[3.10] Elemental Hit Wandslinger Assassin - Very tanky, fast and fun wander
Hello guys and Cøpe,
Newbie here! I started with the topic starter guide but evantually i'm following Cøpe skill tree. Cøpe, can you please tell me which pantheon do you use? Also im 59 level atm, what leveling gear do you recommend? Should i wait till 70 to get some gear? Thank you! |
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" Damn those boots are sexy. Still looking for a new pair myself but saving for a farrul's fur I think. Also we can definitely run Hypothermia, its still one of the best gems (I just don't run it at the moment bc 5 link). |
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" Hey dude, so I'm lazy with pantheons and typically just run lunaris and shakari for the immune to poison and damage reduction/movespeed through packs. I probably should run solaris for bossing but I'll need a few more deaths before that happens. For leveling gear I think I used a storm prison and a lifesprig until I could afford a piscator's (so basically into maps I believe). As always, a tabula rasa for your 6 link, can dual wield lifesprigs probably for cheap and its a great little wand until you can equip a piscator's. Helm goldrim or whatever you can find, gloves really dont need anything special, and boots wanderlust are a great pair. The rest you can fill in as you'd like. Right after you finish A10 you really want to start focusing on maxing your resists out. Damage won't be an issue that early since you'll be doing low tier maps with limited mods until you can farm up some gear. Feel free to whisper me in game if you have any questions about the build. Had a few people contact me and I'm more than happy to take a break from mapping to answer some Qs |
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Would you mind sharing your PoB link with 6M Damage ? I just did the tri-element to fire switch, and damage improved by a lot but I'm still within the 1M DPS range on my PoB. Not sure if that's a PoB Setup issue or only min/maxing effect. Would like to check your setup and decide on the most efficient upgrades to look for :) Thanks ! |
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" same question here :D And do you guys thinks this worth 7 point with Intuitive Leap?
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" Would you mind re-uploading your PoB? It got deleted... Thanks! |
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" Thank you so much for your time and information bro, you are awesome. Much appreciated! |
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will you update the missing sections? i would love to try this but not sure if i go ur poison build instead due to more completed guide (i need that as semi noob)
what do u think as a comparison of ur 2 builds? |
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ok so i got a watchers eye with increased mana recovery rate while affected by clarity (and also 12% as while affected by precision) its a nice way to better sustain Indigon
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Sorry guys just checked the thread.
Here is my current PoB: https://pastebin.com/Cw68gCcX Note that you have to consider amount of projectiles (4 without Dying Sun, 6 with) for overall dps. I don't know how to edit PoB properly to reflect that damage. What a pretty endgame version would look like for the dreamers: https://pastebin.com/fWVLNP4a Note that there are a ton of options we can go for gearing so don't feel like you have to follow what I've put here. We can run elder/shaper gloves for extra links, incursion gloves for the damage to chilled enemies, there's a ton of options out there so play around with PoB if you find an idea you like and let me know. Also I'll try to record some stuff for today to add more videos Zuletzt bearbeitet von Cøpe#0803 um 19.03.2020, 15:31:33
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