im following ur guide correctly when it comes to item/gem setup. I know my flasks are not completed yet.
Seesee215 schrieb:
I already farmed a shavronne's but im having trouble 6 linking it.
I think im too deep into energy shield so ill just keep farming currency at low map tiers for the pendant too! Thanks for the advice!
You actually do NOT need the Shavronne's 6 linked. You only need it to be a 6 Socket, with 5 links!
Not a problem!
ShinobiToor schrieb:
Hi Havoc209,

Thanks for the great guide, I'm a noob in PoE, and I'm just wondering if im following ur guide correctly when it comes to item/gem setup. I know my flasks are not completed yet.
Hello and thank you!
Yes your gems look correct!
However let me tell you, you should not be using Blood Magic until you get the items required to switch 100% over to low life.
Other than I would replace Arcane Surge for Intensify for now until you have a 5 Link. (Bigger Area of Effect so Contagion spreads more)
You can replace the jewel Spreading Rot, as when you have Wither Totems, you do not need that jewel anymore.
Why you dont take Arcane Vision ? with low life i have 0 range vision without this point and i dont see nothing .
Hi bro,

Again, thanks for the build i really enjoy it after 92 level, and i feel it can still be upgraded.

I am having a hard time chosing between staying CI, or switching over to LL +Shav + Chayula.

My objective is to farm highest tiers of map, and bosses like siruis (I didnt do last few leagues so he s new to me).

Regarding my objective, my stuff below, maybe my skills tree, what would be your opinion ?

For exemple, I m wondering if I should spend some ex into getting tranquility on the amu, but if i have to switch over to LL, then chayula, etc... I feel it d be a waste.

fyi, im not running zealotery as I dont have enough mana, neither clarity as i dont feel the need of it. Only sad for zealotery :/

Thank you for your reply,

Zuletzt bearbeitet von AkNz#3797 um 27.03.2020, 15:50:59
doom433 schrieb:
Why you dont take Arcane Vision ? with low life i have 0 range vision without this point and i dont see nothing .
It's preference honestly. You don't really need it, in my opinion. I did take it when I first played this build, but I can see everything perfectly fine.. it's kind of just annoying in dark maps.. but I deal with it because the skill point is too hard to pass up.
AkNz schrieb:
Hi bro,
Again, thanks for the build i really enjoy it after 92 level, and i feel it can still be upgraded.
I am having a hard time chosing between staying CI, or switching over to LL +Shav + Chayula.
My objective is to farm highest tiers of map, and bosses like siruis (I didnt do last few leagues so he s new to me).
Regarding my objective, my stuff below, maybe my skills tree, what would be your opinion ?

For exemple, I m wondering if I should spend some ex into getting tranquility on the amu, but if i have to switch over to LL, then chayula, etc... I feel it d be a waste.
fyi, im not running zealotery as I dont have enough mana, neither clarity as i dont feel the need of it. Only sad for zealotery :/
Thank you for your reply,
Hello and thank you! I am very glad you like it.
So first, I would use Escape Artist instead of Swift Killer (Ascendancy talent.) I actually updated the Guide. Delirium is very strong, and requires us to run around way too much for us to cast Blight all the time to keep the Frenzy charges up.
Change your tree up a little bit, remove the starting nodes and go down for the 2 Dexterity nodes. Also remove "Arcane Expanse" for now.
Use these talents for "Influence" and the other Reduced Mana Reservation node by Leadership. Also work on the jewel socket.. Something like this:

I would HIGHLY recommend switching over to low life as soon as possible for higher DPS.
First you need a Shavronnels Wrappings, you need it 6 Socketed, 5-linked.
Then buy a Presence of Chayula.
Try to see if you can cap your Chaos Resistance as well.. this may be difficult.
Change your gems to a Vaal Blight instead of just regular Blight. This will help a LOT for bosses.
Get a Corrupted Bated Breath (this will help slightly with dps.)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Havoc209#1089 um 28.03.2020, 01:13:11
what do you think is the most important items to look for in terms of your current items in order from most important to least important once we acquire the currency needed. Also thanks for your suggestions earlier.
@Havoc209 Is it worth to or have u looked into removing the points from left side of the tree (minion damage conversion) into some cluster gems?

Edit: Pog i just got Inspired Learnings, now wondering if it is worth something for ED or just sell it?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Stuca#0954 um 28.03.2020, 19:05:39
I came here thinking this is a good guide, but it turned out its one of the worst. It is missing so many information, like for example empower gem ? it only says get it you will use it later, like really ? after that its never mentioned again. like with many other gems. I cant even get past act 5 because i get 1 shotted. you wasted alot of my time with this, and well now im done with the game, because there is no from 1 to 10 guides that specify everything. and for a new player like me that is needed, i dont understand this game. this guide is not VERY BEGGINER its for someone that has knowledge of the game already and the system.
LuxyShadow schrieb:
I came here thinking this is a good guide, but it turned out its one of the worst. It is missing so many information, like for example empower gem ? it only says get it you will use it later, like really ? after that its never mentioned again. like with many other gems. I cant even get past act 5 because i get 1 shotted. you wasted alot of my time with this, and well now im done with the game, because there is no from 1 to 10 guides that specify everything. and for a new player like me that is needed, i dont understand this game. this guide is not VERY BEGGINER its for someone that has knowledge of the game already and the system.
You drunk bud :D chill
clearly it's you not the guide

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